Letter II. To Theodosius and the Rest of the Anchorites.
Letter III. To Rufinus the Monk.
Letter VI. To Julian, a Deacon of Antioch.
Letter VII. To Chromatius, Jovinus, and Eusebius.
Letter VIII. To Niceas, Sub-Deacon of Aquileia.
Letter IX. To Chrysogonus, a Monk of Aquileia.
Letter X. To Paul, an Old Man of Concordia.
Letter XI. To the Virgins of Æmona.
Letter XIII. To Castorina, His Maternal Aunt.
Letter XIV. To Heliodorus, Monk.
Letter XVII. To the Presbyter Marcus.
Letter XVIII. To Pope Damasus.
Letter XIX. From Pope Damasus.
Letter XXXV. From Pope Damasus.
Letter XXXVI. To Pope Damasus.
Letter XLVI. Paula and Eustochium to Marcella.
Letter LI. From Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis, in Cyprus, to John, Bishop of Jerusalem.
Letter LVII. To Pammachius on the Best Method of Translating.
Letter LXII. To Tranquillinus.
Letter LXX. To Magnus an Orator of Rome.
Letter LXXIV. To Rufinus of Rome.
Letter LXXX. From Rufinus to Macarius.
Letter LXXXII. To Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria.
Letter LXXXIII. From Pammachius and Oceanus.
Letter LXXXIV. To Pammachius and Oceanus.
Letter LXXXVII. From Theophilus to Jerome.
Letter LXXXVIII. To Theophilus.
Letter LXXXIX. From Theophilus to Jerome.
Letter XC. From Theophilus to Epiphanius.
Letter XCI. From Epiphanius to Jerome.
Letter XCII. The Synodical Letter of Theophilus to the Bishops of Palestine and of Cyprus.
Letter XCIII. From the Bishops of Palestine to Theophilus.
Letter XCIV. From Dionysius to Theophilus.
Letter XCV. From Pope Anastasius to Simplicianus.
Letter XCVII. To Pammachius and Marcella.
Letter XCVIII. From Theophilus.
Letter CVI. To Sunnias and Fretela.
Letter CXI. From Augustine to Præsidius.
Letter CXIII. From Theophilus to Jerome.
Letter CXVII. To a Mother and Daughter Living in Gaul.
Letter CXIX. To Minervius and Alexander.
Letter CXXVI. To Marcellinus and Anapsychia.
Letter CXXVIII. To Gaudentius.
Letter CXXXII. From Augustine.
Letter CXXXV. From Pope Innocent to Aurelius.
Letter CXXXVI. From Pope Innocent to Jerome.
Letter CXXXVII. From Pope Innocent to John, Bishop of Jerusalem.
Letter CXL. To Cyprian the Presbyter.
Letter CXLIII. To Alypius and Augustine.
Letter XCIII. From the Bishops of Palestine to Theophilus.
The synodical letter of the council of Jerusalem sent to Theophilus in reply to the preceding. The translation as before is due to Jerome.
The following is an epitome: We have done all that you wished, and Palestine is almost wholly free from the taint of heresy. We wish that not only the Origenists, but Jews, Samaritans and heathen also, could be put down. Origenism does not exist among us. The doctrines you describe are never heard here. We anathematize those who hold such doctrines, and also those of Apollinaris, and shall not receive anyone whom you excommunicate.