CAPUT PRIMUM. 1. Sermonem quem locutus est Dominus noster Jesus Christus in monte, sicut in Evangelio secundum Matthaeum legimus, si quis pie sobriequ

 CAPUT II.---4. Beati mites quoniam ipsi haereditate possidebunt terram: illam credo terram, de qua in Psalmo dicitur, Spes mea es tu, portio mea in t

 CAPUT III.---10. Sunt autem omnes istae octo sententiae. Jam enim caetera compellans loquitur ad illos qui aderant, dicens: Beati eritis, cum vobis ma

 CAPUT IV.---11. Videtur ergo mihi etiam septiformis operatio Spiritus sancti, de qua Isaias loquitur (Isai. XI, 2, 3), his gradibus sententiisque cong

 CAPUT V.---13. Beati eritis, inquit, cum vobis maledicent, et persequentur vos, et dicent omne malum adversum vos, mentientes, propter me. Gaudete et

 CAPUT VI.---16. Rectissime itaque sequitur, Vos estis sal terrae: ostendens fatuos esse judicandos, qui temporalium bonorum vel copiam sectantes, vel

 CAPUT VII.---18. Sic luceat, inquit, lumen vestrum coram hominibus, ut videant bona facta vestra, et glorificent Patrem vestrum qui in coelis est. Sic

 CAPUT VIII.---20. In hac sententia sensus duplex est secundum utrumque tractandum est. Nam qui dicit, Non veni solvere Legem, sed implere aut addend

 CAPUT IX.---21. Dico enim vobis, quia nisi abundaverit justitia vestra plus quam Scribarum et Pharisaeorum, non intrabitis in regnum coelorum: id est,

 CAPUT X.---26. Deinde hic sequitur: Si ergo obtuleris munus tuum ad altare, et illic recordatus fueris quod frater tuus habet aliquid adversum te rel

 CAPUT XI.---29. Esto, inquit, adversario tuo benevolus cito dum es in via cum eo ne forte te tradat adversarius judici, et judex tradat te ministro,

 CAPUT XII.---33. Audistis quia dictum est antiquis, Non moechaberis. Ego autem dico vobis, quia omnis qui viderit mulierem ad concupiscendum eam, jam

 CAPUT XIII.---37. Deinde sequitur, et dicit: Si autem oculus tuus dexter scandalizat te, erue eum, et projice abs te: expedit enim tibi ut pereat unum

 CAPUT XIV.---39. Dictum est autem, Quicumque dimiserit uxorem suam, det illi libellum repudii. Haec justitia minor est Pharisaeorum, cui non est contr

 CAPUT XV.---40. Illud magis solet sollicitare animum parvulorum, qui tamen secundum praecepta Christi jam vivere gestiunt, quod alio loco ipse Dominus

 CAPUT XVI.---43. Exoritur hic altera quaestio, cum Dominus causa fornicationis permittat dimitti uxorem, quatenus hoc loco intelligenda sit fornicatio

 CAPUT XVII.---51. Iterum, inquit, audistis quia dictum est antiquis, Non pejerabis, reddes autem Domino jusjurandum tuum. Ego autem dico vobis, non ju

 CAPUT XVIII.---54. Sed jam ut istam quoque concludamus summam, quid laboriosius et operosius dici aut cogitari potest, ubi omnes nervos industriae sua

 CAPUT XIX.---56. Sequitur ergo Dominus, et dicit: Audistis quia dictum est, Oculum pro oculo, et dentem pro dente. Ego autem dico vobis, non resistere

 CAPUT XX.---62. In his sane generibus trium exemplorum nullum genus injuriae praetermissum esse video. Namque omnia in quibus improbitatem aliquam pat

 CAPUT XXI.---69. Deinde adjungit, et dicit: Audistis quia dictum est, Diliges proximum tuum, et oderis inimicum tuum. Ego autem dico vobis, diligite i

 CAPUT XXII.---73. Sed illud magis urget istam quaestionem, quod dicit apostolus Joannes, Si quis scit peccare fratrem suum peccatum non ad mortem, pos

 CAPUT XXIII.---78. Quod autem consequenter positum est, Ut sitis filii Patris vestri qui in coelis est, ex illa regula intelligendum est, qua et Joann

 LIBER SECUNDUS. In posteriorem partem sermonis Domini in monte, contentam Matthaei capp. sexto et septimo.

 CAPUT PRIMUM.---1. Misericordiam, usque ad cujus tractationem liber primus terminum accepit, sequitur cordis mundatio, unde iste sumit exordium. Cordi

 CAPUT II.---5. Cum ergo facis eleemosynam, inquit, noli tuba canere ante te, sicut hypocritae faciunt in synagogis et in vicis, ut glorificentur ab ho

 CAPUT III.---10. Et cum oratis, inquit, non eritis sicut hypocritae, qui amant in synagogis et in angulis platea rum stantes orare, ut videantur ab ho

 CAPUT IV.---15. Sed jam considerandum est quae nos orare ille praeceperit, per quem et discimus quid oremus, et consequimur quod oramus. Sic itaque or

 CAPUT V.---17. Utatur ergo voce Novi Testamenti populus novus, ad aeternam haereditatem vocatus, et dicat, Pater noster qui es in coelis: id est, in s

 CAPUT VI.---20. Deinde sequitur, Adveniat regnum tuum. Sicut ipse Dominus in Evangelio docet, tunc futurum esse judicii diem, cum Evangelium praedicat

 CAPUT VII.---25. Quarta petitio est, Panem nostrum 1280 quotidianum da nobis hodie. Nolite cogitare de crastino de nobis hodie: Operamini escam quae

 CAPUT VIII.---28. Sequitur quinta petitio, Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Debita, peccata dici manifestu

 CAPUT IX.---30. Sexta petitio est, Et ne nos inferas in tentationem. Nonnulli codices habent, inducas, Ne nos patiaris induci in tentationem inducas.

 CAPUT X.---36. Sed harum septem petitionum consideranda et commendanda distinctio est. Nam cum vita nostra temporaliter nunc agatur, atque speretur ae

 CAPUT XI.---38. Videtur etiam mihi septenarius iste numerus harum petitionum congruere illi septenario numero, ex quo totus iste sermo manavit. Si eni

 CAPUT XII.---40. Sequitur de jejunio praeceptum, pertinens ad eamdem cordis mundationem, de qua nunc agitur. Nam et in hoc opere cavendum est ne subre

 CAPUT XIII.---44. Recte ergo sequitur, et praecipit, qui mundando cordi nostro instat, dicens: «Nolite vobis condere thesauros in terra, ubi tinea et

 CAPUT XIV.---47. Quod autem sequitur, et dicit, Nemo potest duobus dominis servire, ad hanc ipsam intentionem referendum est, quod consequenter exponi

 CAPUT XV.---49. Ideo, inquit, dico vobis, non habere sollicitudinem animae vestrae quid edatis, neque corpori vestro quid induatis. Nonne, anima plus

 CAPUT XVI.---53. «Nolite ergo, inquit, solliciti esse, dicentes. Quid edemus, aut quid bibemus, aut quid vestiemur: haec enim omnia Gentes quaerunt. S

 CAPUT XVII.---56. Quaerentibus enim primum regnum et justitiam Dei, id est, hoc praeponentibus caeteris rebus, ut propter hoc caetera quaeramus, non 1

 CAPUT XVIII.---59. Et quoniam cum ista vel procurantur in futurum, vel si causa non est quare illa impendas, reservantur, incertum est quo animo fiat,

 CAPUT XIX.---63. Et quoniam de temerario et iniquo judicio nos hoc loco Dominus monet: vult enim ut simplici corde et in unum Deum intento faciamus qu

 CAPUT XX.---67. Sed quoniam potest nonnullos Dei praeceptis obtemperare cupientes nomen simplicitatis decipere, ut sic putent vitiosum esse aliquando

 CAPUT XXI.---71. Cum igitur praeceptum esset ne sanctum detur canibus, et margaritae ante porcos mittantur, potuit auditor occurrere et dicere, consci

 CAPUT XXII.---74. Firmitas autem et valentia quaedam ambulandi per sapientiae viam, in bonis moribus constituta est, qui perducuntur usque ad mundatio

 CAPUT XXIII.---77. Sed hoc quia paucorum est, jam incipit de investiganda et possidenda sapientia loqui, quod est lignum vitae: cui utique investigand

 CAPUT XXIV.---78. Hic ergo illi qui promittunt sapientiam cognitionemque veritatis quam non habent, praecipue cavendi sunt sicut sunt haeretici, qui

 CAPUT XXV.---82. Sed quoniam quamvis quisque oculo mundo sit, id est, simplici et sincero corde vivat, non potest tamen cor alterius intueri quaecumq

Chapter VI.

16. Hence there follows most justly the statement, “Ye are the salt of the earth;” showing that those parties are to be judged insipid, who, either in the eager pursuit after abundance of earthly blessings, or through the dread of want, lose the eternal things which can neither be given nor taken away by men. “But51    “A warning against pride” (Schaff). if the salt have lost52    Infatuatum fuerit; Vulgate, evanuerit. its savour, wherewith shall it be salted?” i.e., If ye, by means of whom the nations in a measure are to be preserved [from corruption], through the dread of temporal persecutions shall lose the kingdom of heaven, where will be the men through whom error may be removed from you, since God has chosen you, in order that through you He might remove the error of others? Hence the savourless salt is “good for nothing, but to be cast out, and trodden under foot of men.” It is not therefore he who suffers persecution, but he who is rendered savourless by the fear of persecution, that is trodden under foot of men. For it is only one who is undermost that can be trodden under foot; but he is not undermost, who, however many things he may suffer in his body on the earth, yet has his heart fixed in heaven.53    Others follow Augustin in regarding the connection of this verse and the next with the preceding one as very close. All the more must they refuse to yield to persecution, as they have a function in the world which is well represented by salt and light (Weizsäcker, Meyer, etc.). The function of salt is to preserve and to season. With it Elisha healed the unwholesome water (2 Kings ii. 21). The use of salt in the sacrifices is, no doubt, alluded to (Tholuck). It becomes savourless. Dr. Thomson says (Land and Book, ii. 43), “It is a well-known fact that the salt in this country (gathered from the marshes in dry weather), when in contact with the ground, or exposed to air and sun, does become insipid and useless.” The disciples are appointed to communicate the truth and moral grace, before spoken of in the Beatitudes, to counteract the error and corruption in the earth. “Earth” not to be confined to “society as then existing, the definite form the world then presented” (Lange), but to mankind in general, as Augustin below. “Wherewith shall it be salted” does not imply that those who have once fallen cannot be reclaimed (Alford). The comment of Grotius is good: “Ipsi emendare alios debebent, non autem exspectare ut ab aliis ipsi emendarentur” (“They ought to improve others, not expect to be themselves improved by others”).

17. “Ye are the light54    Lumen, also used for a luminary; Vulgate, lux. In a lower and derivative sense are the disciples “the light,” etc. (Alford), deriving their light-giving quality from Him who is the “Light of the world” (John viii. 12), so that they become “lights in the world” (Phil. ii. 15). Augustin (Sermon, ccclxxx.): Johannes lumen illuminatum, Christus lumen illuminans. of the world.” In the same way as He said above, “the salt of the earth,” so now He says, “the light of the world.” For in the former case that earth is not to be understood which we tread with our bodily feet, but the men who dwell upon the earth, or even the sinners, for the preserving of whom and for the extinguishing of whose corruptions the Lord sent the apostolic salt. And here, by the world must be understood not the heavens and the earth, but the men who are in the world or love the world, for the enlightening of whom the apostles were sent.55    “The influence of salt is internal, of light external: hence the element in which they work, the earth and the world, both referring to mankind; the latter more to its organized external form” (Schaff). “A city that is set on56    Constituta; Vulgate, posita. The city was probably visible. Some have thought of the village on Mount Tabor, others of an ancient fortress, predecessor of the present Safed (Dean Stanley, Thomson); certainly not Jerusalem (Weizsäcker). an hill cannot be hid,” i.e. [a city] founded upon great and distinguished righteousness, which is also the meaning of the mountain itself on which our Lord is discoursing. “Neither do men light a candle57    Lucerna. and put it under a bushel measure.”58    The Greek has the definite article τὸν μόδιον. What view are we to take? That the expression “under a bushel measure” is so used that only the concealment of the candle is to be understood, as if He were saying, No one lights a candle and conceals it? Or does the bushel measure also mean something, so that to place a candle under a bushel is this, to place the comforts of the body higher than the preaching of the truth; so that one does not preach the truth so long as he is afraid of suffering any annoyance in corporeal and temporal things? And it is well said a bushel measure, whether on account of the recompense of measure, for each one receives the things done in his body,—“that every one,” says the apostle, “may there receive59    2 Cor. v. 10. Recipiat unusquisque quæ gessit in corpore. Vulgate, referat unusquisque propria corporis, prout gessit, etc. the things done in his body;” and it is said in another place, as if of this bushel measure of the body, “For with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again:”60    Matt. vii. 2.—or because temporal good things, which are carried to completion in the body, are both begun and come to an end in a certain definite number of days, which is perhaps meant by the “bushel measure;” while eternal and spiritual things are confined within no such limit, “for God giveth not the Spirit by measure.”61    John iii. 34; which words, however, are, as Augustin subsequently observed (Retract. I. xix. 3), applicable only to Christ. Every one, therefore, who obscures and covers up the light of good doctrine by means of temporal comforts, places his candle under a bushel measure. “But on a candlestick.”62    Candelabrum. Now it is placed on a candlestick by him who subordinates his body to the service of God, so that the preaching of the truth is the higher, and the serving of the body the lower; yet by means even of the service of the body the doctrine shines more conspicuously, inasmuch as it is insinuated into those who learn by means of bodily functions, i.e. by means of the voice and tongue, and the other movements of the body in good works. The apostle therefore puts his candle on a candlestick, when he says, “So fight I, not as one that beateth63    Cædens; Vulgate, verberans. the air; but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means, when I preach to others, I myself should be found a castaway.”64    1 Cor. ix. 26, 27. Ne forte aliis predicans…invenir. Vulgate, Ne forte cum aliis prædicaverim…efficir. When He says, however, “that it may give light to all who are in the house,” I am of opinion that it is the abode of men which is called a house, i.e. the world itself, on account of what He says before, “Ye are the light of the world;” or if any one chooses to understand the house as being the Church, this, too, is not out of place.

CAPUT VI.---16. Rectissime itaque sequitur, Vos estis sal terrae: ostendens fatuos esse judicandos, qui temporalium bonorum vel copiam sectantes, vel inopiam metuentes, amittunt aeterna, quae nec dari possunt ab hominibus, nec auferri. Itaque si sal infatuatum fuerit, in quo salietur? id est, si vos per quos condiendi sunt quodammodo populi, metu persecutionum temporalium amiseritis regna coelorum; qui erunt homines per quos a vobis error auferatur, cum vos elegerit Deus, per quos errorem auferat caeterorum? Ergo ad nihilum valet sal infatuatum, nisi ut mittatur foras, et calcetur ab hominibus. Non itaque calcatur ab hominibus qui patitur persecutionem, sed qui persecutionem timendo infatuatur. Calcari enim non potest nisi inferior: sed inferior non est qui quamvis corpore multa in terra sustineat, corde tamen fixus in coelo est.

17. Vos estis lumen mundi. Quomodo dixit superius sal terrae, sic nunc dicit lumen mundi. Nam neque superius ista terra accipienda est, quam pedibus corporeis calcamus, sed homines qui in terra habitant, vel etiam peccatores, quorum condiendis et exstinguendis putoribus apostolicum salem Dominus misit. Et hic mundum non coelum et terram, sed homines qui sunt in mundo vel diligunt mundum, oportet intelligi, quibus illuminandis Apostoli missi sunt. Non potest civitas abscondi super montem constituta: id est, fundata super insignem magnamque justitiam, quam significat etiam ipse mons in quo disputat Dominus. Neque accendunt lucernam, et ponunt eam sub modio. Quid putamus? ita esse dictum sub modio, ut occultatio tantum lucernae accipienda sit, tanquam si diceret, Nemo accendit lucernam, et occultat illam? an aliquid etiam modius significat, ut hoc sit ponere lucernam sub modio, superiora facere corporis commoda, quam praedicationem veritatis; ut ideo quisque veritatem non praedicet, dum timet ne aliquid in rebus corporalibus et temporalibus molestiae patiatur? Et bene modius dicitur, sive propter retributionem mensurae, quia ea quisque recipit quae gessit in corpore, ut illic, inquit Apostolus, recipiat 1238 unusquisque quae gessit in corpore (II Cor. V, 10): et tanquam de hoc modio corporis alio loco dicitur, In qua enim mensura mensi fueritis, in ea remetietur vobis (Matth. VII, 2): sive quoniam temporalia bona, quae in corpore peraguntur, certa dierum mensura et inchoantur et transeunt, quam fortasse significat modius; aeterna vero et spiritualia nullo tali fine coercentur : Non enim ad mensuram dat Deus spiritum (Joan. III, 34). Sub modio ergo lucernam ponit, quisquis lucem bonae doctrinae commodis temporalibus obscurat et tegit. Sed super candelabrum. Super candelabrum autem, qui corpus suum ministerio Dei subjicit, ut superior sit praedicatio veritatis, et inferior servitus corporis: per ipsam tamen corporis servitutem excelsior luceat doctrina, quae per officia corporalia, id est per vocem et linguam et caeteros corporis motus in bonis operibus insinuatur discentibus. Super candelabrum ergo ponit lucernam, cum dicit Apostolus, Non sic pugno tanquam aerem caedens; sed castigo corpus meum, et servituti subjicio, ne forte aliis praedicans ipse reprobus inveniar (I Cor. IX, 26, 27). Quod vero ait, Ut luceat omnibus qui in domo sunt, domum puto dictam habitationem hominum, id est ipsum mundum, propter id quod superius ait, Vos estis lumen mundi: aut si domum quisque vult accipere Ecclesiam, nec hoc est absurdum.