pensiero, che estendo volentieri a quanti sono collegati mediante la radio e la
Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale924
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Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale944
Article 16
1. Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the light of the principle of freedom of
religion, recognizes the fundamental right of parents to see to the religious
education of their children; and it guarantees within the framework of the
academic programme and in conformity with the wishes of parents or guar-
dians, the teaching of the Catholic religion in all public schools, elementary,
middle and higher, and in pre-school centres, as a required subject for those
who choose it, under the same conditions as other required subjects.
2. In collaboration with the competent Church authorities, the educatio-
nal authorities will allow parents and adult students the possibility to avail
themselves freely of such teaching at the time of registration for the academic
year, in such a way that their decision does not give rise to any form of
academic discrimination.
3. The teaching of the Catholic religion will be carried out by teachers
who are suitable, with the canonical mandate of the local diocesan Bishop,
and in possession of the qualifications required for the particular level of
school by the laws in force in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with respect for all
the rights and duties pertaining thereto. In the case of withdrawal of the
canonical mandate by the diocesan Bishop, the teacher will not be able to
continue teaching the Catholic religion.
4. Teachers of religion are full members of the teaching staff of the edu-
cational institutions mentioned in section 1 of this Article.
5. The programmes and the content of the teaching of the Catholic reli-
gion, as well as the text-books and didactic material must be prepared and
approved by the Episcopal Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The ways
in which the teaching of the Catholic religion is conducted will be object of a
particular Agreement between the competent authorities of Bosnia-Herzego-
vina and the Episcopal Conference.
Article 17
1. The Catholic Church may freely organize institutions intended to pro-
vide charitable activity and social assistance, in conformity with the relevant
civil norms.