Section XI.
[1] [Arabic, p. 42] 740 Matt. vii. 28.And when Jesus finished these sayings, the multitudes were astonished [2] at his teaching; 741 Matt. vii. 29.and that because he was teaching them as one having authority, not as their scribes and the Pharisees.
[3] 742 Matt. viii. 1.And when he descended from the mountain, great multitudes followed him.
[4] 743 Matt. viii. 5a; Luke vii. 2.And when Jesus entered Capernaum, the servant of one of the chiefs was in an [5] evil case, and he was precious to him, and he was at the point of death. 744 Luke vii. 3.And he [6] heard of Jesus, and came to him with the elders of the Jews; 745 Matt. viii. 5b; Matt. viii. 6.and he besought him, and said, My Lord, my boy is laid in the house paralysed,746 i.e., so as to be unable to walk. and he is suffering grievous [7] torment. 747 Luke vii. 4b.And the elders urgently requested of him, and said, He is worthy that [8] this should be done unto him: 748 Luke vii. 5.for he loveth our people, and he also built the synagogue [9, 10] for us. 749 Matt. viii. 7.Jesus said unto him, I will come and heal him. 750 Matt. viii. 8.That chief answered and said, My Lord, I am not worthy that my roof should shade thee; but it sufficeth [11] that thou speak a word, and my lad shall be healed. 751 Luke vii. 8.And I also am a man in obedience to authority, having under my hand soldiers:752 Or, bodies of soldiers. and I say to this one, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant that he do this, [12] and he doeth it. 753 Luke vii. 9a.And when Jesus heard that, he marvelled at him,754 Or, it. and turned and said unto the multitude that were coming with him, 755 Matt. viii. 10b.Verily I say unto you, I have [13] not found in Israel the like of this faith. 756 Matt. viii. 11.I say unto you, that many shall come from the east and the west, and shall recline with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [14] [Arabic, p. 43] in the kingdom of heaven: 757 Matt. viii. 12.but the children of the kingdom shall be cast [15] forth into the outer darkness: and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 758 Matt. viii. 13.And Jesus said to that chief, Go thy way; as thou hast believed, so shall it be unto thee. [16] 759 Luke vii. 10.And his lad was healed in that hour. And that chief returned to the house and found that sick servant healed.
[17] 760 Luke vii. 11.And the day after, he was going to a city called Nain, and his disciples with him, [18] and a great multitude. 761 Luke vii. 12.And when he was come near the gate of the city, he saw a crowd762 Lit. company. accompanying one that was dead, the only son of his mother; and his mother was a widow: and there was with her a great multitude of the people of the [19] city. 763 Luke vii. 13.And when Jesus saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep [20] not. 764 Luke vii. 14.And he went and advanced to the bier, and the bearers of it stood still; and [21] he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. 765 Luke vii. 15.And that dead man sat up and began [22] to speak; and he gave him to his mother. 766 Luke vii. 16.And fear came on all the people: and they praised God, and said, There hath risen among us a great prophet: and, God [23] hath had regard to his people. 767 Luke vii. 17.And this news concerning him spread in all Judæa, and in all the region which was about them.
[24] 768 Matt. viii. 18.And when Jesus saw great multitudes surrounding him, he commanded them to [25] depart to the other side. 769 Luke ix. 57a; Matt. viii. 19.And while they were going in the way, there came one of the scribes and said unto him, My Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou [26] goest. 770 Matt. viii. 20.Jesus said unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the heaven have [27] nests; but the Son of man hath not a place in which to lay his head. 771 Luke ix. 59.And he said unto another, Follow me. And he said unto him, My Lord, suffer me first to go and [28] bury my father. 772 Luke ix. 60.Jesus said unto him, Leave the dead to bury their dead; but thou, [29] follow me and preach the kingdom of God. 773 Luke ix. 61.And another said unto him, I will follow [Arabic, p. 44] thee, my Lord; but first suffer me to go and salute my household and [30] come. 774 Luke ix. 62.Jesus said unto him, There is no one who putteth his hand to the plough775 Lit. plough of the yoke. and looketh behind him, and yet is fit for the kingdom of God.
[31] 776 Mark iv. 35; Luke viii. 22d.And he said to them on that day in the evening, Let us go over to the other side [32] of the lake; and he left777 cf., e.g., at § 17, 19, § 23, 16, where the same Arabic and Syriac word is used; cf. also the ambiguity of the Greek (R.V. has left). the multitudes. 778 Mark iv. 36a; Luke viii. 22b.And Jesus went up and sat in the ship, [33] he and his disciples, and there were with them other ships. 779 Mark iv. 36c; Matt. viii. 24a.And there occurred on the sea a great tempest780 Lit. commotion. of whirlwind and wind, 781 Luke viii. 23c. and the ship was on the point of [34] sinking from the greatness782 Or, abundance. of the waves. 783 Mark iv. 38a.But Jesus was sleeping on a cushion in the stern of the ship; 784 Matt. viii. 25.and his disciples came and awoke him, and said unto him, Our [35] Lord, save us; lo, we perish. 785 Luke viii. 24b.And he rose, and rebuked the winds and the turbulence of the water, and said to the sea, Be still, for thou art rebuked; 786 Mark iv. 39b.and the wind [36] was still, and there was a great calm. 787 Mark iv. 40.And he said unto them, Why are ye thus [37] afraid? and why have ye no faith? 788 Luke viii. 25b.And they feared greatly.789 The last clause belongs in the Greek to verse 41. And they marvelled, and said one to another, Who, think you, is this, who commandeth also the wind and the waves and the sea, and they obey him?
[38] 790 Luke viii. 26.And they departed and came to the country of the Gadarenes, which is on the [39] other side, opposite the land of Galilee. 791 Luke viii. 27a.And when he went out of the ship to the land, 792 Mark v. 2b; Luke viii. 27c.there met him from among the tombs a man who had a devil for a long time, [40] and wore no clothes, neither dwelt in a house, but among the tombs. 793 Mark v. 3b.And no man was [Arabic, p. 45] able to bind him with chains, 794 Mark v. 4a.because any time that he was bound with chains [41] and fetters he cut the chains and loosened the fetters; 795 Luke viii. 29c.and he was snatched796 Imperfect tense. [42] away of the devil into the desert, 797 Mark v. 4b, 5a.and no man was able to quiet him; and at all times, in the night and in the day, he would be among the tombs and in the mountains; 798 Matt. viii. 28b.and no man was able to pass by that way; 799 Mark v. 5b.and he would cry out and wound himself [43] with stones. 800 Mark v. 6.And when he saw Jesus at a distance, he hastened and worshipped [44] him, and cried with a loud voice and said, 801 Mark v. 7a; Luke viii. 28b.What have we to do with thee, Jesus, [45] Son of the most high God? 802 Mark v. 7c; Luke viii. 29a.I adjure thee by God, torment me not. And Jesus commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man: and he had suffered803 Lit. and it was for him. a long [46] time since the time when he came into captivity to it. 804 Luke viii. 30.And Jesus asked him, What is thy name? He said unto him, Legion; for there had entered into him many [47] devils. 805 Luke viii. 31.And they besought him that he would not command them to depart into [48] the depths. 806 Luke viii. 32.And there was there a herd of many swine, feeding in the mountain, and those devils besought him to give them leave to enter the swine; and he gave [49] them leave. 807 Luke viii. 33.And the devils went out of the man and entered into the swine. 808 Mark v. 13b.And that herd hastened to the summit and fell down into the midst of the sea, about two [50] thousand, and they were choked in the water. 809 Luke viii. 34.And when the keepers saw what [51] happened, they fled, and told those in the cities and villages. 810 Luke viii. 35.And the people went out to see what had happened; and they came to Jesus, and found the man whose [Arabic, p. 46] devils had gone out, clothed, modest,811 cf. Syriac versions. seated at the feet of Jesus; and they [52] feared. 812 Luke viii. 36.And they reported what they saw, and how the man was healed who had a devil, 813 Mark v. 16b.and concerning those swine also.
Caput XI.
28. Et cum consummasset Iesus verba haec, admirabantur turbae super doctrina cius:
29. quia docebat eos sicut potestatem habens, non sicut Scribae eorum, et Pharisaei.
VIII, 1. Cum autem descendisset de monte, secutae sunt eum turbae multae.
5a. Et cum introisset Iesus Capharnaum,
Luc. VII, 2. praeclari cuiusdam ducis servus, illi carus, male habebat, et iam proximus erat morti.
3. Et audivit de Iesu, et venit ad eum cum senioribus Iudaeorum;
Matth. VIII, 5b. et rogavit eum,
6. et dixit: Domine, puer meus iacet in domo paralyticus, et male torquetur.
Luc. VII, 4. Et rogabant eum Seniores sollicite, dicentes: dignus est, ut hoc illi fiet;
5. diligit enim gentem nostram, et etiam synagogam ipse aedificavit nobis.
Mattii. VIII, 7. Ait illi Iesus: Ego veniam, et sanabo eum. Respondit ille dux, et ait:
8. Domine, non sum dignus, ut te obumbret tectum meum, sed sufficit ut proferas verbum, et sanabitur puer meus.
Luc. VII, 8. Nam et ego homo sum sub obedientia potestatis, habens sub me milites, et dico huic: Vade, et vadit; et alii: Veni, et venit; et servo meo, ut faciat hoc, et facit.
9a. Quo audito Iesus miratus est, et conversus, dixit turbis secum venientibus:
Matth. VIII, 10b. Amen, dico vobis: non inveni talem fidem in Israel.
11. Dico vobis, quod multi ab oriente et occidente venient, et recumbent cum Abraham et Isaac et Iacob in regno caelorum :
12. filii autem regni eiicientur in tenebras exteriores: ibi erit fletus et stridor dentium.
13. Et dixit Iesus illi duci: Vade, sicut credidisti, fiat tibi. Et sanatus est puer in illa hora.
Luc. VII, xo. Et dux reversus est domum, et invenit servum illum infirmum iam sanum.
11. Et postridie ibat in civitatem, quae vocatur Nain; et cum eo discipuli eius, et turba copiosa.
12. Cum autem appropinquaret portae civitatis, vidit quosdam, qui comitabantur defunctum, filium unicum matris suae, et haec vidua erat; et turba civitatis multa cum illa.
13. Quam cum vidisset Iesus, misericordia motus super eam, dixit illi: Noli flere.
14. Et abiit, et accessit ad loculum. Hi autem, qui portabant, steterunt. Et ait: Adolescens, tibi dico: Surge.
15. Et resedit, qui erat mortuus, et coepit loqui. Et dedit illum matri suae.
16. Accepit autem omnes timor; et magnificabant Deum, dicentes : Propheta magnus surrexit in nobis, et Deus visitavit plebem suam.
17. Et divulgata est haec fama in universam Iudaeam de eo, et in omnem circa regionem.
Matth. VIII, 18. Videns autem Iesus turbas multas circum se, iussit ire trans fretum.
Luc. IX, 57b. Et ambulantibus illis in via,
Matth. VIII, 19. accessit unus Scriba, et ait illi: Magister, sequar te, quocumque ieris.
20. Dixit ei Iesus*. Vulpes foveas habent, et volucres caeli nidos : Filius autem hominis locum non habet, ubi caput reclinet.
Luc. IX, 59. Ait autem ad alterum : Sequere me. Ille autem dixit ei: Domine, permitte mihi primum ire, et sepelire patrem meum.
60. Dixit ei Iesus: Sine, ut mortui sepeliant mortuos suos: tu autem sequere me, et annuntia regnum Dei.
61. Et ait illi alter: Sequar te, Domine,
sed permitte mihi primum ire, et salutare domum meam, et revertar.
62. Ait ad illum Iesus: Nemo mittens manum suam ad aratrum, et respiciens retro, aptus est regno Dei.
Marc. IV, 35a. Et ait illis in illa die, cum sero esset factum *.
Luc. VIII, 22b. Transfretemus trans stagnum.
Marc. IV, 36a. Et dimittens turbas,
Luc. VIII, 22. ascendit Iesus in naviculam, et sedit ipse et discipuli eius.
Marc. IV, 36b. Et aliae naves erant cum illis.
Matth. VIII, 24a. Et motus magnus turbine et vento excitatus est in mari,
Luc. VIII, 23. et prope erat navicula, ut, prae fluctuum copia, submergeretur.
Marc, IV, 38a. Iesus autem erat in puppi super cervical dormiens.
Matth. VIII, 25. Et accesserunt ad eum discipuli eius, et suscitaverunt eum, dicentes ei*. Domine, salva nos, ecce perimus.
Luc. VIII, 24b. At ille surgens increpavit ventum et fluctus aquae;
Marc. IV, et dixit mari*. Quiesce, admonitum es enim. Et tacuit ventus, et facta est tranquillitas magna.
40a. Et ait illis: Quid ita timidi estis? et cur non habetis fidem? Et timuerunt timore magno;
Luc. VIII, 25b. ac mirati sunt, dicentes ad invicem: Quis putas hic est, qui et ventis et fluctibus et mari imperat, et obediunt ei?
26. Et abierunt, et venerunt ad regionem Hadarenorum, quae est trans fretum contra terram Galilaeae.
27a. Et cum e navi egressus esset ad terram,
Marc. V, 2b. occurrit ei de monumentis
Luc. VIII, 27b. vir, qui habebat daemonium iam temporibus multis, et nullo vestimento induebatur; neque in domo manebat, sed in monumentis;
Marc. V, 3b. et neque catenis quisquam poterat eum costringere,
4a. etenim quoties catenis et compedibus vinciebatur, dirumpebat catenas, et compedes comminuebat,
Luc. VIII, 29b. et agebatur a daemonio in desertum;
Marc. V, 4b. atque nemo poterat eum domare.
5a. Et semper die ac nocte in monumentis et in montibus erat,
Matth. VIII, 28b. ita ut nemo posset transire per viam illam,
Marc. V, 5b. et clamabat atque concidebat se lapidibus.
6. Videns autem Iesum a longe, cucurrit, ed adoravit eum.
7a. Et clamans voce magna dixit:
Luc. VIII, 28b. Quid nobis, et tibi est, Iesu, Fili Dei altissimi ?
Marc. V, 7b. adiuro te per Deum, ne me torqueas.
Luc. VIII, 29a. Et praecepit Iesus spiritui immundo, ut exiret ab homine. A multo enim tempore erat in captivitate illius.
30. Interrogavit autem illum Iesus: Quodnam est nomen tuum ? Dixit ei: Legio; quia intraverant daemonia multa in eum.
31. Et rogabant illum, ne imperaret illis, ut in abyssum irent.
32. Erat autem ibi grex porcorum multorum pascentium in monte; et rogaverunt eum daemones illi, ut permitteret eis in porcos ingredi. Et permisit illis.
35a. Exierunt ergo daemonia ab homine, et intraverunt in porcos;
Marc. V, 13b. et cucurrit grex ad verticem, et praecipitatus est in mare ad duo millia, et suffocati sunt in aqua.
Luc. VIII, 34. Et ut viderunt pastores quid acciderat, fugerunt, et nuntiaverunt iis, qui erant in civitatibus et in villis.
35. Quidam autem exierunt videre, quod factum est, et venerunt ad Iesum, et invenerunt hominem sedentem, a quo daemonia exierant, vestitum ac verecundum ad pedes Iesu; et timuerunt.
36. Et nuntiaverunt quod viderant, et quomodo sanus factus esset ille vir, in quo daemonium fuerat,
Marc. V, 16b. et etiam de porcis.