Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale266
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Christian example. In the context of European society, Gospel values are
once again becoming counter-cultural, just as they were at the time of
Saint Paul.
In this Year for Priests, I ask you to be open to the possibility that the
Lord may be calling some of you to give yourselves totally to the service of
his people in the priesthood or the consecrated life. Your country has given
many fine priests and religious to the Church. Be inspired by their example,
and recognize the profound joy that comes from dedicating one's life to
spreading the message of God's love for all people, without exception.
I have spoken already of the need to care for the very young, and for the
elderly and infirm. Yet a Christian is called to bring the healing message of
the Gospel to everyone. God loves every single person in this world, indeed he
loves everyone who has ever lived throughout the history of the world. In the
death and Resurrection of Jesus, which is made present whenever we cele-
brate the Mass, he offers life in abundance to all those people. As Christians
we are called to manifest God's all-inclusive love. So we should seek out the
poor, the vulnerable, the marginalized; we should have a special care for
those who are in distress, those suffering from depression or anxiety; we
should care for the disabled, and do all we can to promote their dignity
and quality of life; we should be attentive to the needs of immigrants and
asylum seekers in our midst; we should extend the hand of friendship to
members of all faiths and none. That is the noble vocation of love and service
that we have all received. Let it inspire you to dedicate your lives to follow-
ing Christ. La tibżghux tkunu h̄bieb intimi ta' Kristu. [Do not be afraid to be
intimate friends of Christ.]
Dear young people, as I take my leave of you, I want you to know that I
am close to you and I remember you and your families and friends in my
"Selluli gh̄aż-żgh̄ażagh Maltin u Gh̄awdxin kollha." ["Give my greetings to
all young people of Malta and Gozo."]