2. Franciscus López-Gasco Fernández-Largo, presbyter. Natus est die IV
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deque futuris usibus concretis, qui oriri forsan possunt in therapeutica arte,
generale quod prohibet quin therapeuticus interventus fiat antequam certo
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Lord for the well-being and unity of the followers of Christ throughout the
I give thanks to God that he has enabled us to deepen the bonds of
mutual love between us, supported by prayer and ever more regular fraternal
contact. In the course of the year that is now drawing to a close, we have
been blessed three times by the presence of Your Holiness in Rome: on the
occasion of your magisterial address at the Pontifical Oriental Institute,
which is honoured to number you among its alumni; at the opening of the
Pauline Year on the feast of Rome's patron saints, Peter and Paul; and at the
Twelfth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops of the Catholic
Church, held in October on the Word of God in the Life and Mission of the
Church, when you delivered a most thoughtful address.
As a sign of our growing communion and spiritual closeness, the Catholic
Church for her part was represented at the celebrations of the Pauline Year
overseen by Your Holiness, including a symposium and a pilgrimage to the
Pauline sites in Asia Minor. These experiences of encounter and shared prayer
contribute to an increase in our commitment to attain the goal of our ecu-
menical journey.
In this same spirit, Your Holiness has informed me of the positive out-
come of the Synaxis of the Primates and Representatives of the Orthodox
Churches, which took place recently at the Phanar. The hopeful signs which
emerged for inter-Orthodox relations and ecumenical engagement have been
welcomed with joy. I believe and pray that these developments will have a
constructive impact on the official theological dialogue between the Ortho-
dox Churches and the Catholic Church, and will lead to a resolution of the
difficulties experienced in the last two sessions. As Your Holiness remarked
during your address to the Synod of Bishops of the Catholic Church, the
Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between Catholics
and Orthodox is now addressing a crucial issue which, once resolved, would
draw us closer to full communion.
On this feast of Saint Andrew, we reflect with joy and thanksgiving that
the relations between us are entering progressively deeper levels as we renew
our commitment to the path of prayer and dialogue. We trust that our
common journey will hasten the arrival of that blessed day when we will
praise God together in a shared celebration of the Eucharist. The inner life of