Gennadius. Lives of Illustrious Men.

 III. Gennadius.

 Chapter I.

 Chapter II.

 Chapter III.

 Chapter IV.

 Chapter V.

 Chapter VI.

 Chapter VII.

 Chapter VIII.

 Chapter IX.

 Chapter X.

 Chapter XI.

 Chapter XII.

 Chapter XIII.

 Chapter XIV.

 Chapter XV.

 Chapter XVI.

 Chapter XVII.

 Chapter XVIII.

 Chapter XIX.

 Chapter XX.

 Chapter XXI.

 Chapter XXII.

 Chapter XXIII.

 Chapter XXIV.

 Chapter XXV.

 Chapter XXVI.

 Chapter XXVII.

 Chapter XXVIII.

 Chapter XXIX.

 Chapter XXX.

 Chapter XXXI.

 Chapter XXXII.

 Chapter XXXIII.

 Chapter XXXIV.

 Chapter XXXV.

 Chapter XXXVI.

 Chapter XXXVII.

 Chapter XXXVIII.

 Chapter XXXIX.

 Chapter XL.

 Chapter XLI.

 Chapter XLII.

 Chapter XLIII.

 Chapter XLIV.

 Chapter XLV.

 Chapter XLVI.

 Chapter XLVII.

 Chapter XLVIII.

 Chapter XLIX.

 Chapter L.

 Chapter LI.

 Chapter LII.

 Chapter LIII.

 Chapter LIV.

 Chapter LV.

 Chapter LVI.

 Chapter LVII.

 Chapter LVIII.

 Chapter LIX.

 Chapter LX.

 Chapter LXI.

 Chapter LXII.

 Chapter LXIII.

 Chapter LXIV.

 Chapter LXV.

 Chapter LXVI.

 Chapter LXVII.

 Chapter LXVIII.

 Chapter LXIX.

 Chapter LXX.

 Chapter LXXI.

 Chapter LXXII.

 Chapter LXXIII.

 Chapter LXXIV.

 Chapter LXXV.

 Chapter LXXVI.

 Chapter LXXVII.

 Chapter LXXVIII.

 Chapter LXXIX.

 Chapter LXXX.

 Chapter LXXXI.

 Chapter LXXXII.

 Chapter LXXXIII.

 Chapter LXXXIV.

 Chapter LXXXV.

 Chapter LXXXVI.

 Chapter LXXXVII.

 Chapter LXXXVIII.

 Chapter LXXXIX.

 Chapter XC.

 Chapter XCI.

 Chapter XCII.

 Chapter XCIII.

 Chapter XCIV.

 Chapter XCV.

 Chapter XCVI.

 Chapter XCVII.

 Chapter XCVIII.

 Chapter XCIX.

Chapter XVIII.

Tichonius,30 399. an African by nationality was, it is said, sufficiently learned in sacred literature, not wholly unacquainted with secular literature and zealous in ecclesiastical affairs. He wrote books On internal war and Expositions of various causes in which for the defence of his friends, he cites the ancient councils and from all of which31 from all of which A 25 30 31 a; from which e T Her. he is recognized to have been a Donatist. He composed also eight Rules for investigating and ascertaining the meaning of the Scriptures, compressing them into one volume. He also expounded the Apocalypse of John entire, regarding nothing in it in a carnal sense, but all in a spiritual sense. In this exposition he maintained the angelical nature32 angelical nature etc., “that the human body is an abode of angels” (angelicam stationem corpus esse) Phillott, in Smith and Wace. to be corporeal, moreover he doubts that there will be a reign of the righteous on earth for a thousand years after the resurrection, or that there will be two resurrections of the dead in the flesh, one of the righteous and the other of the unrighteous, but maintains that there will be one simultaneous resurrection of all, at which shall arise even the aborted and the deformed lest any living human being, however deformed, should be lost. He makes such distinction to be sure, between the two resurrections as to make the first, which he calls the apocalypse of the righteous, only to take place in the growth of the church where, justified by faith, they are raised from the dead bodies of their sins through baptism to the service of eternal life, but the second, the general resurrection of all men in the flesh. This man flourished at the same period with the above mentioned Rufinus during the reign of Theodosius and his sons.