Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale202
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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 217
holiness, charity and truth, and to draw inspiration from the riches of a great
religious and cultural tradition. In our increasingly secularized society, where
even we Christians often find it difficult to speak of the transcendent dimen-
sion of our existence, we need to find new ways to pass on to young people the
beauty and richness of friendship with Jesus Christ in the communion of his
Church. In confronting the present crisis, measures to deal justly with indi-
vidual crimes are essential, yet on their own they are not enough: a new
vision is needed, to inspire present and future generations to treasure the
gift of our common faith. By treading the path marked out by the Gospel, by
observing the commandments and by conforming your lives ever more clo-
sely to the figure of Jesus Christ, you will surely experience the profound
renewal that is so urgently needed at this time. I invite you all to persevere
along this path.
13. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, it is out of deep concern for all of
you at this painful time in which the fragility of the human condition has
been so starkly revealed that I have wished to offer these words of encour-
agement and support. I hope that you will receive them as a sign of my
spiritual closeness and my confidence in your ability to respond to the chal-
lenges of the present hour by drawing renewed inspiration and strength from
Ireland's noble traditions of fidelity to the Gospel, perseverance in the faith
and steadfastness in the pursuit of holiness. In solidarity with all of you, I am
praying earnestly that, by God's grace, the wounds afflicting so many indi-
viduals and families may be healed and that the Church in Ireland may
experience a season of rebirth and spiritual renewal.
14. I now wish to propose to you some concrete initiatives to address
the situation.
At the conclusion of my meeting with the Irish bishops, I asked that Lent
this year be set aside as a time to pray for an outpouring of God's mercy and
the Holy Spirit's gifts of holiness and strength upon the Church in your
country. I now invite all of you to devote your Friday penances, for a period
of one year, between now and Easter 2011, to this intention. I ask you to
offer up your fasting, your prayer, your reading of Scripture and your works
of mercy in order to obtain the grace of healing and renewal for the Church in
Ireland. I encourage you to discover anew the sacrament of Reconciliation
and to avail yourselves more frequently of the transforming power of its