Gennadius. Lives of Illustrious Men.

 III. Gennadius.

 Chapter I.

 Chapter II.

 Chapter III.

 Chapter IV.

 Chapter V.

 Chapter VI.

 Chapter VII.

 Chapter VIII.

 Chapter IX.

 Chapter X.

 Chapter XI.

 Chapter XII.

 Chapter XIII.

 Chapter XIV.

 Chapter XV.

 Chapter XVI.

 Chapter XVII.

 Chapter XVIII.

 Chapter XIX.

 Chapter XX.

 Chapter XXI.

 Chapter XXII.

 Chapter XXIII.

 Chapter XXIV.

 Chapter XXV.

 Chapter XXVI.

 Chapter XXVII.

 Chapter XXVIII.

 Chapter XXIX.

 Chapter XXX.

 Chapter XXXI.

 Chapter XXXII.

 Chapter XXXIII.

 Chapter XXXIV.

 Chapter XXXV.

 Chapter XXXVI.

 Chapter XXXVII.

 Chapter XXXVIII.

 Chapter XXXIX.

 Chapter XL.

 Chapter XLI.

 Chapter XLII.

 Chapter XLIII.

 Chapter XLIV.

 Chapter XLV.

 Chapter XLVI.

 Chapter XLVII.

 Chapter XLVIII.

 Chapter XLIX.

 Chapter L.

 Chapter LI.

 Chapter LII.

 Chapter LIII.

 Chapter LIV.

 Chapter LV.

 Chapter LVI.

 Chapter LVII.

 Chapter LVIII.

 Chapter LIX.

 Chapter LX.

 Chapter LXI.

 Chapter LXII.

 Chapter LXIII.

 Chapter LXIV.

 Chapter LXV.

 Chapter LXVI.

 Chapter LXVII.

 Chapter LXVIII.

 Chapter LXIX.

 Chapter LXX.

 Chapter LXXI.

 Chapter LXXII.

 Chapter LXXIII.

 Chapter LXXIV.

 Chapter LXXV.

 Chapter LXXVI.

 Chapter LXXVII.

 Chapter LXXVIII.

 Chapter LXXIX.

 Chapter LXXX.

 Chapter LXXXI.

 Chapter LXXXII.

 Chapter LXXXIII.

 Chapter LXXXIV.

 Chapter LXXXV.

 Chapter LXXXVI.

 Chapter LXXXVII.

 Chapter LXXXVIII.

 Chapter LXXXIX.

 Chapter XC.

 Chapter XCI.

 Chapter XCII.

 Chapter XCIII.

 Chapter XCIV.

 Chapter XCV.

 Chapter XCVI.

 Chapter XCVII.

 Chapter XCVIII.

 Chapter XCIX.

III. Gennadius.

List of the Authors whom Gennadius added, after the Death of the Blessed Jerome.1 List…Jerome. This is in a few mss. only.

1. James; surnamed the Wise.

2. Julius, bishop of Rome.

3. Paulonas the presbyter.

4. Vitellius the African.

5. Macrobius the presbyter.

6. Heliodorus the presbyter.

7. Pachomius the presbyter-monk.

8. Theodorus, his successor.

9. Oresiesis the monk.

10. Macarius the monk.

11. Evagrius the monk.

12. Theodorus the presbyter.

13. Prudentius.

14. Audentius the bishop.

15. Commodianus.

16. Faustinus the presbyter.

17. Rufinus the presbyter.

18. Tichonius the African.

19. Severus the presbyter.

20. Antiochus the bishop.

21. Severianus the bishop.

22. Nicaeas the bishop.

23. Olympius the bishop.

24. Bachiarius.

25. Sabbatius the bishop.

26. Isaac.

27. Ursinus.

28. Another Macarius.

29. Heliodorus the presbyter.

30. John, bishop of Constantinople.

31. John, another bishop.

32. Paulus the bishop.

33. Helvidius.

34. Theophilus the bishop.

35. Eusebius the bishop.

36. Vigilantius the presbyter.

37. Simplicianus the bishop.

38. Vigilius the bishop.

39. Augustine the bishop.

40. Orosius the presbyter.

41. Maximus the bishop.

42. Petronius the bishop.

43. Pelagius the heresiarch.

44. Innocentius the bishop.

45. Caelestius, follower of Pelagius.

46. Julianus the bishop.

47. Lucianus the presbyter.

48. Avitus the presbyter.

49. Paulinus the bishop.

50. Eutropius the presbyter.

51. Another Evagrius.

52. Vigilius the deacon.

53. Atticus the holy bishop.

54. Nestorius the heresiarch.

55. Caelestinus the bishop.

56. Theodorus the bishop.

57. Fastidius the bishop.

58. Cyrillus the bishop.

59. Timotheus the bishop.

60. Leporius the presbyter.

61. Victorinus the rhetorician.

62. Cassianus the deacon.

63. Philippus the presbyter.

64. Eucherius the bishop.

65. Vincentius the Gaul.

66. Syagrius.

67. Isaac the presbyter.

68. Salvianus the presbyter.

69. Paulinus the bishop.

70. Hilarius the bishop.

71. Leo the bishop.

72. Mochimus the presbyter.

73. Timotheus the bishop.

74. Asclepius the bishop.

75. Peter the presbyter.

76. Paul the presbyter.

77. Pastor the bishop.

78. Victor the bishop.

79. Voconius the bishop.

80. Musaeus the presbyter.

81. Vincentius the presbyter.

82. Cyrus the monk.

83. Samuel the presbyter.

84. Claudianus the presbyter.

85. Prosper.

86. Faustus the bishop.

87. Servus Dei the bishop.

88. Victorius.

89. Theodoritus the bishop.

90. Gennadius the bishop.

91. Theodulus the presbyter.

92. John the presbyter.

93. Sidonius the bishop.

94. Gelasius the bishop.

95. Honoratus the bishop.

96. Cerealis the bishop.

97. Eugenius the bishop.

98. Pomerius the bishop.

99. Gennadius.