CAPUT PRIMUM. Deum vult laudare ab ipso excitatus.

 CAPUT II. Deum quem invocat in ipso esse, ipsumque in Deo.

 CAPUT III. Deus sic ubique totus, ut res nulla ipsum totum capiat.

 CAPUT IV. Dei majestas et perfectiones inexplicabiles.

 CAPUT V. Petit amorem Dei, et delictorum veniam.

 CAPUT VI. Infantiam suam describit, laudat Dei providentiam et aeternitatem.

 CAPUT VII. Infantia quoque peccatis obnoxia.

 CAPUT VIII. Unde puer loqui didicerit.

 CAPUT IX. Odium litterarum, amor lusus, et vapulandi timor in pueris.

 CAPUT X. Amore lusus et spectaculorum avocatur a litterarum studio.

 CAPUT XI. Morbo pressus Baptismum flagitat, quem mater certo consilio differt.

 CAPUT XII. Ad litteras cogebatur, quo tamen Deus utebatur bene.

 CAPUT XIII. Quibus studiis potissimum sit delectatus.

 CAPUT XIV. Litteras graecas oderat.

 CAPUT XV. Precatio ad Deum.

 CAPUT XVI. Improbat modum juventutis erudiendae.

 CAPUT XVII. Prosequitur contra modum exercendae juventutis in re litteraria.

 CAPUT XVIII. Quod homines curant servare leges grammaticorum, et non divinorum praeceptorum.

 CAPUT XIX. Pueritiae vitia quae in majores aetates transeunt.

 CAPUT XX. Pro bonis sibi in pueritia collatis Deo gratias agit.

 LIBER SECUNDUS. Ad aetatem aliam progreditur, primum quae adolescentiae suae, id est, sextum decimum vitae annum, quem in paterna domo studiis intermi

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Adolescentiae aetatem et vitia recolit.

 CAPUT II. Annum aetatis suae decimum sextum in ardore libidinoso consumptum.

 CAPUT III. De peregrinatione studiorum causa, et de parentum proposito.

 CAPUT IV. Furtum cum sodalibus perpetratum.

 CAPUT V. Neminem peccare sine causa.

 CAPUT VI. Omnia quae boni specie ad vitia invitant, in solo Deo esse vera et perfecta.

 CAPUT VII. Gratias agit Deo pro remissione peccatorum, quodque a multis servatus sit.

 CAPUT VIII. Amavit in furto consortium simul peccantium.

 CAPUT IX. Contagiosa res sodales mali.

 CAPUT X. In Deo omne bonum.

 LIBER TERTIUS. De annis aetatis illius decimo septimo, decimo octavo et decimo nono transactis Carthagine, ubi dum litterarii studii curriculum absolv

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Amore quem venabatur capitur.

 CAPUT II. Amavit spectacula tragica.

 CAPUT III. In schola rhetoris ab Eversorum factis abhorrebat.

 CAPUT IV. Hortensius Ciceronis excitavit illum ad ardorem philosophiae.

 CAPUT V. Fastidiit sacras Litteras propter simplicitatem stili.

 CAPUT VI. A Manichaeis quomodo captus.

 CAPUT VII. Doctrina Manichaeorum absurda cui suffragabatur.

 CAPUT VIII. Contra Manichaeos dicit quae flagitia semper detestanda, quae facinora.

 CAPUT IX. Discrimen inter peccata, et inter Dei judicium et hominum.

 CAPUT X. Nugae Manichaeorum de terrae fructibus.

 CAPUT XI. Planctus et somnium matris de filio.

 CAPUT XII. Quale responsum mater Augustini accepit a quodam episcopo de ipsius conversione.

 LIBER QUARTUS. Pudet Augustinum se Manichaeorum sectae addictum fuisse per novennium, atque alios secum in eumdem errorem pertraxisse tum etiam consu

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Quamdiu et quomodo alios seduxerit.

 CAPUT II. Rhetoricam docet, concubinam fovet, et aruspicem qui victoriam promittebat, contemnit.

 CAPUT III. Ab astrologia, cui deditus erat, per senem medicinae et rerum peritum revocatur.

 CAPUT IV. Morbum et baptismum amici narrat, quem etiam suis erroribus involverat eoque morte sublato, dolet gravissime. Mirabilis efficacia sacrament

 CAPUT V. Cur fletus dulcis miseris.

 CAPUT VI. Quantus ex amici morte dolor.

 CAPUT VII. Impatientia doloris mutat locum.

 CAPUT VIII. Tempus et amicorum colloquia dolori medentur.

 CAPUT IX. De humana amicitia. Beatus qui amat in Deo.

 CAPUT X. Labiles creaturae, nec in eis potest anima requiescere.

 CAPUT XI. Omnia creata sunt instabilia. Solus Deus stabilis.

 CAPUT XII. Amor non improbatur, modo in his quae placent, amemus-Deum.

 CAPUT XIII. Amor unde proveniat.

 CAPUT XIV. Libri de Apto et Pulchro Hierio nuncupati. Unde hunc amaverat.

 CAPUT XV. Quod corporalibus imaginibus contenebratus, non potuit capere spiritualia.

 CAPUT XVI. Categorias Aristotelis et liberalium artium libros per se intellexit.

 LIBER QUINTUS. Annum aetatis suae exhibet vigesimum nonum, quo scilicet, comperta fausti Manichaei imperitia, propositum in illa secta proficiendi abj

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Excitat mentem ad Deum laudandum.

 CAPUT II. Dei praesentiam iniquos non effugere: itaque ad eum debere converti.

 CAPUT III. De Fausto manichaeo, et de philosophorum caecitate qui per creaturas Creatorem non cognoverunt.

 CAPUT IV. Sola Dei cognitio beat.

 CAPUT V. Manichaei de astris imperitia indignum eum fide in caeteris faciebat.

 CAPUT VI. Faustus eloquens, sed liberalium disciplinarum expers.

 CAPUT VII. Alienatur a secta Manichaeorum.

 CAPUT VIII. Proficiscitur Romam contra matris voluntatem.

 CAPUT IX. Febri correptus periculose laborat.

 CAPUT X. Errores ante susceptam Evangelii doctrinam.

 CAPUT XI. Qualiter Augustinus contulerit cum catholicis.

 CAPUT XII. Fraus discipulorum Romae in praeceptores.

 CAPUT XIII. Docturus rhetoricam mittitur Mediolanum ab Ambrosio suscipitur.

 CAPUT XIV. Audito Ambrosio paulatim ab erroribus resipiscit.

 LIBER SEXTUS. Cum jam Monnica ipsius mater Mediolanum advenisset, ipseque annum aetatis ageret trigesimum, Ambrosii concionibus admonitus, catholicae

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Augustinus nec manichaeus nec catholicus.

 CAPUT II. Epulae et synaxis apud sepulcra martyrum.

 CAPUT III. Occupationes et studia Ambrosii.

 CAPUT IV. Doctrinam Ecclesiae Ambrosio concionante intelligit.

 CAPUT V. De sacrorum Librorum auctoritate et necessario usu.

 CAPUT VI. De miseria ambitiosorum, adducto exemplo mendici laetantis.

 CAPUT VII. Alypium a Circensium insania convertit.

 CAPUT VIII. Alypius capitur insania ludorum gladiatoriorum, a quibus antea abhorruerat.

 CAPUT IX. Alypius ut fur apprehenditur.

 CAPUT X. De integritate Alypii et adventu Nebridii.

 CAPUT XI. Anxius Augustinus de instituenda vita deliberat.

 CAPUT XII. Contentio inter Alypium et Augustinum de matrimonio et caelibatu.

 CAPUT XIII. Uxor quaeritur Augustino.

 CAPUT XIV. De vita communi agenda cum amicis deliberat.

 CAPUT XV. In locum discedentis concubinae alia succedit.

 CAPUT XVI. Mortis et judicii metum nunquam deposuit.

 LIBER SEPTIMUS. Exordium suae juventutis, id est annum aetatis trigesimum primum, ob mentis oculos reducit. Narrat se illa aetate densioribus adhuc ig

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Deum cogitat tanquam aliquid corporeum per infinita spatia diffusum.

 CAPUT II. Momentum quo Nebridius confutarat Manichaeos.

 CAPUT III. Liberum arbitrium causa peccati.

 CAPUT IV. Deum incorruptibilem esse oportet.

 CAPUT V. Quaerit iterum unde malum, et quae radix ejus.

 CAPUT VI. Mathematicorum divinationes rejicit.

 CAPUT VII. Misere torquetur inquirens unde sit malum.

 CAPUT VIII. Quomodo divina misericordia subvenerit Augustino.

 CAPUT IX. In Platonicorum libris Verbi aeterni divinitatem, non incarnati humilitatem invenit.

 CAPUT X. Clarius innotescunt jam Augustino divina.

 CAPUT XI. Quomodo creaturae sunt et non sunt.

 CAPUT XII. Omnia bona, quaecumque sunt.

 CAPUT XIII. Omnia condita laudant Deum.

 CAPUT XIV. Sanae mentis homini nihil displicet inter creaturas Dei.

 CAPUT XV. Quomodo veritas et falsitas in creaturis.

 CAPUT XVI. Omnia bona, licet quibusdam non apta.

 CAPUT XVII. Quae retardent a cognitione divinorum.

 CAPUT XVIII. Solus Christus via ad salutem.

 CAPUT XIX. Quid senserit de Christi incarnatione.

 CAPUT XX. Ex Platonicis libris peritior, sed inflatior evaserat.

 CAPUT XXI. Quid in sacris Libris invenerit, non inventum in Platonicis.

 LIBER OCTAVUS. Vitae ipsius partem attingit celeberrimam, annum aetatis trigesimum secundum, quo nempe cum Simplicianum consuluisset, ab eoque didicis

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Studio vitae melius instituendae ad Simplicianum ire statuit.

 CAPUT II. De Victorino rhetore ad fidem converso.

 CAPUT III. Quod Deus et Angeli magis gaudent in peccatorum conversione.

 CAPUT IV. Quare plus laetandum sit in conversione nobilium.

 CAPUT V. Quae remorabantur eum a conversione.

 CAPUT VI. Pontitianus narrat Antonii vitam.

 CAPUT VII. Rodebatur intus audito Pontitiano.

 CAPUT VIII. In hortum secedit, quid ibi egerit.

 CAPUT IX. Unde fit ut animus imperet sibi et resistatur.

 CAPUT X. Adversus Manichaeos qui ex duabus contrariis voluntatibus duas contrarias naturas asseverant.

 CAPUT XI. Lucta spiritus et carnis in Augustino.

 CAPUT XII. Vocis admonitu quomodo totus conversus.

 LIBER NONUS. Dicit de capto a se consilio rhetoricae professionem abjiciendi, non tamen antequam vindemialium feriarum, quod proxime instabat, tempus

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Laudat Dei bonitatem, agnoscens suam miseriam.

 CAPUT II. Deserere rhetorices professionem differt usque ad vindemiales ferias.

 CAPUT III. Verecundus concedit illi rus suum.

 CAPUT IV. Libri apud Cassiciacum scripti Epistolae ad Nebridium. De ablato repente dolore Dentium acerrimo, dum psalmos pie evolvit.

 CAPUT V Ambrosium consulit quid legendum.

 CAPUT VI. Mediolani baptizatur cum Alypio et Adeodato.

 CAPUT VII. Ecclesiastici cantus institutio Mediolani. Inventio corporum SS. Protasii et Gervasii.

 CAPUT VIII. Evodii conversio. Matris obitus, ejusque a teneris educatio.

 CAPUT IX. Laudabiles matris suae mores prosequitur.

 CAPUT X. Colloquium cum matre de regno coelorum.

 CAPUT XI. De ecstasi et morte matris.

 CAPUT XII. Quomodo luxerit mortem matris. Sacrificium pro defunctis.

 CAPUT XIII. Orat pro matre defuncta.

 LIBER DECIMUS. Scrutatur deinceps, ac palam contestatur, non qualis antea esset, sed qualis nunc. Deum quem diligit studet indicare dumque per singul

 CAPUT PRIMUM. In Deo solo spes et gaudium.

 CAPUT II. Cum Deo nota sint arcana, quid est confiteri illi.

 CAPUT III. Quo fructu confitebitur deinceps quis sit, non quis fuerit.

 CAPUT IV. Quod magni sint fructus hujusmodi confessionis.

 CAPUT V. Homo sese totum non novit.

 CAPUT VI. Quid amat, cum Deum amat: et quomodo ex creaturis Deus cognoscitur.

 CAPUT VII. Corporea aut sensitiva virtute Deus non invenitur.

 CAPUT VIII. Memoriae vis.

 CAPUT IX. Memoria disciplinarum.

 CAPUT X. Disciplinae in memoriam non introducuntur per sensus, sed ex ejus abditiore sinu eruuntur.

 CAPUT XI. Quid sit discere.

 CAPUT XII. Rerum Mathematicarum memoria.

 CAPUT XIII. Memoria meminisse nos meminimus.

 CAPUT XIV. Quomodo memoria continet affectus animi. Laeta non laeti quomodo recordamur.

 CAPUT XV. Etiam quae absunt meminimus.

 CAPUT XVI. Et oblivionis memoria est.

 CAPUT XVII. Magna memoriae vis, sed ultra progrediendum ut attingatur Deus.

 CAPUT XVIII. Non inveniretur ea res quae excidit, nisi memoria teneretur.

 CAPUT XIX. Quid sit reminisci.

 CAPUT XX. Ut beatitudinem omnes appetant, oportet eam noverint.

 CAPUT XXI. Quomodo memoria beatam vitam continet.

 CAPUT XXII. Beata vita quae, et ubi.

 CAPUT XXIII. Item prosequitur quae sit beata vita, et ubi.

 CAPUT XXIV. Gratulatur quod sua in memoria Deus locum habeat.

 CAPUT XXV. In quo memoriae gradu reperiatur Deus.

 CAPUT XXVI. Ubi invenitur Deus.

 CAPUT XXVII. Quomodo hominem rapiat Dei pulchritudo.

 CAPUT XXVIII. Miseriae hujus vitae.

 CAPUT XXIX. In Deo spes tota.

 CAPUT XXX. Confitetur ut se habet ad tentationes carnalis libidinis.

 CAPUT XXXI. Ut se gerit ad tentationes gulae.

 CAPUT XXXII. Ut se gerit ad odorum illecebras.

 CAPUT XXXIII. Ut se gerit ad voluptates aurium.

 CAPUT XXXIV. Ut se gerit ad oculorum illecebras.

 CAPUT XXXV. Ut se habet ad secundum tentationis genus, quod est curiositatis.

 CAPUT XXXVI. Ut se habet ad tertium tentationis genus, quod est superbiae.

 CAPUT XXXVII. Ut movetur laudibus humanis.

 CAPUT XXXVIII. Et virtuti periculum a vana gloria.

 CAPUT XXXIX. Amoris proprii vis et natura.

 CAPUT XL. Quod in se et caeteris rebus Deum investigavit.

 CAPUT XLI. Triplex cupiditas.

 CAPUT XLII. Nonnulli ad daemones tanquam redeundi ad Deum mediatores infeliciter recurrerunt.

 CAPUT XLIII. Christus verus mediator.

 LIBER UNDECIMUS. Laudaturus Deum deinceps professione suae ipsius in Scripturis sanctis sive imperitiae, sive etiam peritiae, aut ejus quo in eas ex m

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Cur confitemur Deo scienti.

 CAPUT II. Petit a Deo Scripturarum sanctarum intelligentiam.

 CAPUT III. Quae scripsit Moyses de creatione coeli et terrae intelligere non potest nisi donante Deo.

 CAPUT IV. Creatura clamat creatorem Deum.

 CAPUT V. Ex nihilo conditus mundus.

 CAPUT VI. Quomodo Deus dixit, ut fieret mundus.

 CAPUT VII. Verbum Dei coaeternum Deo.

 CAPUT VIII. Verbum Dei ipsum est principium quo docemur omnem veritatem.

 CAPUT IX. Quomodo Verbum Dei loquatur cordi.

 CAPUT X. Obtrectantes quid faceret Deus antequam coelum et terram conderet.

 CAPUT XI. Objectioni respondet quod aeternitas Dei nescit tempora.

 CAPUT XII. Quid Deus fecerit ante mundi creationem.

 CAPUT XIII. Quod ante tempora a Deo creata nullum tempus fuerit.

 CAPUT XIV. Temporis differentiae tres.

 CAPUT XV. Mensura temporis in quo.

 CAPUT XVI. Quale tempus metiri liceat, et quale non.

 CAPUT XVII. Ubi tempus praeteritum et futurum.

 CAPUT XVIII. Quomodo praeterita et futura tempora sint praesentia.

 CAPUT XIX. Non capit modum, quo Deus docet futura.

 CAPUT XX. Differentiae temporis quomodo nominandae.

 CAPUT XXI. Quomodo tempus liceat metiri.

 CAPUT XXII. Petit aenigmatis istius solutionem a Deo.

 CAPUT XXIII. Quid sit tempus.

 CAPUT XXIV. Tempus est quo metimur motum corporis.

 CAPUT XXV. Rursus Deum interpellat.

 CAPUT XXVI. Quomodo tempus metimur.

 CAPUT XXVII. Quomodo metimur tempus permanens in animo.

 CAPUT XXVIII. Animo metimur tempora.

 CAPUT XXIX. Se in temporalia distentum cupit in Deum colligi.

 CAPUT XXX. Coarguit rursum obtrectantes, quid fecerit Deus ante mundi creationem.

 CAPUT XXXI. Quomodo cognoscit Deus, quomodo creatura.

 LIBER DUODECIMUS. Prosequitur interpretationem hujusce versiculi, In principio fecit Deus coelum et terram. coeli terrae

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Difficilis inquisitio veri.

 CAPUT II. De duplici coelo et terra.

 CAPUT III. Quid tenebrae super faciem abyssi.

 CAPUT IV. Quid terra invisibilis et incomposita.

 CAPUT V. Cur sic appellata videtur materia informis.

 CAPUT VI. Quid olim cum Manichaeis senserit de materia informi, quid modo.

 CAPUT VII. Deus fecit de nihilo coelum, id est Angelos et terram, id est informem materiam.

 CAPUT VIII. Materia informis ex nihilo: ex hac omnia visibilia.

 CAPUT IX. Cur absque dierum mentione scriptum est Deum fecisse in principio coelum et terram.

 CAPUT X. A Deo cupit edoceri.

 CAPUT XI. Quid a Deo didicerit.

 CAPUT XII. Creatura duplex carens tempore.

 CAPUT XIII. Cur sine dierum commemoratione dicit Scriptura, quod in principio fecit Deus coelum et terram.

 CAPUT XIV. Scripturae profunditas.

 CAPUT XV. Quae de Deo deque Angelis et informi materia sentit Augustinus, non possunt oblocutores negare.

 CAPUT XVI. Rem habere non vult cum iis, qui contradicunt veritati divinae.

 CAPUT XVII. Ut coeli et terrae nominibus aliud et aliud intelligi potest.

 CAPUT XVIII. Quis error innoxius in Scripturis.

 CAPUT XIX. Quae liquido vera.

 CAPUT XX. In principio creavit, etc., varie intellectum.

 CAPUT XXI. Terra erat invisibilis, etc., varie intellectum.

 CAPUT XXII. Aliquid esse a Deo conditum, de quo sileat liber Genesis, nihil repugnat.

 CAPUT XXIII. Duo dissensionum genera in Scripturis interpretandis.

 CAPUT XXIV. Ex multis veris non debet fidenter asseri hoc aut illud sensisse Moysen.

 CAPUT XXV. Adversus eos qui aliorum interpretandi rationem temere rejiciunt.

 CAPUT XXVI. Qui sermo deceat Scripturam.

 CAPUT XXVII. Scripturam decet humile simplexque verborum genus.

 CAPUT XXVIII. Ut varie intelligitur ab eruditis Scriptura.

 CAPUT XXIX. Quot modis dicitur aliquid prius.

 CAPUT XXX. Tractatores Scripturae diversa sentientes concordent invicem charitate et studio veritatis.

 CAPUT XXXI. Sensisse putandus est Moyses quidquid veri potest in ipsius verbis inveniri.

 CAPUT XXXII. Veri Scripturae sensus a Spiritu sancto revelantur.

 LIBER DECIMUS TERTIUS. Dei bonitatem in rerum productione ac perfectione relucere tum etiam Deum Trinitatem, ipsiusque proprietatem Spiritus sancti p

 CAPUT PRIMUM. Invocat Deum, cujus bonitate se praeventum agnoscit.

 CAPUT II. Creaturae ex Dei bonitate subsistunt et perficiuntur.

 CAPUT III. Ex Dei gratia omnia.

 CAPUT IV. Deus non eget rebus conditis.

 CAPUT V. Trinitas qui Deus est ex primis verbis Geneseos intelligitur.

 CAPUT VI. Cur dictus est Spiritus superferri super aquas.

 CAPUT VII. Effectus Spiritus sancti.

 CAPUT VIII. Intellectuali creaturae ad beatam requiem non sufficit quidquid Deo minus est.

 CAPUT IX. Cur solus Spiritus sanctus superferebatur super aquas.

 CAPUT X. Ex dono Dei omnia.

 CAPUT XI. Symbola Trinitatis in homine.

 CAPUT XII. Mundi creatio formationem Ecclesiae praefigurat.

 CAPUT XIII. Renovatio hominis dum hic vivit nondum perfecta.

 CAPUT XIV. Fide et spe corroboramur.

 CAPUT XV. Fiat firmamentum, etc., Gen. 1, 6. Quid firmamentum, quid superiores aquae.

 CAPUT XVI. Solus Deus se scit omnino sicuti est.

 CAPUT XVII. Congregentur aquae, etc., Gen. 1, 9. Quid mare, quid arida. Explicatur V 11: Germinet terra, etc.

 CAPUT XVIII. Fiant luminaria, etc. Gen. 1, 14. Quae luminaria dividentia inter diem et noctem.

 CAPUT XIX. Tractat eumdem versiculum, Fiant luminaria, etc.

 CAPUT XX. Producant aquae, etc., Gen. 1, 20. Quae reptilia, quae volatilia.

 CAPUT XXI. Producat terra animam vivam, etc., Gen. 1, 24.

 CAPUT XXII. Faciamus hominem ad imaginem, etc., Gen. 1, 26. Renovatio mentis.

 CAPUT XXIII. Et praesit piscibus maris, etc., Gen. 1, 26. De quibus christianus judicet.

 CAPUT XXIV. Et benedixit eos Deus dicens, Crescite, etc., Gen. 81, 2.

 CAPUT XXV. Ecce dedi vobis omnem herbam . . . . in escam, etc., Gen. 1, 29.

 CAPUT XXVI. Voluptas et utilitas ex beneficio in proximum collato.

 CAPUT XXVII. Quid per pisces et cetos significetur.

 CAPUT XXVIII. Et vidit Deus omnia quae fecit, et ecce bona valde, etc., Gen. 1, 31.

 CAPUT XXIX. Quomodo intelligendum quod Deus octies vidit bona esse opera sua.

 CAPUT XXX. Manichaeorum deliria.

 CAPUT XXXI. Piis idem probatur quod Deo placuit.

 CAPUT XXXII. Compendio enarrat opera Dei.

 CAPUT XXXIII. Omnia de nihilo sive de concreata materia.

 CAPUT XXXIV. Totius creationis mundi allegorica expositio.

 CAPUT XXXV. Optat pacem.

 CAPUT XXXVI. Diem septimum vespera quare non sequatur.

 CAPUT XXXVII. Deus in nobis quando quiescet.

 CAPUT XXXVIII. Aliter Deus, aliter homo videt creata.

Chapter III.—Having Heard Faustus, the Most Learned Bishop of the Manichæans, He Discerns that God, the Author Both of Things Animate and Inanimate, Chiefly Has Care for the Humble.

3. Let me lay bare before my God that twenty-ninth year of my age. There had at this time come to Carthage a certain bishop of the Manichæans, by name Faustus, a great snare of the devil, and in any were entangled by him through the allurement of his smooth speech; the which, although I did commend, yet could I separate from the truth of those things which I was eager to learn. Nor did I esteem the small dish of oratory so much as the science, which this their so praised Faustus placed before me to feed upon. Fame, indeed, had before spoken of him to me, as most skilled in all becoming learning, and pre-eminently skilled in the liberal sciences. And as I had read and retained in memory many injunctions of the philosophers, I used to compare some teachings of theirs with those long fables of the Manichæans and the former things which they declared, who could only prevail so far as to estimate this lower world, while its lord they could by no means find out,242    Wisd. xiii. 9.    That is, as is explained further on in the section, the Martyrs. Tertullian gives us many indications of the veneration in which the martyrs were held towards the close of the second century. The anniversary of the martyr’s death was called his natalitium, or natal day, as his martyrdom ushered him into eternal life, and oblationes pro defunctis were then offered. (De Exhor. Cast. c. 11; De Coro. c. 3). Many extravagant things were said about the glory of martyrdom, with the view, doubtless, of preventing apostasy in time of persecution. It was described (De Bap. c. 16; and De Pat. c. 13.) as a second baptism, and said to secure for a man immediate entrance into heaven, and complete enjoyment of its happiness. These views developed in Augustin’s time into all the wildness of Donatism. Augustin gives us an insight into the customs prevailing in his day, and their significance, which greatly illustrates the present section. In his De Civ. Dei, viii. 27, we read: “But, nevertheless, we do not build temples, and ordain priests, rites, and sacrifices for these same martyrs; for they are not our gods, but their God is our God. Certainly we honour their reliquaries, as the memorials of holy men of God, who strove for the truth even to the death of their bodies, that the true religion might be made known, and false and fictitious religions exposed.…But who ever heard a priest of the faithful, standing at an altar built for the honour and worship of God over the holy body of some martyr, say in the prayers, I offer to thee a sacrifice, O Peter, or O Paul, or O Cyprian? For it is to God that sacrifices are offered at their tombs,—the God who made them both men and martyrs, and associated them with holy angels in celestial honour; and the reason why we pay such honours to their memory is, that by so doing we may both give thanks to the true God for their victories, and, by recalling them afresh to remembrance, may stir ourselves up to imitate them by seeking to obtain like crowns and palms, calling to our help that same God on whom they called. Therefore, whatever honours the religious may pay in the places of the martyrs, they are but honours rendered to their memory [ornamenta memoriarum], not sacred rites or sacrifices offered to dead men as to gods. And even such as bring thither food—which, indeed, is not done by the better Christians, and in most places of the world is not done at all—do so in order that it may be sanctified to them through the merits of the martyrs, in the name of the Lord of the martyrs, first presenting the food and offering prayer, and thereafter taking it away to be eaten, or to be in part bestowed upon the needy. But he who knows the one sacrifice of Christians, which is the sacrifice offered in those places, also knows that these are not sacrifices offered to the martyrs.” He speaks to the same effect in Book xxii. sec. 10; and in his Reply to Faustus (xx. 21), who had charged the Christians with imitating the Pagans, “and appeasing the ‘shades’ of the departed with wine and food.” See v. sec. 17, note.    See iii. sec. 12, iv. secs. 3 and 12, and v. sec. 19, above. seemed to me the more probable. For Thou art great, O Lord, and hast respect unto the lowly, but the proud Thou knowest afar off.”243    Ps. cxxxviii 6.    Following the example of Ambrose, Augustin used all his influence and eloquence to correct such shocking abuses in the churches. In his letter to Alypius, Bishop of Thagaste (when as yet only a presbyter assisting the venerable Valerius), he gives an account of his efforts to overcome them in the church of Hippo. The following passage is instructive (Ep. xxix. 9):—“I explained to them the circumstances out of which this custom seems to have necessarily risen in the Church, namely, that when, in the peace which came after such numerous and violent persecutions, crowds of heathen who wished to assume the Christian religion were kept back, because, having been accustomed to celebrate the feasts connected with their worship of idols in revelling and drunkenness, they could not easily refrain from pleasures so hurtful and so habitual, it had seemed good to our ancestors, making for the time a concession to this infirmity, to permit them to celebrate, instead of the festivals which they renounced, other feasts in honour of the holy martyrs, which were observed, not as before with a profane design, but with similar self-indulgence.”    “For with what understanding can man apprehend God, who does not yet apprehend that very understanding itself of his own by which he desires to apprehend Him? And if he does already apprehend this, let him carefully consider that there is nothing in his own nature better than it: and let him see whether he can there see any outlines of forms, or brightness of colours, or greatness of space, or distance of parts, or extension of size, or any movements through intervals of place, or any such thing at all. Certainly we find nothing of all this in that, than which we find nothing better in our own nature, that is, in our own intellect, by which we apprehend wisdom according to our capacity. What, therefore, we do not find in that, which is our own best, we ought not to seek in Him, who is far better than that best of ours; that so we may understand God, if we are able, and as much as we are able, as good without quality, great without quantity, a Creator though He lack nothing, ruling but from no position, sustaining all things without ‘having’ them, in His wholeness everywhere yet without place, eternal without time, making things that are changeable without change of Himself, and without passion. Whoso thus thinks of God, although he cannot yet find out in all ways what He is, yet piously takes heed, as much as he is able, to think nothing of Him that He is not.”—De Trin. v. 2. Nor dost Thou draw near but to the contrite heart,244    Ps. xxxiv. 18, and cxlv. 18.    See v. sec. 17, note 5, above. nor art Thou found by the proud,245    See Book iv. sec. 19, note, above.    On another occasion, when Monica’s mind was exercised as to non-essentials, Ambrose gave her advice which has perhaps given origin to the proverb, “When at Rome, do as Rome does.” It will be found in the letter to Casulanus (Ep. xxxvi. 32), and is as follows:—“When my mother was with me in that city, I, as being only a catechumen, felt no concern about these questions; but it was to her a question causing anxiety, whether she ought, after the custom of our own town, to fast on the Saturday, or, after the custom of the church of Milan, not to fast. To deliver her from perplexity, I put the question to the man of God whom I have first named. He answered, ‘What else can I recommend to others than what I do myself?’ When I thought that by this he intended simply to prescribe to us that we should take food on Saturdays,—for I knew this to be his own practice,—he, following me, added these words: ‘When I am here I do not fast on Saturday, but when I am at Rome I do; Whatever church you may come to, conform to its custom, if you would avoid either receiving or giving offence.’” We find the same incident referred to in Ep. liv. 3.—not even could they number by cunning skill the stars and the sand, and measure the starry regions, and trace the courses of the planets.

4. For with their understanding and the capacity which Thou hast bestowed upon them they search out these things; and much have they found out, and foretold many years before,—the eclipses of those luminaries, the sun and moon, on what day, at what hour, and from how many particular points they were likely to come. Nor did their calculation fail them; and it came to pass even as they foretold. And they wrote down the rules found out, which are read at this day; and from these others foretell in what year and in what month of the year, and on what day of the month, and at what hour of the day, and at what quarter of its light, either moon or sun is to be eclipsed, and thus it shall be even as it is foretold. And men who are ignorant of these things marvel and are amazed, and they that know them exult and are exalted; and by an impious pride, departing from Thee, and forsaking Thy light, they foretell a failure of the sun’s light which is likely to occur so long before, but see not their own, which is now present. For they seek not religiously whence they have the ability where-with they seek out these things. And finding that Thou hast made them, they give not themselves up to Thee, that Thou mayest preserve what Thou hast made, nor sacrifice themselves to Thee, even such as they have made themselves to be; nor do they slay their own pride, as fowls of the air,246    He makes use of the same illustrations on Psalms viii. and xi. , where the birds of the air represent the proud, the fishes of the sea those who have too great a curiosity, while the beasts of the field are those given to carnal pleasures. It will be seen that there is a correspondence between them and the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, in 1 John ii. 16. See also above, Book iii. sec. 16; and below, Book x. sec. 41, etc.    Rom. xii. 11. nor their own curiosities, by which (like the fishes of the sea) they wander over the unknown paths of the abyss, nor their own extravagance, as the “beasts of the field,”247    Ps. viii. 7, 8. that Thou, Lord, “a consuming fire,”248    Deut. iv. 24. mayest burn up their lifeless cares and renew them immortally.

5. But the way—Thy Word,249    John i. 3. by whom Thou didst make these things which they number, and themselves who number, and the sense by which they perceive what they number, and the judgment out of which they number—they knew not, and that of Thy wisdom there is no number.250    Ps. cxlvii. 5, Vulg. But the Only-begotten has been “made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification,”251    1 Cor. i. 30. and has been numbered amongst us, and paid tribute to Cæsar.252    Matt. xvii. 27. This way, by which they might descend to Him from themselves, they knew not; nor that through Him they might ascend unto Him.253    In Sermon 123, sec. 3, we have: “Christ as God is the country to which we go—Christ as man is the way by which we go.” See note on Book iv. sec. 19, above. This way they knew not, and they think themselves exalted with the stars254    Isa. xiv. 13. and shining, and lo! they fell upon the earth,255    Rev. xii. 4. and “their foolish heart was darkened.”256    Rom. i. 21. They say many true things concerning the creature; but Truth, the Artificer of the creature, they seek not with devotion, and hence they find Him not. Or if they find Him, knowing that He is God, they glorify Him not as God, neither are they thankful,257    Ibid. but become vain in their imaginations, and say that they themselves are wise,258    Rom. i. 22. attributing to themselves what is Thine; and by this, with most perverse blindness, they desire to impute to Thee what is their own, forging lies against Thee who art the Truth, and changing the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things,259    Rom. i. 23.—changing Thy truth into a lie, and worshipping and serving the creature more than the Creator.260    Rom. i. 25.

6. Many truths, however, concerning the creature did I retain from these men, and the cause appeared to me from calculations, the succession of seasons, and the visible manifestations of the stars; and I compared them with the sayings of Manichæus, who in his frenzy has written most extensively on these subjects, but discovered not any account either of the solstices, or the equinoxes, the eclipses of the luminaries, or anything of the kind I had learned in the books of secular philosophy. But therein I was ordered to believe, and yet it corresponded not with those rules acknowledged by calculation and my own sight, but was far different.

CAPUT III. De Fausto manichaeo, et de philosophorum caecitate qui per creaturas Creatorem non cognoverunt.

3. Proloquar in conspectu Dei mei annum illum undetrigesimum aetatis meae. Jam venerat Carthaginem quidam Manichaeorum episcopus, Faustus nomine, magnus laqueus diaboli: et multi implicabantur in eo per illecebram suaviloquentiae; quam ego tametsi laudabam, discernebam tamen a veritate rerum, quarum discendarum avidus eram; nec quali vasculo sermonis, sed quid mihi scientiae comedendum apponeret nominatus apud eos ille Faustus, intuebar. Fama enim de illo praelocuta mihi erat quod esset honestarum omnium doctrinarum peritissimus, et apprime disciplinis liberalibus eruditus. Et quoniam multa philosophorum legeram, memoriaeque mandata retinebam, ex eis quaedam comparabam illis Manichaeorum longis fabulis: et mihi probabiliora ista videbantur, quae dixerunt illi, qui tantum potuerunt valere, ut possent aestimare saeculum, quanquam ejus Dominum minime invenerint. Quoniam magnus es, Domine, et humilia respicis; excelsa autem a longe cognoscis (Psal. CXXXVII, 6): nec propinquas nisi obtritis corde; nec inveniris a superbis, nec si illi curiosa peritia numerent stellas et arenam, et dimetiantur sidereas plagas, et vestigent vias astrorum.

4. Mente enim sua quaerunt ista, et ingenio quod tu dedisti eis: et multa invenerunt et praenuntiaverunt ante multos annos defectus luminarium solis et lunae, quo die, qua hora, quanta ex parte futuri essent; et non eos fefellit numerus, et ita factum est ut praenuntiaverunt: et scripserunt regulas indagatas, et leguntur hodie, atque ex eis praenuntiatur quo anno et quo mense anni, et quo die mensis, et qua hora diei, et quota parte luminis sui defectura sit luna vel sol; et ita fiet ut praenuntiatur. Et mirantur haec homines et stupent qui nesciunt ea, et exsultant atque extolluntur qui sciunt; et per impiam superbiam recedentes et deficientes a lumine tuo, tanto ante solis defectum futurum praevident, et in praesentia suum 0708 non vident. Non enim religiose quaerunt unde habeant ingenium quo ista quaerunt. Et invenientes quia tu fecisti eos, non ipsi dant tibi se ut serves quod fecisti, et quales se ipsi fecerant occidunt se tibi , et trucidant exaltationes suas sicut volatilia, et curiositates suas sicut pisces maris, quibus perambulant secretas semitas abyssi, et luxurias suas sicut pecora campi; ut tu, Deus ignis edax, consumas mortuas curas eorum recreans eos immortaliter.

5. Sed non noverunt viam, Verbum tuum, per quod fecisti ea quae numerant, et ipsos qui numerant, et sensum quo cernunt quae numerant, et mentem de qua numerant; et sapientiae tuae non est numerus (Psal. CXLVI, 5). Ipse autem Unigenitus factus est nobis sapientia, et justitia, et sanctificatio (I Cor. I, 30); et numeratus est inter nos, et solvit tributum Caesari (Matth. XXII, 21). Non noverunt hanc viam, qua descendant ad illum a se, et per eum ascendant ad eum. Non noverunt hanc viam, et putant se excelsos esse cum sideribus et lucidos; et ecce ruerunt in terram, et obscuratum est insipiens cor eorum. Et multa vera de creatura dicunt, et Veritatem, creaturae artificem, non pie quaerunt, et ideo non inveniunt: aut si inveniunt, cognoscentes Deum, non sicut Deum honorant, aut gratias agunt; sed evanescunt in cogitationibus suis, et dicunt se esse sapientes, sibi tribuendo quae tua sunt, ac per hoc student perversissima caecitate etiam tibi tribuere quae sua sunt, mendacia scilicet in te conferentes, qui veritas es, et immutantes gloriam incorrupti Dei in similitudinem imaginis corruptibilis hominis, et volucrum, et quadrupedum, et serpentum, et convertunt veritatem tuam in mendacium; et colunt, et serviunt creaturae potius quam Creatori (Rom. I, 21-25).

6. Multa tamen ab eis, ex ipsa creatura, vera dicta retinebam; et occurrebat mihi ratio per numeros et ordinem temporum, et visibiles attestationes siderum, et conferebam cum dictis Manichaei, quae de his rebus multa scripsit copiosissime delirans; et non mihi occurrebat ratio nec solstitiorum et aequinoctiorum, nec defectuum luminarium, nec quidquid tale in libris saecularis sapientiae didiceram. Ibi autem credere jubebar, et ad illas rationes numeris et oculis meis exploratas non occurrebat, et longe diversum erat.