Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale266
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Remember, too, the question that the Risen Lord put three times to Peter:
"Do you love me?" That is the question he asks each of you. Do you love
him? Do you wish to serve him through the gift of your whole lives? Do you
long to bring others to know and love him? With Peter, have the courage to
answer, "Yes, Lord, you know I love you", and accept with grateful hearts
the beautiful task that he has assigned you. The mission entrusted to priests
is truly a service to joy, to God's joy which longs to break into the world.4
As I look around me now at the great crowds gathered here in Floriana for
our celebration of the Eucharist, I am reminded of the scene described in our
second reading today, in which myriads of myriads and thousands of thou-
sands united their voices in one great song of praise: "To the One seated on the
throne and to the Lamb, be all praise, honour, glory and power, for ever and
ever".5 Continue to sing that song, in praise of the risen Lord and in thanks-
giving for his manifold gifts. In the words of Saint Paul, Apostle of Malta, I
conclude my words to you this morning: "L-imh̄abba tiegh̄i tkun magh̄kom
ilkoll fi Kristu Ġesù" ["My love is with you all in Christ Jesus"] 6
Ikun imfah̄h̄ar Ġesù Kristu! [Praised be Jesus Christ!]
4 Cfr. Homily, 24 April 2005. 5 Rev 5:13. 6 1 Cor 16:24.