Dialogue of Justin, Philosopher and Martyr, with Trypho, a Jew

 Chapter I.—Introduction.

 Chapter II.—Justin describes his studies in philosophy.

 Chapter III.—Justin narrates the manner of his conversion.

 Chapter IV.—The soul of itself cannot see God.

 Chapter V.—The soul is not in its own nature immortal.

 Chapter VI.—These things were unknown to Plato and other philosophers.

 Chapter VII.—The knowledge of truth to be sought from the prophets alone.

 Chapter VIII.—Justin by his colloquy is kindled with love to Christ.

 Chapter IX.—The Christians have not believed groundless stories.

 Chapter X.—Trypho blames the Christians for this alone—the non-observance of the law.

 Chapter XI.—The law abrogated the New Testament promised and given by God.

 Chapter XII.—The Jews violate the eternal law, and interpret ill that of Moses.

 Chapter XIII.—Isaiah teaches that sins are forgiven through Christ’s blood.

 Chapter XIV.—Righteousness is not placed in Jewish rites, but in the conversion of the heart given in baptism by Christ.

 Chapter XV.—In what the true fasting consists.

 Chapter XVI.—Circumcision given as a sign, that the Jews might be driven away for their evil deeds done to Christ and the Christians.

 Chapter XVII.—The Jews sent persons through the whole earth to spread calumnies on Christians.

 Chapter XVIII.—Christians would observe the law, if they did not know why it was instituted.

 Chapter XIX.—Circumcision unknown before Abraham. The law was given by Moses on account of the hardness of their hearts.

 Chapter XX.—Why choice of meats was prescribed.

 Chapter XXI.—Sabbaths were instituted on account of the people’s sins, and not for a work of righteousness.

 Chapter XXII.—So also were sacrifices and oblations.

 Chapter XXIII.—The opinion of the Jews regarding the law does an injury to God.

 Chapter XXIV.—The Christians’ circumcision far more excellent.

 Chapter XXV.—The Jews boast in vain that they are sons of Abraham.

 Chapter XXVI.—No salvation to the Jews except through Christ.

 Chapter XXVII.—Why God taught the same things by the prophets as by Moses.

 Chapter XXVIII.—True righteousness is obtained by Christ.

 Chapter XXIX.—Christ is useless to those who observe the law.

 Chapter XXX.—Christians possess the true righteousness.

 Chapter XXXI.—If Christ’s power be now so great, how much greater at the second advent!

 Chapter XXXII.—Trypho objecting that Christ is described as glorious by Daniel, Justin distinguishes two advents.

 Chapter XXXIII.—Ps. cx. is not spoken of Hezekiah. He proves that Christ was first humble, then shall be glorious.

 Chapter XXXIV.—Nor does Ps. lxxii. apply to Solomon, whose faults Christians shudder at.

 Chapter XXXV.—Heretics confirm the Catholics in the faith.

 Chapter XXXVI.—He proves that Christ is called Lord of Hosts.

 Chapter XXXVII.—The same is proved from other Psalms.

 Chapter XXXVIII.—It is an annoyance to the Jew that Christ is said to be adored. Justin confirms it, however, from Ps. xlv.

 Chapter XXXIX.—The Jews hate the Christians who believe this. How great the distinction is between both!

 Chapter XL.—He returns to the Mosaic laws, and proves that they were figures of the things which pertain to Christ.

 Chapter XLI.—The oblation of fine flour was a figure of the Eucharist.

 Chapter XLII.—The bells on the priest’s robe were a figure of the apostles.

 Chapter XLIII.—He concludes that the law had an end in Christ, who was born of the Virgin.

 Chapter XLIV.—The Jews in vain promise themselves salvation, which cannot be obtained except through Christ.

 Chapter XLV.—Those who were righteous before and under the law shall be saved by Christ.

 Chapter XLVI.—Trypho asks whether a man who keeps the law even now will be saved. Justin proves that it contributes nothing to righteousness.

 Chapter XLVII.—Justin communicates with Christians who observe the law. Not a few Catholics do otherwise.

 Chapter XLVIII.—Before the divinity of Christ is proved, he [Trypho] demands that it be settled that He is Christ.

 Chapter XLIX.—To those who object that Elijah has not yet come, he replies that he is the precursor of the first advent.

 Chapter L.—It is proved from Isaiah that John is the precursor of Christ.

 Chapter LI.—It is proved that this prophecy has been fulfilled.

 Chapter LII.—Jacob predicted two advents of Christ.

 Chapter LIII.—Jacob predicted that Christ would ride on an ass, and Zechariah confirms it.

 Chapter LIV.—What the blood of the grape signifies.

 Chapter LV.—Trypho asks that Christ be proved God, but without metaphor. Justin promises to do so.

 Chapter LVI.—God who appeared to Moses is distinguished from God the Father.

 Chapter LVII.—The Jew objects, why is He said to have eaten, if He be God? Answer of Justin.

 Chapter LVIII.—The same is proved from the visions which appeared to Jacob.

 Chapter LIX.—God distinct from the Father conversed with Moses.

 Chapter LX.—Opinions of the Jews with regard to Him who appeared in the bush.

 Chapter LXI—Wisdom is begotten of the Father, as fire from fire.

 Chapter LXII.—The words “Let Us make man” agree with the testimony of Proverbs.

 Chapter LXIII.—It is proved that this God was incarnate.

 Chapter LXIV.—Justin adduces other proofs to the Jew, who denies that he needs this Christ.

 Chapter LXV.—The Jew objects that God does not give His glory to another. Justin explains the passage.

 Chapter LXVI.—He proves from Isaiah that God was born from a virgin.

 Chapter LXVII.—Trypho compares Jesus with Perseus and would prefer [to say] that He was elected [to be Christ] on account of observance of the law. J

 Chapter LXVIII.—He complains of the obstinacy of Trypho he answers his objection he convicts the Jews of bad faith.

 Chapter LXIX.—The devil, since he emulates the truth, has invented fables about Bacchus, Hercules, and Æsculapius.

 Chapter LXX.—So also the mysteries of Mithras are distorted from the prophecies of Daniel and Isaiah.

 Chapter LXXI.—The Jews reject the interpretation of the LXX., from which, moreover, they have taken away some passages.

 Chapter LXXII.—Passages have been removed by the Jews from Esdras and Jeremiah.

 Chapter LXXIII.—[The words] “From the wood” have been cut out of Ps. xcvi.

 Chapter LXXIV.—The beginning of Ps. xcvi. is attributed to the Father [by Trypho]. But [it refers] to Christ by these words: “Tell ye among the nation

 Chapter LXXV.—It is proved that Jesus was the name of God in the book of Exodus.

 Chapter LXXVI.—From other passages the same majesty and government of Christ are proved.

 Chapter LXXVII.—He returns to explain the prophecy of Isaiah.

 Chapter LXXVIII.—He proves that this prophecy harmonizes with Christ alone, from what is afterwards written.

 Chapter LXXIX.—He proves against Trypho that the wicked angels have revolted from God.

 Chapter LXXX.—The opinion of Justin with regard to the reign of a thousand years. Several Catholics reject it.

 Chapter LXXXI.—He endeavours to prove this opinion from Isaiah and the Apocalypse.

 Chapter LXXXII.—The prophetical gifts of the Jews were transferred to the Christians.

 Chapter LXXXIII.—It is proved that the Psalm, “The Lord said to My Lord,” etc., does not suit Hezekiah.

 Chapter LXXXIV.—That prophecy, “Behold, a virgin,” etc., suits Christ alone.

 Chapter LXXXV.—He proves that Christ is the Lord of Hosts from Ps. xxiv., and from his authority over demons.

 Chapter LXXXVI.—There are various figures in the Old Testament of the wood of the cross by which Christ reigned.

 Chapter LXXXVII.—Trypho maintains in objection these words: “And shall rest on Him,” etc. They are explained by Justin.

 Chapter LXXXVIII.—Christ has not received the Holy Spirit on account of poverty.

 Chapter LXXXIX.—The cross alone is offensive to Trypho on account of the curse, yet it proves that Jesus is Christ.

 Chapter XC.—The stretched-out hands of Moses signified beforehand the cross.

 Chapter XCI.—The cross was foretold in the blessings of Joseph, and in the serpent that was lifted up.

 Chapter XCII.—Unless the scriptures be understood through God’s great grace, God will not appear to have taught always the same righteousness.

 Chapter XCIII.—The same kind of righteousness is bestowed on all. Christ comprehends it in two precepts.

 Chapter XCIV.—In what sense he who hangs on a tree is cursed.

 Chapter XCV.—Christ took upon Himself the curse due to us.

 Chapter XCVI.—That curse was a prediction of the things which the Jews would do.

 Chapter XCVII.—Other predictions of the cross of Christ.

 Chapter XCVIII.—Predictions of Christ in Ps. xxii.

 Chapter XCIX.—In the commencement of the Psalm are Christ’s dying words.

 Chapter C.—In what sense Christ is [called] Jacob, and Israel, and Son of Man.

 Chapter CI.—Christ refers all things to the Father

 Chapter CII.—The prediction of the events which happened to Christ when He was born. Why God permitted it.

 Chapter CIII.—The Pharisees are the bulls: the roaring lion is Herod or the devil.

 Chapter CIV.—Circumstances of Christ’s death are predicted in this Psalm.

 Chapter CV.—The Psalm also predicts the crucifixion and the subject of the last prayers of Christ on Earth.

 Chapter CVI.—Christ’s resurrection is foretold in the conclusion of the Psalm.

 Chapter CVII.—The same is taught from the history of Jonah.

 Chapter CVIII.—The resurrection of Christ did not convert the Jews. But through the whole world they have sent men to accuse Christ.

 Chapter CIX.—The conversion of the Gentiles has been predicted by Micah.

 Chapter CX.—A portion of the prophecy already fulfilled in the Christians: the rest shall be fulfilled at the second advent.

 Chapter CXI.—The two advents were signified by the two goats. Other figures of the first advent, in which the Gentiles are freed by the blood of Chris

 Chapter CXII.—The Jews expound these signs jejunely and feebly, and take up their attention only with insignificant matters.

 Chapter CXIII.—Joshua was a figure of Christ.

 Chapter CXIV.—Some rules for discerning what is said about Christ. The circumcision of the Jews is very different from that which Christians receive.

 Chapter CXV.—Prediction about the Christians in Zechariah. The malignant way which the Jews have in disputations.

 Chapter CXVI.—It is shown how this prophecy suits the Christians.

 Chapter CXVII.—Malachi’s prophecy concerning the sacrifices of the Christians. It cannot be taken as referring to the prayers of Jews of the dispersio

 Chapter CXVIII.—He exhorts to repentance before Christ comes in whom Christians, since they believe, are far more religious than Jews.

 Chapter CXIX.—Christians are the holy people promised to Abraham. They have been called like Abraham.

 Chapter CXX.—Christians were promised to Isaac, Jacob, and Judah.

 Chapter CXXI.—From the fact that the Gentiles believe in Jesus, it is evident that He is Christ.

 Chapter CXXII.—The Jews understand this of the proselytes without reason.

 Chapter CXXIII.—Ridiculous interpretations of the Jews. Christians are the true Israel.

 Chapter CXXIV.—Christians are the sons of God.

 Chapter CXXV.—He explains what force the word Israel has, and how it suits Christ.

 Chapter CXXVI.—The various names of Christ according to both natures. It is shown that He is God, and appeared to the patriarchs.

 Chapter CXXVII.—These passages of Scripture do not apply to the Father, but to the Word.

 Chapter CXXVIII.—The Word is sent not as an inanimate power, but as a person begotten of the Father’s substance.

 Chapter CXXIX.—That is confirmed from other passages of Scripture.

 Chapter CXXX.—He returns to the conversion of the Gentiles, and shows that it was foretold.

 Chapter CXXXI.—How much more faithful to God the Gentiles are who are converted to Christ than the Jews.

 Chapter CXXXII.—How great the power was of the name of Jesus in the Old Testament.

 Chapter CXXXIII.—The hard-heartedness of the Jews, for whom the Christians pray.

 Chapter CXXXIV.—The marriages of Jacob are a figure of the Church.

 Chapter CXXXV.—Christ is king of Israel, and Christians are the Israelitic race.

 Chapter CXXXVI.—The Jews, in rejecting Christ, rejected God who sent him.

 Chapter CXXXVII.—He exhorts the Jews to be converted.

 Chapter CXXXVIII.—Noah is a figure of Christ, who has regenerated us by water, and faith, and wood: [i.e., the cross .]

 Chapter CXXXIX.—The blessings, and also the curse, pronounced by Noah were prophecies of the future.

 Chapter CXL.—In Christ all are free. The Jews hope for salvation in vain because they are sons of Abraham.

 Chapter CXLI.—Free-will in men and angels.

 Chapter CXLII.—The Jews return thanks, and leave Justin.

Chapter CXXIII.—Ridiculous interpretations of the Jews. Christians are the true Israel.

“As, therefore, all these latter prophecies refer to Christ and the nations, you should believe that the former refer to Him and them in like manner. For the proselytes have no need of a covenant, if, since there is one and the same law imposed on all that are circumcised, the Scripture speaks about them thus: ‘And the stranger shall also be joined with them, and shall be joined to the house of Jacob;’476    Isa. xiv. 1. and because the proselyte, who is circumcised that he may have access to the people, becomes like one of themselves,477    Literally, “a native of the land.” while we who have been deemed worthy to be called a people are yet Gentiles, because we have not been circumcised. Besides, it is ridiculous for you to imagine that the eyes of the proselytes are to be opened while your own are not, and that you be understood as blind and deaf while they are enlightened. And it will be still more ridiculous for you, if you say that the law has been given to the nations, but you have not known it. For you would have stood in awe of God’s wrath, and would not have been lawless, wandering sons; being much afraid of hearing God always say, ‘Children in whom is no faith. And who are blind, but my servants? and deaf, but they that rule over them? And the servants of God have been made blind. You see often, but have not observed; your ears have been opened, and you have not heard.’478    Deut. xxxii. 20; Isa. xlii. 19 f. Is God’s commendation of you honourable? and is God’s testimony seemly for His servants? You are not ashamed though you often hear these words. You do not tremble at God’s threats, for you are a people foolish and hard-hearted. ‘Therefore, behold, I will proceed to remove this people,’ saith the Lord; ‘and I will remove them, and destroy the wisdom of the wise, and hide the understanding of the prudent.’479    Isa. xxix. 14. Deservedly too: for you are neither wise nor prudent, but crafty and unscrupulous; wise only to do evil, but utterly incompetent to know the hidden counsel of God, or the faithful covenant of the Lord, or to find out the everlasting paths. ‘Therefore, saith the Lord, I will raise up to Israel and to Judah the seed of men and the seed of beasts.’480    Jer. xxxi. 27. And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’481    Isa. xix. 24 f. Since then God blesses this people, and calls them Israel, and declares them to be His inheritance, how is it that you repent not of the deception you practise on yourselves, as if you alone were the Israel, and of execrating the people whom God has blessed? For when He speaks to Jerusalem and its environs, He thus added: ‘And I will beget men upon you, even my people Israel; and they shall inherit you, and you shall be a possession for them; and you shall be no longer bereaved of them.’ ”482    Ezek. xxxvi. 12.

“What, then?” says Trypho; “are you Israel? and speaks He such things of you?”

“If, indeed,” I replied to him, “we had not entered into a lengthy483    [I cannot forbear to note this “Americanism” in the text.] discussion on these topics, I might have doubted whether you ask this question in ignorance; but since we have brought the matter to a conclusion by demonstration and with your assent, I do not believe that you are ignorant of what I have just said, or desire again mere contention, but that you are urging me to exhibit the same proof to these men.” And in compliance with the assent expressed in his eyes, I continued: “Again in Isaiah, if you have ears to hear it, God, speaking of Christ in parable, calls Him Jacob and Israel. He speaks thus: ‘Jacob is my servant, I will uphold Him; Israel is mine elect, I will put my Spirit upon Him, and He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not strive, nor cry, neither shall any one hear His voice in the street: a bruised reed He shall not break, and smoking flax He shall not quench; but He shall bring forth judgment to truth: He shall shine,484    LXX. ἀναλάμψει, as above. The reading of the text is ἀναληψει. and shall not be broken till He have set judgment on the earth. And in His name shall the Gentiles trust.’485    Isa. xlii. 1–4. As therefore from the one man Jacob, who was surnamed Israel, all your nation has been called Jacob and Israel; so we from Christ, who begat us unto God, like Jacob, and Israel, and Judah, and Joseph, and David, are called and are the true sons of God, and keep the commandments of Christ.”

[123] Ὡς οὖν πάντα ταῦτα εἴρηται πρὸς τὸν Χριστὸν καὶ τὰ ἔθνη, οὕτως κἀκεῖνα εἰρῆσθαι νομίζετε. οὐδὲν γὰρ χρῄζουσιν οἱ προσήλυτοι διαθήκης, εἰ, ἑνὸς καὶ τοῦ αὐτοῦ πᾶσι τοῖς περιτεμνομένοις κειμένου νόμου, περὶ ἐκείνων οὕτως ἡ γραφὴ λέγει: Καὶ προστεθήσεται καὶ ὁ γηόρας πρὸς αὐτούς, καὶ προστεθήσεται πρὸς τὸν οἶκον Ἰακώβ. καὶ ὅτι μὲν προσήλυτος ὁ περιτεμνόμενος εἰς τὸ τῷ λαῷ προσκεχωρηκέναι ἐστὶν ὡς αὐτόχθων, ἡμεῖς δὲ λαὸς κεκλῆσθαι ἠξιωμένοι ὁμοίως ἔθνος ἐσμὲν διὰ τὸ ἀπερίτμητοι εἶναι. πρὸς δὲ καὶ γελοῖόν ἐστιν ἡγεῖσθαι ὑμᾶς τῶν μὲν προσηλύτων αὐτῶν ἀνεῷχθαι τὰ ὄμματα, ὑμῶν δὲ οὔ, καὶ ὑμᾶς μὲν ἀκούειν τυφλοὺς καὶ κωφούς, ἐκείνους δὲ πεφωτισμένους. Καὶ ἔτι γελοιότερον ἀποβήσεται ὑμῖν τὸ πρᾶγμα, εἰ τὸν νόμον τοῖς ἔθνεσι δεδόσθαι φήσετε, ὑμεῖς δὲ οὐκ ἐκεῖνον τὸν νόμον ἔγνωτε. ηὐλαβεῖσθε γὰρ ἂν τὴν τοῦ θεοῦ ὀργήν, καὶ υἱοὶ ἄνομοι καὶ ῥεμβεύοντες οὐκ ἂν ἦτε, δυσωπούμενοι ἀκούειν ἑκάστοτε λέγοντος αὐτοῦ: Υἱοί, οἷς οὐκ ἔστι πίστις ἐν αὐτοῖς: καί: Τίς τυφλὸς ἀλλ' ἢ οἱ παῖδές μου, καὶ κωφὸς ἀλλ' ἢ οἱ κυριεύοντες αὐτῶν; καὶ ἐτυφλώθησαν οἱ δοῦλοι τοῦ θεοῦ. εἴδετε πολλάκις, καὶ οὐκ ἐφυλάξασθε: ἀνεῳγμένα τὰ ὦτα ὑμῶν, καὶ οὐκ ἠκούσατε. ἢ καλὸς ὑμῶν ὁ ἔπαινος τοῦ θεοῦ, καὶ θεοῦ μαρτυρία δούλοις πρέπουσα; οὐκ αἰσχύνεσθε πολλάκις ταὐτὰ ἀκούοντες, οὐδὲ ἀπειλοῦντος τοῦ θεοῦ φρίσσετε, ἀλλ' ἦ λαὸς μωρὸς καὶ σκληροκάρδιός ἐστε. Διὰ τοῦτο ἰδοὺ προσθήσω τοῦ μεταθεῖναι τὸν λαὸν τοῦτον, λέγει κύριος, καὶ μεταθήσω αὐτούς, καὶ ἀπολῶ τὴν σοφίαν τῶν σοφῶν καὶ τὴν σύνεσιν τῶν συνετῶν κρύψω. εὐλόγως. οὐ γὰρ σοφοί ἐστε οὐδὲ συνετοί, ἀλλὰ δριμεῖς καὶ πανοῦργοι: σοφοὶ εἰς τὸ κακοποιῆσαι μόνον, γνῶναι δὲ βουλὴν θεοῦ κεκρυμμένην ἢ διαθήκην κυρίου πιστὴν ἢ τρίβους αἰωνίους εὑρεῖν ἀδύνατοι. τοιγαροῦν: Ἐγερῶ, φησί, τῷ Ἰσραὴλ καὶ τῷ Ἰούδᾳ σπέρμα ἀνθρώπων καὶ σπέρμα κτηνῶν. καὶ διὰ Ἠσαίου περὶ ἄλλου Ἰσραὴλ οὕτω φησί: Τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ ἔσται τρίτος Ἰσραὴλ ἐν τοῖς Ἀσσυρίοις καὶ Αἰγυπτίοις, εὐλογημένος ἐν τῇ γῇ, ἣν εὐλόγησε κύριος Σαβαὼθ λέγων: Εὐλογημένος ἔσται ὁ λαός μου ὁ ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ καὶ ὁ ἐν Ἀσσυρίοις, καὶ ἡ κληρονομία μου Ἰσραήλ. εὐλογοῦντος οὖν τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ Ἰσραὴλ τοῦτον τὸν λαὸν καλοῦντος καὶ κληρονομίαν αὐτοῦ βοῶντος εἶναι, πῶς οὐ μετανοεῖτε ἐπί τε τῷ ἑαυτοὺς ἀπατᾶν, ὡς μόνοι Ἰσραὴλ ὄντες, καὶ ἐπὶ τῷ καταρᾶσθαι τὸν εὐλογημένον τοῦ θεοῦ λαόν; καὶ γὰρ ὅτε πρὸς τὴν Ἰερουσαλὴμ καὶ τὰς πέριξ αὐτῆς ἔλεγε χώρας, οὕτω πάλιν ἐπεῖπε: Καὶ γεννήσω ἐφ' ὑμᾶς ἀνθρώπους, τὸν λαόν μου Ἰσραήλ, καὶ κληρονομήσουσιν ὑμᾶς καὶ ἔσεσθε αὐτοῖς εἰς κατάσχεσιν, καὶ οὐ μὴ προστεθῆτε ἔτι ἀτεκνωθῆναι ἀπ' αὐτῶν. Τί οὖν; φησὶν ὁ Τρύφων. Ὑμεῖς Ἰσραήλ ἐστε, καὶ περὶ ὑμῶν λέγει ταῦτα; Εἰ μέν, ἔφην αὐτῷ, μὴ περὶ τούτων καὶ πολὺν λόγον πεποιήμεθα, κἂν ἀμφέβαλλον μή τι οὐ συνίων τοῦτο ἐρωτᾷς: ἐπειδὴ δὲ καὶ μετὰ ἀποδείξεως καὶ συγκαταθέσεως καὶ τοῦτο συνηγάγομεν τὸ ζήτημα, οὐ νομίζω σε ἀγνοεῖν μὲν τὰ προειρημένα οὐδὲ πάλιν φιλεριστεῖν, ἀλλὰ προκαλεῖσθαί με καὶ τούτοις τὴν αὐτὴν ἀπόδειξιν ποιήσασθαι. Καὶ τῷ διὰ τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν νεύματι συντιθεμένου: Πάλιν, ἔλεγον ἐγώ, ἐν τῷ Ἠσαίᾳ, ὠσὶν ἀκούοντες εἰ ἄρα ἀκούετε, περὶ τοῦ Χριστοῦ λέγων ὁ θεὸς ἐν παραβολῇ Ἰακὼβ αὐτὸν καλεῖ καὶ Ἰσραήλ. οὕτω λέγει: Ἰακὼβ ὁ παῖς μου, ἀντιλήψομαι αὐτοῦ. Ἰσραὴλ ἐκλεκτός μου, θήσω τὸ πνεῦμά μου ἐπ' αὐτόν, καὶ κρίσιν τοῖς ἔθνεσιν ἐξοίσει. οὐκ ἐρίσει οὔτε κράξει, οὔτε ἀκούσεταί τις ἐν ταῖς πλατείαις τὴν φωνὴν αὐτοῦ: κάλαμον συντετριμμένον οὐ κατεάξει καὶ λίνον τυφόμενον οὐ μὴ σβέσει, ἀλλὰ εἰς ἀλήθειαν ἐξοίσει, κρίσιν ἀναλήψει καὶ οὐ μὴ θραυσθήσεται, ἕως ἂν θῇ ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς κρίσιν: καὶ ἐπὶ τῷ ὀνόματι αὐτοῦ ἐλπιοῦσιν ἔθνη. ὡς οὖν ἀπὸ τοῦ ἑνὸς Ἰακὼβ ἐκείνου, τοῦ καὶ Ἰσραὴλ ἐπικληθέντος, τὸ πᾶν γένος ὑμῶν προσηγόρευτο Ἰακὼβ καὶ Ἰσραήλ, οὕτω καὶ ἡμεῖς ἀπὸ τοῦ γεννήσαντος ἡμᾶς εἰς θεὸν Χριστοῦ, ὡς καὶ Ἰακὼβ καὶ Ἰσραὴλ καὶ Ἰούδα καὶ Ἰωσὴφ καὶ Δαυείδ, καὶ θεοῦ τέκνα ἀληθινὰ καλούμεθα καὶ ἐσμέν, οἱ τὰς ἐντολὰς τοῦ Χριστοῦ φυλάσσοντες.