Section VII.
[1] [Arabic, p. 26] 449 Mark i. 35.And in the morning of that day he went out very early, and went to a [2] desert place, and was there praying. 450 Mark i. 36.And Simon and those that were with [3] him sought him. 451 Mark i. 37.And when they found him, they said unto him, All the people seek for [4] thee. 452 Mark i. 38.He said unto them, Let us go into the adjacent villages and towns, that I may [5] preach there also; for to this end did I come. 453 Luke iv. 42.And the multitudes were seeking him, and came till they reached him; and they took hold of him, that he should not [6] go away from them. 454 Luke iv. 43.But Jesus said unto them, I must preach of the kingdom of [7] God in other cities also: for because of this gospel was I sent. 455 Matt. ix. 35.And Jesus was going about all the cities and the villages, and teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all the diseases and all the sicknesses, [8] 456 Mark i. 39.and casting out the devils. 457 Luke iv. 14b.And his fame became known 458 Luke iv. 15.that459 This may represent a Syriac as. he was teaching in [9] every place and being glorified by every man. 460 Mark ii. 14.And when he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphæus sitting among the tax-gatherers;461 See above, note to § 6, 46, which applies, although the Arabic words are different. and he said unto him, Follow [10] me: and he rose and followed him. 462 Matt. iv. 24.And the news of him was heard of in all the land of Syria: and they brought unto him all those whom grievous ills had befallen through divers diseases, and those that were enduring torment, and those that were possessed, and lunatics,463 Lit. son-of-the-roofs, a Syriac expression (cf. § 24, 31, note). and paralytics; and he healed them.
[11, 12] 464 Mark ii. 1.And after some days Jesus entered into Capernaum again. 465 Mark ii. 2.And when they heard that he was in the house,466 This is the end of verse 1 in the Greek. many gathered, so that it could not hold them, even about [13] [Arabic, p. 27] the door; and he made known to them the word of God. 467 Luke v. 17b.And there were there some of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, sitting, come from all the villages of Galilee, and Judæa, and Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was [14] present to heal them. 468 Luke v. 18.And some men brought a bed with a man on it who was paralytic. [15] And they sought to bring him in and lay him before him. 469 Luke v. 19.And when they found no way to bring him in because of the multitude of people, they went up to the roof, and let him down with his bed from the roofing,470 This word may be either a singular or a plural. into the midst before Jesus. [16] 471 Luke v. 20.And when Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the paralytic, My son, thy sins are forgiven [17] thee. 472 Luke v. 21.And the scribes and Pharisees began to think within their hearts, Why doth this man blaspheme?473 This word ordinarily means to forge lies against; but our translator uses it regularly as here. Who is it that is able to forgive sins, but God alone? [18] 474 Mark ii. 8.And Jesus knew by the spirit that they were thinking this within themselves, and he [19] said unto them, Why do ye think this within your heart? 475 Mark ii. 9.Which is better,476 Peshitta has easier. that it should be said to the paralytic, Thy sins are forgiven thee, or that it should be said [20] to him, Arise, and take thy bed, and walk? 477 Mark ii. 10.That ye may know that the Son of man [21] is empowered on earth to forgive sins (and he said to the paralytic), 478 Mark ii. 11.I say unto thee, [22] Arise, take thy bed, and go to thine house. 479 Mark ii. 12a.And he rose forthwith, and took his bed, and went out in the presence of all. 480 Luke v. 25b.And he went to his house praising God. [23] 481 Matt. ix. 8a.And when those multitudes saw, they feared; 482 Luke v. 26a.and amazement took possession of [24] them, 483 Matt. ix. 8b.and they praised God, who had given such power to men. 484 Luke v. 26c.And they said, We have seen marvellous things to-day, 485 Mark ii. 12c.of which we have never before seen the like.
[25] [Arabic, p. 28] 486 Luke v. 27.And after that, Jesus went out, and saw a publican, named Levi, sitting [26] among the publicans:487 See above, note to § 6, 46. and he said unto him, Follow me. 488 Luke v. 28.And he left [27] everything, and rose, and followed him. 489 Luke v. 29.And Levi made him a great feast in his house. And there was a great multitude of the publicans and others sitting with him. [28] 490 Luke v. 30.And the scribes and Pharisees murmured, and said unto his disciples, Why do ye eat [29] and drink with the publicans and sinners? 491 Luke v. 31.Jesus answered and said unto them, The physician seeketh not those who are well, but those that are afflicted with grievous [30, 31] sickness.492 A Syriacism. 493 Luke v. 32.I came not to call the righteous, but the sinners, to repentance. 494 Luke v. 33.And they said unto him, Why do the disciples of John fast always, and pray, and the [32] Pharisees also, but thy disciples eat and drink? 495 Luke v. 34.He said unto them, Ye cannot make [33] the sons of the marriage feast496 The Arabic word, which occurs here in many of the Arabic versions, could also be read bridegroom. The Syriac word for marriage chamber is also used in the sense of marriage feast. fast, while the bridegroom is with them. 497 Luke v. 35.Days will come, when the bridegroom is taken away from them; then will they fast in those [34] days. 498 Luke v. 36a.And he spake unto them a parable: 499 Mark ii. 21.No man inserteth a new patch and seweth it in a worn garment, lest the newness of the new take from the worn, and [35] there occur a great rent. 500 Mark ii. 22.And no man putteth fresh wine into old skins, lest the wine burst the skins, and the skins be destroyed, and the wine spilled; but they put [36] the fresh wine in the new skins, and both are preserved. 501 Luke v. 38, 39.And no man drinketh old wine and straightway desireth fresh; for he saith, The old is better.
[37] 502 Matt. xii. 1.And while Jesus was walking on the sabbath day among the sown fields, his disciples [Arabic, p. 29] hungered. And they were rubbing the ears with their hands, and [38] eating. 503 Matt. xii. 2a.But some of the Pharisees, when they saw them, 504 Mark ii. 24.said unto him, See, [39] why505 Syr. In Arab. it means what? do thy disciples on the sabbath day that which is not lawful? 506 Mark ii. 25.But Jesus said unto them, Have ye not read in olden time what David did, when he had need and [40] hungered, he and those that were with him? 507 Mark ii. he entered the house of God, when Abiathar was high priest, and ate the bread of the table of the Lord, which it was not lawful that any should eat, save the priests, and gave to them that were with him also? [41] 508 Mark ii. 27.And he said unto them, The sabbath was created because of man, and man was not [42] created because of the sabbath. 509 Matt. xii. 5.Or have ye not read in the law, that the priests in [43] the temple profane the sabbath, and yet they are blameless? 510 Matt. xii. 6.I say unto you now, [44] that here is what511 This may be simply a misinterpretation of the ordinary Syriac reading, which in all probability agrees with the masculine reading found in the Text. Rec. of the Greek. is greater than the temple. 512 Matt. xii. 7.If ye had known this:513 Is it possible that the Arabic word after known is not meant simply to introduce the quotation, but is to be taken in the adverbial sense, how representing the Syriac what that is? I love mercy, [45] not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned514 See § 10, 13, note. those on whom is no blame. 515 Matt. xii. 8.The [46] Lord of the sabbath is the Son of man. 516 Mark iii. 21.And his relatives heard, and went out to take him, and said, He hath gone out of his mind.
[47] 517 Luke vi. 6.And on the next518 Lit. other. The definite article is a mistake of the translator. sabbath day he entered519 Here, at the end of leaf 17 of Vat. ms., is a note by a later hand: “Here a leaf is missing.” This first lacuna extends from § 7, 47 to § 8, 17. into the synagogue and was teaching. [48] 520 Luke vi. 7.And there was there a man whose right hand was withered. And the scribes and the Pharisees were watching him, whether he would heal on the sabbath day, [49] that they might find the means of accusing him. 521 Luke vi. 8.But he knew their thoughts, and said unto the man whose hand was withered, Rise and come near into the midst of [50] the synagogue. 522 Luke vi. 9.And when he came and stood, Jesus said unto them, I ask you, which is lawful to be done on the sabbath day, good or evil? shall lives be saved or [51] [Arabic, p. 30] destroyed? 523 Mark iii. 4b.But they were silent. 524 Mark iii. 5.Regarding525 An easy clerical error for And so he regarded (cf. Peshitta). them with anger, being grieved because of the hardness of their hearts. And he said unto the man, Stretch out thy hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand became straight. [52] 526 Matt. xii. 11.Then he said unto them, What man of you shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a [53] well on the sabbath day, will not take it and lift it out? 527 Matt. xii. 12.And how much is man better than a sheep! Wherefore it is lawful on the sabbath to do good.
Caput VII.
Marc. I, 35. Et summo mane illius diei egressus, abiit in desertum locum, ibique orabat.
36. Et prosecutus est eum Simon, et qui cum illo erant.
37. Et cum invenissent eum, dixerunt ei: Omnes quaerunt te.
38. Ait illis: Eamus in proximos vicos et civitates, ut et ibi praedicem: ad hoc enim veni.
Luc. IV, 42b. Et turbae requirebant cum, et venerunt usquedum assequerentur eum, et detinebant illum, ne discederet ab eis.
43. Quibus dixit Iesus: Et aliis civitatibus oportet me evangelizare regnum Dei; quia propter hoc evangelium missus sum.
Matth. IX, 35. Et circuibat Iesus omnes civitates et castella, et docebat in synagogis eorum, et praedicabat evangelium regni, atque curabat omnes morbos et omnes infirmitates,
Marc. I, 39b. et daemonia-eiiciebat.
Luc. IV, 14b. Et divulgabatur fama eius;
15. quia ipse docebat in omni loco, et magnificabatur ab omnibus.
Marc. II, 14. Et cum praeteriret, vidit Levi filium Alphaei sedentem ad telonium, et ait illi: Sequere me. Et surgens secutus est eum.
Matth. IV, 24. Et audiebatur opinio eius in tota regione Syriae; et obtulerunt ei omnes male habentes gravioribus ac variis morbis, et tormenta sustinentes, et daemoniacos, et lunaticos, et paralyticos; et curavit eos.
Marc. II, 1. Et iterum intravit Iesus Capharnaum post dies,
2. et cum auditum est, quod in domo esset, convenerunt multi, ita ut non caperet eos neque ad ianuam; et nuntiabat illis verbum Dei.
Luc. V, 17b. Et erant ibi quidam Pharisaeorum et legis doctorum sedentes, qui venerant ex omni castello Galilaeae, et Iudaeae et Ierusalem; et virtus Domini erat ad sanandum eos.
18. Et venerunt quidam cum lecto, super quem erat vir paralyticus, et quaerebant eum inferre, et ponere ante eum.
19. Et non invenientes viam, qua illum inferrent prae turba, ascenderunt supra tectum, et per tegulas summiserunt eum cum lecto in medium ante Iesum.
20. Quorum fidem ut vidit Iesus, dixit illi paralytico: Fili, remissa sunt tibi peccata tua.
21. Et coeperunt cogitare in corde suo Scribae et Pharisaei: Cur loquitur iste blasphemias? Quis potest dimittere peccata, nisi solus Deus?
Marc. II, 8. Iesus autem cognovit spiritu, quod illi haec cogitarent intra se, et dixit eis: Quid ista cogitatis in corde vestro ?
9. Quid est facilius dicere paralytico: Dimissa sunt tibi peccata tua; an ei dicere: Surge, tolle grabatum tuum, et ambula ?
10. Ut sciatis, quia Filius hominis habet potestatem in terra dimittendi peccata, ait paralytico :
11. Tibi dico: Surge, tolle grabatum tuum, et vade in domum tuam.
12a. Et statim surrexit, tulit grabatum suum, et egressus est in conspectu omnium;
Luc. V, 25b. et abiit in domum suam, magnificans Deum.
Matth. IX, 8a. Videntes autem turbae illae timuerunt.
Luc. V, 26a. Stupor enim apprehendit l illos;
Matth. IX, 8b. et glorificaverunt Deum, qui dedit potestatem talem hominibus,
Luc. V, 26b. dicentes: Sane iam vidimus mirabilia hodie;
Marc. II, 12b. quorum similia nunquam vidimus.
Luc. V, 27. Et post haec exiit Iesus, et vidit publicanum nomine Levi, sedentem inter publicanos, et ait illi: Sequere me.
28. Et relictis omnibus, surrexit, et secutus est cum.
29. Et fecit ei convivium magnum Levi in domo sua; et erat turba multa publicanorum, et aliorum discumbentium cum eo.
30. Et murmurabant Scribae et Pharisaei, dicentes ad discipulos eius: Quare cum publicanis et peccatoribus manducatis, et bibitis?
31. Respondit Iesus, et dixit ad illos: Non quaerit medicus sanos, sed eos, qui malis affliguntur.
32. Non veni vocare iustos, sed peccatores ad poenitentiam.
33. At illi dixerunt ad cum: Quare discipuli Ioannis perpetuo ieiunant, et obsecrationes faciunt, similiter et Pharisaeorum: tui vero discipuli edunt, et bibunt?
34. Dixit illis: Non est vobis datum filios sponsi, dum cum illis est sponsus, facere ieiunare.
35. Venient dies, cum ablatus fuerit ab illis sponsus, tunc ieiunabunt in illis diebus.
36b. Et dicebat illis similitudinem:
Marc. II, 21. Nemo assumentum novum iniicit, et assuit vestimento veteri ; ne auferat supplementum novum a veteri, et maior scissura fiat.
22. Et nemo mittit vinum novum in utres veteres, ne dirumpat vinum utres, et utres pereant, et vinum effundatur: sed vinum novum in utres novos mitti debet;
Luc. V, 38b. et utraque conservantur.
39. Et nemo bibens vinum vetus, statim quaerit novum, dicit enim: Vetus melius est.
Matth. XII, 1. Cum ambularet Iesus per sata dic sabbati, discipuli cius esurierunt, et confricantes spicas manibus suis, manducabant.
2a. Quidam autem Pharisaeorum videntes illos, dixerunt ei:
Marc. II, 29b. Vide, quid discipuli tui faciunt die sabbati, quod non licet?
23. Et ait illis Iesus: Numquam legistis in antiquis quid fecerit David, quando necessitatem habuit, et esuriit ipse, et qui cum eo erant?
26. quomodo introivit in domum Dei, cum esset Abiathar princeps sacerdotum, et panes mensae Domini manducavit, quos non licebat manducare, nisi sacerdotibus, et dedit etiam eis, qui cum eo erant ?
27. Et dicebat eis: Sabbatum propter hominem creatum est, et non homo propter sabbatum creatus est.
Matth. XII, 5. Aut non legistis in lege, quia sacerdotes in templo sabbatum solvunt, et sine crimine sunt?
6. Dico autem vobis, quia templo maior est hic.
7. Si sciretis, quod ego misericordiam volo, non sacrificium; profecto haud condemnassetis innocentes.
8. Dominus sabbati est Filius hominis.
Marc. III. 21. Et audierunt sui, et exierunt tenere eum; dicebant enim: Sane mente captus est.
Luc. VI, 6. Et in alio sabbato ingressus est in synagogam, et docebat. Et erat ibi homo, cuius manus dextra erat arida.
7. Observabant autem illum Scribae et -Pharisaei, si in sabbato curaret, ut invenirent modum, quo reprehenderent eum.
8. Ipse cognovit cogitationes eorum, et ait homini illi, cuius manus erat arida: Surge, et accede in medium synagogae. Et cum venisset, et stetisset,
9. ait illis Iesus: Interrogo vos, quid liceat facere in die sabbati, bonum an malum? animas salvas facere, an perdere?
Marc. III, 4b. At illi tacebant.
5. Circumspiciens eos cum ira, et contristatus propter duritiem cordis eorum, dixit homini illi: Extende manum tuam. Et extendit; et aequalis facta est manus eius.
Matth. XII, 11. Tunc dixit illis: Quis ex vobis homo, qui habeat ovem unam, et si ceciderit die sabbati in puteum, non tenebit, et levabit eam ?
12. At quanto magis melior est homo ove? Itaque licet sabbatis benefacere.