The Letters of St. Jerome.

 Letter II. To Theodosius and the Rest of the Anchorites.

  Letter III. To Rufinus the Monk. 

 Letter IV. To Florentius.

 Letter V. To Florentius.

 Letter VI. To Julian, a Deacon of Antioch.

  Letter VII. To Chromatius, Jovinus, and Eusebius. 

 Letter VIII. To Niceas, Sub-Deacon of Aquileia.

 Letter IX. To Chrysogonus, a Monk of Aquileia.

 Letter X. To Paul, an Old Man of Concordia.

 Letter XI. To the Virgins of Æmona.

 Letter XII. To Antony, Monk.

 Letter XIII. To Castorina, His Maternal Aunt.

 Letter XIV. To Heliodorus, Monk.

 Letter XV. To Pope Damasus.

 Letter XVI. To Pope Damasus.

 Letter XVII. To the Presbyter Marcus.

 Letter XVIII. To Pope Damasus.

 Letter XIX. From Pope Damasus.

 Letter XX. To Pope Damasus.

 Letter XXI. To Damasus

 Letter XXII. To Eustochium.

 Letter XXIII. To Marcella.

 Letter XXIV. To Marcella.

 Letter XXV. To Marcella.

 Letter XXVI. To Marcella.

 Letter XXVII. To Marcella.

 Letter XXVIII. To Marcella.

 Letter XXIX. To Marcella.

 Letter XXX. To Paula.

 Letter XXXI. To Eustochium.

 Letter XXXII. To Marcella.

 Letter XXXIII. To Paula.

 Letter XXXIV. To Marcella.

 Letter XXXV. From Pope Damasus.

 Letter XXXVI. To Pope Damasus.

 Letter XXXVII. To Marcella.

 Letter XXXVIII. To Marcella.

 Letter XXXIX. To Paula.

 Letter XL. To Marcella.

 Letter XLI. To Marcella.

 Letter XLII. To Marcella.

 Letter XLIII. To Marcella.

 Letter XLIV. To Marcella.

 Letter XLV. To Asella.

 Letter XLVI. Paula and Eustochium to Marcella.

 Letter XLVII. To Desiderius.

 Letter XLVIII. To Pammachius.

 Letter XLIX. To Pammachius.

 Letter L. To Domnio.

 Letter LI. From Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis, in Cyprus, to John, Bishop of Jerusalem.

 Letter LII. To Nepotian.

 Letter LIII. To Paulinus.

 Letter LIV. To Furia.

 Letter LV. To Amandus.

 Letter LVI. From Augustine.

 Letter LVII. To Pammachius on the Best Method of Translating.

 Letter LVIII. To Paulinus.

 Letter LIX. To Marcella.

 Letter LX. To Heliodorus.

 Letter LXI. To Vigilantius.

 Letter LXII. To Tranquillinus.

 Letter LXIII. To Theophilus.

 Letter LXIV. To Fabiola.

 Letter LXV. To Principia.

 Letter LXVI. To Pammachius.

 Letter LXVII. From Augustine.

 Letter LXVIII. To Castrutius.

 Letter LXIX. To Oceanus.

 Letter LXX. To Magnus an Orator of Rome.

 Letter LXXI. To Lucinius.

 Letter LXXII. To Vitalis.

 Letter LXXIII. To Evangelus.

 Letter LXXIV. To Rufinus of Rome.

 Letter LXXV. To Theodora.

 Letter LXXVI. To Abigaus.

 Letter LXXVII. To Oceanus.

 Letter LXXVIII. To Fabiola.

 Letter LXXIX. To Salvina.

 Letter LXXX. From Rufinus to Macarius.

 Letter LXXXI. To Rufinus.

 Letter LXXXII. To Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria.

 Letter LXXXIII. From Pammachius and Oceanus.

 Letter LXXXIV. To Pammachius and Oceanus.

 Letter LXXXV. To Paulinus.

 Letter LXXXVI. To Theophilus.

 Letter LXXXVII. From Theophilus to Jerome.

 Letter LXXXVIII. To Theophilus.

 Letter LXXXIX. From Theophilus to Jerome.

 Letter XC. From Theophilus to Epiphanius.

 Letter XCI. From Epiphanius to Jerome.

 Letter XCII. The Synodical Letter of Theophilus to the Bishops of Palestine and of Cyprus.

 Letter XCIII. From the Bishops of Palestine to Theophilus.

 Letter XCIV. From Dionysius to Theophilus.

 Letter XCV. From Pope Anastasius to Simplicianus.

 Letter XCVI. From Theophilus.

 Letter XCVII. To Pammachius and Marcella.

 Letter XCVIII. From Theophilus.

 Letter XCIX. To Theophilus.

 Letter C. From Theophilus.

 Letter CI. From Augustine.

 Letter CII. To Augustine.

 Letter CIII. To Augustine.

 Letter CIV. From Augustine.

 Letter CV. To Augustine.

 Letter CVI. To Sunnias and Fretela.

 Letter CVII. To Laeta.

 Letter CVIII. To Eustochium.

 Letter CIX. To Riparius.

 Letter CX. From Augustine.

 Letter CXI. From Augustine to Præsidius.

 Letter CXII. To Augustine.

 Letter CXIII. From Theophilus to Jerome.

 Letter CXIV. To Theophilus.

 Letter CXV. To Augustine.

 Letter CXVI. From Augustine.

 Letter CXVII. To a Mother and Daughter Living in Gaul.

 Letter CXVIII. To Julian.

 Letter CXIX. To Minervius and Alexander.

  Letter CXX. To Hedibia. 

 Letter CXXI. To Algasia.

 Letter CXXII. To Rusticus.

 Letter CXXIII. To Ageruchia.

 Letter CXXIV. To Avitus.

 Letter CXXV. To Rusticus.

 Letter CXXVI. To Marcellinus and Anapsychia.

 Letter CXXVII. To Principia.

 Letter CXXVIII. To Gaudentius.

 Letter CXXIX. To Dardanus.

 Letter CXXX. To Demetrias.

 Letter CXXXI. From Augustine.

 Letter CXXXII. From Augustine.

 Letter CXXXIII. To Ctesiphon.

 Letter CXXXIV. To Augustine.

 Letter CXXXV. From Pope Innocent to Aurelius.

 Letter CXXXVI. From Pope Innocent to Jerome.

 Letter CXXXVII. From Pope Innocent to John, Bishop of Jerusalem.

 Letter CXXXVIII. To Riparius.

 Letter CXXXIX. To Apronius.

 Letter CXL. To Cyprian the Presbyter.

 Letter CXLI. To Augustine

 Letter CXLII. To Augustine.

 Letter CXLIII. To Alypius and Augustine.

 Letter CXLIV. From Augustine to Optatus.

 Letter CXLV. To Exuperantius.

 Letter CXLVI. To Evangelus.

 Letter CXLVII. To Sabinianus.

 Letter CXLVIII. To the Matron Celantia.

Letter VI. To Julian, a Deacon of Antioch.

This letter, written in 374 a.d., is chiefly interesting for its mention of Jerome’s sister. It would seem that she had fallen into sin and had been restored to a life of virtue by the deacon, Julian. Jerome speaks of her again in the next letter (§4).

It is an old saying, “Liars are disbelieved even when they speak the truth.”  1  Aristotle is the author of this remark. And from the way in which you reproach me for not having written, I perceive that this has been my lot with you. Shall I say, “I wrote often, but the bearers of my letters were negligent”? You will reply, “Your excuse is the old one of all who fail to write.” Shall I say, “I could not find any one to take my letters”? You will say that numbers of persons have gone from my part of the world to yours. Shall I contend that I have actually given them letters? They not having delivered them, will deny that they have received them. Moreover, so great a distance separates us that it will be hard to come at the truth. What shall I do then? Though really not to blame, I ask your forgiveness, for I think it better to fall back and make overtures for peace than to keep my ground and offer battle. The truth is that constant sickness of body and vexation of mind have so weakened me that with death so close at hand I have not been as collected as usual. And lest you should account this plea a false one, now that I have stated my case, I shall, like a pleader, call witnesses to prove it. Our reverend brother, Heliodorus, has been here; but in spite of his wish to dwell in the desert with me, he has been frightened away by my crimes. But my present wordiness will atone for my past remissness; for, as Horace says in his satire:  2  Hor. S. i. 3, 1–3.

All singers have one fault among their friends:

They never sing when asked, unasked they never cease.

Henceforth I shall overwhelm you with such bundles of letters that you will take the opposite line and beg me not to write.

I rejoice that my sister  3  Mentioned again in Letter VII., § 4. —to you a daughter in Christ—remains steadfast in her purpose, a piece of news which I owe in the first instance to you. For here where I now am I am ignorant not only as to what goes on in my native land, but even as to its continued existence. Even though the Iberian viper  4  The person meant is uncertain. Probably it was Lupicinus, bishop of Stridon, for whom see the next letter. shall rend me with his baneful fangs, I will not fear men’s judgment, seeing that I shall have God to judge me. As one puts it:

Shatter the world to fragments if you will:

’Twill fall upon a head which knows not fear.  5  Horace, C. iii. 3, 7, 8.

Bear in mind, then, I pray you, the apostle’s precept  6  1 Cor. iii. 14. that we should make our work abiding; prepare for yourself a reward from the Lord in my sister’s salvation; and by frequent letters increase my joy in that glory in Christ which we share together.

1 Aristotle is the author of this remark.
2 Hor. S. i. 3, 1–3.
3 Mentioned again in Letter VII., § 4.
4 The person meant is uncertain. Probably it was Lupicinus, bishop of Stridon, for whom see the next letter.
5 Horace, C. iii. 3, 7, 8.
6 1 Cor. iii. 14.