pensiero, che estendo volentieri a quanti sono collegati mediante la radio e la
Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale924
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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 943
3. The Catholic Church also has access to the public communications
media (newspapers, radio, television, internet).
Article 13
1. Bosnia-Herzegovina recognizes the right of the Catholic faithful to
form associations, in conformity with canonical norms, according to the
Church's proper purposes. As far as the civil effects of their activities are
concerned, such associations are to be regulated in conformity with the legal
norms of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina guarantees to Catholics and to their associa-
tions and institutions full freedom of action and of public activity, both in
speech and in writing.
Article 14
1. The Catholic Church has the right to establish educational institutions
at all levels and to administer them according to its own norms, while re-
specting the legal dispositions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina will accord to such institutions the same
rights that are guaranteed to state institutions, including financial treatment
and the recognition of academic degrees and any university qualifications
3. Bosnia and Herzegovina guarantees to the pupils and students of edu-
cational institutions (cf. section 1 above) the same rights as pupils and stu-
dents of state educational institutions of the equivalent level. The same rule
also applies to the teaching and non-teaching staff of such institutes.
Article 15
1. Bosnia and Herzegovina recognizes and guarantees to the Catholic
Church the right to pastoral care of Catholic faithful who are members of
the armed forces and the forces of public order, and of those who are resident
in penal institutions, in hospitals, in orphanages and in any institute of
medical and social assistance, whether public or private.
2. Pastoral activity in the armed forces and in the forces of public order,
and in the public institutions listed in section 1 above, will be regulated by
appropriate Agreements between the competent ecclesiastical authorities and
Bosnia and Herzegovina.