CAPUT PRIMUM. 1. Sermonem quem locutus est Dominus noster Jesus Christus in monte, sicut in Evangelio secundum Matthaeum legimus, si quis pie sobriequ

 CAPUT II.---4. Beati mites quoniam ipsi haereditate possidebunt terram: illam credo terram, de qua in Psalmo dicitur, Spes mea es tu, portio mea in t

 CAPUT III.---10. Sunt autem omnes istae octo sententiae. Jam enim caetera compellans loquitur ad illos qui aderant, dicens: Beati eritis, cum vobis ma

 CAPUT IV.---11. Videtur ergo mihi etiam septiformis operatio Spiritus sancti, de qua Isaias loquitur (Isai. XI, 2, 3), his gradibus sententiisque cong

 CAPUT V.---13. Beati eritis, inquit, cum vobis maledicent, et persequentur vos, et dicent omne malum adversum vos, mentientes, propter me. Gaudete et

 CAPUT VI.---16. Rectissime itaque sequitur, Vos estis sal terrae: ostendens fatuos esse judicandos, qui temporalium bonorum vel copiam sectantes, vel

 CAPUT VII.---18. Sic luceat, inquit, lumen vestrum coram hominibus, ut videant bona facta vestra, et glorificent Patrem vestrum qui in coelis est. Sic

 CAPUT VIII.---20. In hac sententia sensus duplex est secundum utrumque tractandum est. Nam qui dicit, Non veni solvere Legem, sed implere aut addend

 CAPUT IX.---21. Dico enim vobis, quia nisi abundaverit justitia vestra plus quam Scribarum et Pharisaeorum, non intrabitis in regnum coelorum: id est,

 CAPUT X.---26. Deinde hic sequitur: Si ergo obtuleris munus tuum ad altare, et illic recordatus fueris quod frater tuus habet aliquid adversum te rel

 CAPUT XI.---29. Esto, inquit, adversario tuo benevolus cito dum es in via cum eo ne forte te tradat adversarius judici, et judex tradat te ministro,

 CAPUT XII.---33. Audistis quia dictum est antiquis, Non moechaberis. Ego autem dico vobis, quia omnis qui viderit mulierem ad concupiscendum eam, jam

 CAPUT XIII.---37. Deinde sequitur, et dicit: Si autem oculus tuus dexter scandalizat te, erue eum, et projice abs te: expedit enim tibi ut pereat unum

 CAPUT XIV.---39. Dictum est autem, Quicumque dimiserit uxorem suam, det illi libellum repudii. Haec justitia minor est Pharisaeorum, cui non est contr

 CAPUT XV.---40. Illud magis solet sollicitare animum parvulorum, qui tamen secundum praecepta Christi jam vivere gestiunt, quod alio loco ipse Dominus

 CAPUT XVI.---43. Exoritur hic altera quaestio, cum Dominus causa fornicationis permittat dimitti uxorem, quatenus hoc loco intelligenda sit fornicatio

 CAPUT XVII.---51. Iterum, inquit, audistis quia dictum est antiquis, Non pejerabis, reddes autem Domino jusjurandum tuum. Ego autem dico vobis, non ju

 CAPUT XVIII.---54. Sed jam ut istam quoque concludamus summam, quid laboriosius et operosius dici aut cogitari potest, ubi omnes nervos industriae sua

 CAPUT XIX.---56. Sequitur ergo Dominus, et dicit: Audistis quia dictum est, Oculum pro oculo, et dentem pro dente. Ego autem dico vobis, non resistere

 CAPUT XX.---62. In his sane generibus trium exemplorum nullum genus injuriae praetermissum esse video. Namque omnia in quibus improbitatem aliquam pat

 CAPUT XXI.---69. Deinde adjungit, et dicit: Audistis quia dictum est, Diliges proximum tuum, et oderis inimicum tuum. Ego autem dico vobis, diligite i

 CAPUT XXII.---73. Sed illud magis urget istam quaestionem, quod dicit apostolus Joannes, Si quis scit peccare fratrem suum peccatum non ad mortem, pos

 CAPUT XXIII.---78. Quod autem consequenter positum est, Ut sitis filii Patris vestri qui in coelis est, ex illa regula intelligendum est, qua et Joann

 LIBER SECUNDUS. In posteriorem partem sermonis Domini in monte, contentam Matthaei capp. sexto et septimo.

 CAPUT PRIMUM.---1. Misericordiam, usque ad cujus tractationem liber primus terminum accepit, sequitur cordis mundatio, unde iste sumit exordium. Cordi

 CAPUT II.---5. Cum ergo facis eleemosynam, inquit, noli tuba canere ante te, sicut hypocritae faciunt in synagogis et in vicis, ut glorificentur ab ho

 CAPUT III.---10. Et cum oratis, inquit, non eritis sicut hypocritae, qui amant in synagogis et in angulis platea rum stantes orare, ut videantur ab ho

 CAPUT IV.---15. Sed jam considerandum est quae nos orare ille praeceperit, per quem et discimus quid oremus, et consequimur quod oramus. Sic itaque or

 CAPUT V.---17. Utatur ergo voce Novi Testamenti populus novus, ad aeternam haereditatem vocatus, et dicat, Pater noster qui es in coelis: id est, in s

 CAPUT VI.---20. Deinde sequitur, Adveniat regnum tuum. Sicut ipse Dominus in Evangelio docet, tunc futurum esse judicii diem, cum Evangelium praedicat

 CAPUT VII.---25. Quarta petitio est, Panem nostrum 1280 quotidianum da nobis hodie. Nolite cogitare de crastino de nobis hodie: Operamini escam quae

 CAPUT VIII.---28. Sequitur quinta petitio, Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Debita, peccata dici manifestu

 CAPUT IX.---30. Sexta petitio est, Et ne nos inferas in tentationem. Nonnulli codices habent, inducas, Ne nos patiaris induci in tentationem inducas.

 CAPUT X.---36. Sed harum septem petitionum consideranda et commendanda distinctio est. Nam cum vita nostra temporaliter nunc agatur, atque speretur ae

 CAPUT XI.---38. Videtur etiam mihi septenarius iste numerus harum petitionum congruere illi septenario numero, ex quo totus iste sermo manavit. Si eni

 CAPUT XII.---40. Sequitur de jejunio praeceptum, pertinens ad eamdem cordis mundationem, de qua nunc agitur. Nam et in hoc opere cavendum est ne subre

 CAPUT XIII.---44. Recte ergo sequitur, et praecipit, qui mundando cordi nostro instat, dicens: «Nolite vobis condere thesauros in terra, ubi tinea et

 CAPUT XIV.---47. Quod autem sequitur, et dicit, Nemo potest duobus dominis servire, ad hanc ipsam intentionem referendum est, quod consequenter exponi

 CAPUT XV.---49. Ideo, inquit, dico vobis, non habere sollicitudinem animae vestrae quid edatis, neque corpori vestro quid induatis. Nonne, anima plus

 CAPUT XVI.---53. «Nolite ergo, inquit, solliciti esse, dicentes. Quid edemus, aut quid bibemus, aut quid vestiemur: haec enim omnia Gentes quaerunt. S

 CAPUT XVII.---56. Quaerentibus enim primum regnum et justitiam Dei, id est, hoc praeponentibus caeteris rebus, ut propter hoc caetera quaeramus, non 1

 CAPUT XVIII.---59. Et quoniam cum ista vel procurantur in futurum, vel si causa non est quare illa impendas, reservantur, incertum est quo animo fiat,

 CAPUT XIX.---63. Et quoniam de temerario et iniquo judicio nos hoc loco Dominus monet: vult enim ut simplici corde et in unum Deum intento faciamus qu

 CAPUT XX.---67. Sed quoniam potest nonnullos Dei praeceptis obtemperare cupientes nomen simplicitatis decipere, ut sic putent vitiosum esse aliquando

 CAPUT XXI.---71. Cum igitur praeceptum esset ne sanctum detur canibus, et margaritae ante porcos mittantur, potuit auditor occurrere et dicere, consci

 CAPUT XXII.---74. Firmitas autem et valentia quaedam ambulandi per sapientiae viam, in bonis moribus constituta est, qui perducuntur usque ad mundatio

 CAPUT XXIII.---77. Sed hoc quia paucorum est, jam incipit de investiganda et possidenda sapientia loqui, quod est lignum vitae: cui utique investigand

 CAPUT XXIV.---78. Hic ergo illi qui promittunt sapientiam cognitionemque veritatis quam non habent, praecipue cavendi sunt sicut sunt haeretici, qui

 CAPUT XXV.---82. Sed quoniam quamvis quisque oculo mundo sit, id est, simplici et sincero corde vivat, non potest tamen cor alterius intueri quaecumq

Chapter XXI.

69. In the next place, He goes on to say, “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which persecute you;199    Augustin, with the best Greek text, omits et calumniantibus vos (“and despitefully use you”) of the Vulgate. that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He commandeth200    Jubet; Vulgate, facit (with the Greek). His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love201    Dilexeritis; Vulgate, diligitis. them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? Do not even the Gentiles the very same?202    Hoc ipsum; Vulgate, hoc; Greek, τὸ αὐτό. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven203    Qui est in cœlis; Vulgate, cœlestis (see Revised Version). is perfect.” For without this love, wherewith we are commanded to love even our enemies and persecutors, who can fully carry out those things which are mentioned above? Moreover, the perfection of that mercy, wherewith most of all the soul that is in distress is cared for, cannot be stretched beyond the love of an enemy; and therefore the closing words are: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect.” Yet in such a way that God is understood to be perfect as God, and the soul to be perfect as a soul.

70. That there is, however, a certain step [in advance] in the righteousness of the Pharisees, which belongs to the old law, is perceived from this consideration, that many men hate even those by whom they are loved; as, for instance, luxurious children hate their parents for restraining them in their luxury. That man therefore rises a certain step, who loves his neighbour, although as yet he hates his enemy. But in the kingdom of Him who came to fulfil the law, not to destroy it, he will bring benevolence and kindness to perfection, when he has carried it out so far as to love an enemy. For the former stage, although it is something, is yet so little that it may be reached even by the publicans as well. And as to what is said in the law, “Thou shalt hate thine enemy,”204    The first part of the Lord’s quotation is found in Lev. xix. 18; these words, whatever may be said about the sanction, real or apparent, of revenge and triumph over an enemy’s fall in the Old Testament, are not found there. Bengel well says “pessima glossa” (“wretched gloss”),—a gloss of the Pharisees, “bearing plainly enough the character of post-exilic Judaism in its exclusiveness toward all surrounding nations” (Weiss). Centuries after Christ spoke these words, Maimonides gives utterance to this narrow feeling of hate: “If a Jew see a Gentile fall into the sea, let him by no means take him out; for it is written, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour’s blood,’ but this is not thy neighbour.” The separation of the Jews, demanded by their theocratic position, was the explanation in part—not an excuse—for such feeling towards people of other nationalities. Heathen peoples had the same feeling towards enemies. “It was the celebrated felicity of Sulla; and this was the crown of Xenophon’s panegyric of Cyrus the Younger, that no one had done more good to his friends or more mischief to his enemies.” Plautus said, “Man is a wolf to the stranger” (“homo homini ignoto lupus est”). The term “stranger” in Greek means “enemy.” But common as this philosophy was to the pre-Christian world, the Jew was specially known for his hatred of all not of his own nationality (Juvenal, Sat. xiv. 104, etc.). The “enemy” referred to in the passage is not a national enemy ( Keim) but a personal one (Weiss, Meyer, etc.). Our Lord subsequently defined who was to be understood by the term “neighbour” in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke x. 36). it is not to be understood as the voice of command addressed to a righteous man, but rather as the voice of permission to a weak man.

71. Here indeed arises a question in no way to be blinked, that to this precept of the Lord, wherein He exhorts us to love our enemies, and to do good to those who hate us, and to pray for those who persecute us, many other parts of Scripture seem to those who consider them less diligently and soberly to stand opposed; for in the prophets there are found many imprecations against enemies, which are thought to be curses: as, for instance, that one, “Let their table become a snare,”205    Ps. lxix. 22. and the other things which are said there; and that one, “Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow,”206    Ps. cix. 9. and the other statements which are made either before or afterwards in the same Psalm by the prophet, as bearing on the case of Judas. Many other statements are found in all parts of Scripture, which may seem contrary both to this precept of the Lord, and to that apostolic one, where it is said, “Bless; and curse not;”207    Rom. xii. 14. while it is both written of the Lord, that He cursed the cities which received not His word;208    Matt xi. 20–24 and Luke x. 13–15. and the above-mentioned apostle thus spoke respecting a certain man, “The Lord will reward him according to his works.”209    2 Tim. iv. 14. Augustin here again follows the better text than the Textus Receptus; so also Vulgate, reddet. See Revised Version.

72. But these difficulties are easily solved, for the prophet predicted by means of imprecation what was about to happen, not as praying for what he wished, but in the spirit of one who saw it beforehand. So also the Lord, so also the apostle; although even in the words of these we do not find what they have wished, but what they have foretold. For when the Lord says, “Woe unto thee, Capernaum,” He does not utter anything else than that some evil will happen to her as a punishment of her unbelief; and that this would happen the Lord did not malevolently wish, but saw by means of His divinity. And the apostle does not say, May [the Lord] reward; but, “The Lord will reward him according to his work;” which is the word of one who foretells, not of one uttering an imprecation. Just as also, in regard to that hypocrisy of the Jews of which we have already spoken, whose destruction he saw to be impending, he said,” God shall smite thee, thou whited wall.” 210    See above chap. xix. 58. But the prophets especially are accustomed to predict future events under the figure of one uttering an imprecation, just as they have often foretold those things which were to come under the figure of past time: as is the case, for example, in that passage, “Why have the nations raged, and the peoples imagined vain things?”211    Ps. ii. 1. The English version employs the present tense. For he has not said, Why will the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things? although he was not mentioning those things as if they were already past, but was looking forward to them as yet to come. Such also is that passage, “They have parted my garments among them, and have cast lots upon my vesture:”212    Ps. xxii. 18. for here also he has not said, They will part my garments among them, and will cast lots upon my vesture. And yet no one finds fault with these words, except the man who does not perceive that variety of figures in speaking in no degree lessens the truth of facts, and adds very much to the impressions on our minds.

CAPUT XXI.---69. Deinde adjungit, et dicit: Audistis quia dictum est, Diliges proximum tuum, et oderis inimicum tuum. Ego autem dico vobis, diligite inimicos vestros, benefacite his qui vos oderunt, et orate pro eis qui vos persequuntur: ut sitis filii Patris vestri qui in coelis est, qui solem suum oriri jubet super bonos et malos, et pluit super justos et injustos. Si enim dilexeritis eos qui vos diligunt, quam mercedem habebitis? nonne et Publicani hoc faciunt? Et si salutaveritis fratres vestros tantum, quid amplius facitis? nonne et Ethnici hoc ipsum faciunt? Estote ergo vos perfecti, sicut et Pater vester qui in coelis est, perfectus est. Nam sine ista dilectione, qua etiam inimicos et persecutores nostros diligere jubemur, ea quae superius dicta sunt implere quis potest? Perfectio autem misericordiae, qua plurimum animae laboranti consulitur, ultra dilectionem inimici porrigi non potest; et ideo sic clauditur: Estote ergo vos perfecti, sicut et Pater vester qui in coelis est, perfectus est. Ita tamen ut Deus intelligatur perfectus tanquam Deus, et anima perfecta tanquam anima.

70. Gradum tamen esse aliquem in Pharisaeorum justitia, quae ad Legem veterem pertinet, hinc intelligitur, quod multi homines eos etiam a quibus diliguntur oderunt; sicut luxuriosi filii parentes coercitores luxuriae suae: ascendit ergo aliquem gradum qui proximum diligit, quamvis adhuc oderit inimicum. Ejus autem imperio, qui venit Legem implere, non solvere, perficiet benevolentiam et benignitatem, cum eam usque ad inimici dilectionem perduxerit. Nam ille gradus quamvis nonnullus sit, tam parvus est tamen, 1265 ut cum Publicanis etiam possit esse communis. Nec quod in Lege dictum est, Oderis inimicum tuum, vox jubentis justo accipienda est, sed permittentis infirmo.

71. Oritur hic sane nullo modo dissimulanda quaestio, quod huic praecepto Domini, quo nos hortatur diligere inimicos nostros, et benefacere his qui nos oderunt, et orare pro his qui nos persequuntur, multae aliae Scripturarum partes minus diligenter et sobrie considerantibus videntur adversae; quia et in Prophetis inveniuntur multae imprecationes adversus inimicos, quae maledictiones putantur: sicut est illud, Fiat mensa eorum in laqueum (Psal. LXVIII, 23); et caetera quae ibi dicuntur: et illud, Fiant filii ejus pupilli, et uxor ejus vidua (Psal. CVIII, 9); et quae alia vel supra vel infra in eodem psalmo in personam Judae per Prophetam dicuntur. Multa alia usquequaque in Scripturis reperiuntur, quae videantur esse contraria et huic praecepto Domini, et illi apostolico, quo ait, Benedicite, et nolite maledicere (Rom. XII, 14): cum et de Domino scriptum sit quod maledixerit civitatibus quae verbum ejus non acceperunt (Matth. XI, 20-24, et Luc. X, 13-15); et memoratus Apostolus de quodam ita dixerit, Reddet illi Dominus secundum opera illius (II Tim. IV, 14).

72. Sed haec facile solvuntur, quia et Propheta per imprecationem quid esset futurum cecinit, non optantis voto, sed spiritu praevidentis; ita et Dominus, ita et Apostolus: quanquam in horum etiam verbis non hoc invenitur quod optaverint, sed quod praedixerint. Non enim cum ait Dominus, Vae tibi, Capharnaum, aliud sonat nisi aliquid ei mali eventurum merito infidelitatis: quod futurum Dominus non malevolentia optabat, sed divinitate cernebat. Et Apostolus non ait, Reddat; sed, Reddet illi Dominus secundum opera ejus: quod verbum praenuntiantis est, non imprecantis. Sicut et de illa hypocrisi Judaeorum, de qua jam dictum est, cui eversionem imminere cernebat, dixit, Percutiet te Deus, paries dealbate (Supra, cap. 19, n. 58). Prophetae autem maxime solent figura imprecantis futura praedicere, sicut figura praeteriti temporis ea quae ventura erant saepe cecinerunt: sicut est illud, Quare fremuerunt gentes, et populi meditati sunt inania (Psal. II, 1)? Non enim dixit, Quare frement gentes, et populi meditabuntur inania; cum ea non quasi jam transacta meminisset, sed ventura prospiceret. Tale etiam illud est, Diviserunt sibi vestimenta mea, et super vestimentum meum miserunt sortem (Psal. XXI, 19): et hic enim non dixit, Divident sibi vestimenta mea, et super vestimentum meum mittent sortem. Nec tamen de his verbis quisquam calumniatur, nisi qui non sentit varietatem istam figurarum in loquendo nihil veritati rerum minuere, et plurimum addere affectibus animorum.