pensiero, che estendo volentieri a quanti sono collegati mediante la radio e la
Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale924
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Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale942
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Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale942
Article 10
1. Ecclesiastical juridical persons may acquire, possess, use and usufruct
or alienate moveable and immoveable goods, and may also acquire and alie-
nate patrimonial rights, according to the norms of canon law and the legi-
slation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
2. The juridical persons indicated in section 1 may institute foundations.
Their activity, as far as its civil effects are concerned, is regulated according
to the legal norms of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
3. Bosnia and Herzegovina will restore to the Catholic Church within ten
years from the entry into effect of this Agreement all immoveable goods
nationalized or seized without adequate compensation. For goods which can-
not be restored, Bosnia and Herzegovina will give just compensation, to be
agreed upon by the authorities and those with legitimate title to the properties.
Article 11
1. The Catholic Church has the right to construct churches and ecclesia-
stical buildings and to enlarge or alter those already in existence, according
to the laws in force in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2. The diocesan Bishop decides when it is necessary to construct ecclesia-
stical buildings within the territory of his diocese, by norm of canon law, and
he proposes where they are to be located; and the competent authorities of
Bosnia and Herzegovina will agree unless there are objective reasons not to do so.
3. The competent authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina will not consider
requests for the construction of Catholic ecclesiastical buildings in the absen-
ce of the diocesan Bishop's written approval (cf. section 2 above).
Article 12
1. The Catholic Church is guaranteed the freedom to own, print, publish
and distribute books, newspapers, journals, as well as audiovisual material,
and also any other activity connected with her mission.
2. The Catholic Church has the right to establish and to administer in her
own name radio and television stations, in conformity with the laws of Bo-
snia and Herzegovina.