Section XXI.
[1] 1405 Mark vii. 31.And Jesus went out again from the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and came to the [2] sea of Galilee, towards the borders of Decapolis. 1406 Mark vii. 32.And they brought unto him one dumb and deaf, and entreated him that he would lay his hand upon him and heal [3] him. 1407 Mark vii. 33.And he drew him away from the multitude, and went away alone, and spat [4] upon his fingers, and thrust them into his ears, and touched his tongue; 1408 Mark vii. 34.and looked [5] to heaven, and sighed, and said unto him, Be opened. 1409 Mark vii. 35.And in that hour his ears [6] were opened, and the bond of his tongue was loosed, and he spake with ease. 1410 Mark vii. 36.And Jesus charged them much that they should not tell this to any man: but the more [7] he charged them, the more they increased in publishing, and marvelled much, 1411 Mark vii. 37.and [Arabic, p. 82] said, This man doeth everything well: he made the deaf to hear, and those that lacked speech to speak.
[8, 9] 1412 John iv. 4.And while he was passing through the land of Samaria, 1413 John iv. 5.he came to one of the cities of the Samaritans, called Sychar, beside the field which Jacob gave to Joseph to [10] his son. 1414 John iv. 6.And there was there a spring of water of Jacob’s. And Jesus was fatigued from the exertion of the way, and sat at the spring. And the time was about the [11] sixth hour.1415 Lit. six hours (cf. Syr.). 1416 John iv. 7.And a woman of Samaria came to draw water; and Jesus said unto [12] her, Give me water, that I may drink. 1417 John iv. 8.And his disciples had entered into the city [13] to buy for themselves food. 1418 John iv. 9.And that Samaritan woman said unto him, How dost thou, being a Jew, ask me to give thee to drink, while I am a Samaritan woman? [14] 1419 John iv. 10.(And the Jews mingle not with the Samaritans.1420 For the form cf. below, § 34, 40.) Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who this is that said unto thee, Give me [15] to drink; thou wouldest ask him, and he would give thee the water of life. 1421 John iv. 11.That woman said unto him, My Lord, thou hast no bucket, and the well is deep: from [16] whence hast thou the water of life? 1422 John iv. 12.Can it be that thou art greater than our father Jacob, who gave us this well, and drank from it, and his children, and his sheep? [17] 1423 John iv. 13.Jesus answered and said unto her, Every one that drinketh of this water shall thirst [18] again: 1424 John iv. 14.but whosoever drinketh of the water which I shall give him shall not thirst for ever: but the water which I shall give him shall be in him a spring of water springing [19] up unto eternal life. 1425 John iv. 15.That woman said unto him, My Lord, give me of this water, that [20] I may not thirst again, neither come and draw water from here. 1426 John iv. 16.Jesus said unto her, [21] [Arabic, p. 83] Go and call thy husband, and come hither. 1427 John iv. 17.She said unto him, I have no [22] husband. 1428 John iv. 18.Jesus said unto her, Thou saidst well, I have no husband: five husbands hast thou had, and this man whom thou hast now is not thy husband; and [23] in this thou saidst truly. 1429 John iv. 19.That woman said unto him, My Lord, I perceive thee to [24] be a prophet. 1430 John iv. 20.Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say that in Jerusalem [25] is the place in which worship must be. 1431 John iv. 21.Jesus said unto her, Woman, believe me, an hour cometh, when neither in this mountain, nor yet in Jerusalem, shall ye worship [26] the Father. 1432 John iv. 22.Ye worship that which ye know not: but we worship that which [27] we know: for salvation is of the Jews. 1433 John iv. 23.But an hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth: and the Father also [28] seeketh such as these worshippers. 1434 John iv. 24.For God is a Spirit: and they that worship him [29] must worship him in spirit and in truth. 1435 John iv. 25.That woman said unto him, I know that [30] the Messiah cometh: 1436 John iv. 26.and when he is come, he will teach us everything. Jesus said unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
[31] 1437 John iv. 27.And while he was speaking, his disciples came; and they wondered how he would speak1438 Or, was speaking. with a woman; but not one of them said unto him, What seekest thou? or, [32] What1439 But see note to § 7, 38. speakest thou with her? 1440 John iv. 28.And the woman left her waterpot, and went to the [33] city, and said to the people, 1441 John iv. 29.Come, and see a man who told me all that ever I did: [34] perhaps then he is the Messiah. 1442 John iv. 30.And people went out from the city, and came to [35] him. 1443 John iv. 31.And in the mean while his disciples besought him, and said unto him, Our [36, 37] master, eat. 1444 John iv. 32.And he said unto them, I have food to eat that ye know not. 1445 John iv. 33.And the disciples said amongst themselves, Can any one have brought him aught to eat?1446 The text is uncertain. [38] 1447 John iv. 34.Jesus said unto them, My food is to do the will of him that sent me, and to accomplish [39] [Arabic, p. 84] his work. 1448 John iv. 35.Said ye not that after four months cometh the harvest? behold, I therefore say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and behold the lands, [40] that they have become white, and the harvest is already come.1449 Or, come beforehand. 1450 John iv. 36.And he that reapeth receiveth his wages, and gathereth the fruit of eternal life;1451 So in the Arabic, contrary to the usual practice of this writer (cf. § 6, 19). and the sower and [41] the reaper rejoice together. 1452 John iv. 37.For in this is found the word of truth, One soweth, and [42] another reapeth. 1453 John iv. 38.And I sent you to reap that in which ye have not laboured: others laboured, and ye have entered on their labour.
[43] 1454 John iv. 39.And from that city many of the Samaritans believed in him because of the words [44] of that woman, who testified and said, He told me all that ever I did. 1455 John iv. 40.And when those Samaritans came unto him, they besought him to abide with them; and he [45, 46] abode with them two days. 1456 John iv. 41.And many believed in him because of his word; 1457 John iv. 42.and they said to that woman, Now not because of thy saying have we believed in him: we have heard and known that this truly is the Messiah, the Saviour of the world.
[47, 48] 1458 John iv. 43.And after two days Jesus went out thence and departed to Galilee. 1459 John iv. 44.And Jesus [49] testified that a prophet is not honoured in his own city. 1460 John iv. 45a.And when he came to Galilee, the Galilæans received him.
Caput XXL
31. Et iterum, exiens Iesus de finibus Tyri et Sidonis, venit ad mare Galilaeae fines versus Decapoleos.
32. Et adduxerunt ei surdum mutum, et petierunt ab eo, ut imponeret illi manum suam, et sanaret eum.
33. Et extrahens eum de turba, abiit seorsum, et expuens super digitos suos, misit in auriculas eius, et tetigit linguam eius,
34. et suspiciens in caelum, ingemuit, et ait illi: Adaperire.
35. Et illa hora apertae sunt aures eius, et solutum est vinculum linguae eius; et loquebatur expedite.
36. Et admonuit eos Iesus multum, ne cui dicerent. Et omnia, quae eis prohibebat, illi magis praedicabant;
37. et multum admirabantur, dicentes: Hic bene omnia facit; et surdos fecit audire, et mutos loqui.
Ioan. IV, 4. Et cum transiret per terram Samariae,
5. venit ad civitatem Samaritanorum, quae dicitur Sichar, iuxta praedium, quem dedit Iacob Ioseph filio suo.
6. Erat autem ibi aquae fons Iacob; et Iesus, fatigatus ex itinere, sedit iuxta fontem. Tempus erat quasi hora sexta.
7. Et venit mulier de Samaria haurire aquam. Dixit ei Iesus: Da mihi aquam, ut bibam.
8. Discipuli autem eius ingressi erant civitatem, ut emerent sibi cibum.
9. Dixit ergo ei mulier illa Samaritana: Quomodo tu, Iudaeus cum sis, petis a me, ut potum tibi praebeam, quae sum mulier Samaritana? non enim coutuntur Iudaei Samaritanis.
10. Respondit Iesus, et dixit ei: Si scires donum Dei, et quis est, qui dicit tibi: Praebe mihi potum; tu petisses ab eo, et dedisset tibi aquam vitae.
11. Dixit ei mulier: Domine, situlam non habes, et puteus altus est: unde habes aquam vitae ?
12. Numquid tu maior es patre nostro Iacob, qui dedit nobis hunc puteum, et ipse ex eo bibit, et filii eius, et pecora eius ?
13. Respondit Iesus, et dixit ei: Omnis, qui bibit ex aqua hac, sitiet iterum: omnis autem, qui biberit ex aqua, quam ego dabo ei, non sitiet in aeternum :
14. sed aqua, quam ego dabo ei, fiet in eo fons aquae salientis in vitam aeternam.
15. Dixit ei mulier illa : Domine, da mihi ex hac aqua, ut non sitiam iterum, neque veniam hinc haurire.
16. Dixit ei Iesus: Vade, et voca virum tuum, et veni huc.
17. Dixit ei: Non habeo virum. Dixit ei Iesus: Bene dixisti: Quia non habeo virum:
18. quinque viros habuisti, et quem nunc habes, non est tuus vir: et in hoc verum dixisti.
19. Dixit ei mulier illa: Domine, video, te esse Prophetam.
20. Patres nostri in monte hoc adoraverunt, et vos dicitis, quia Ierosolymis est locus, ubi adorare oportet.
21. Dixit ei Iesus: O mulier, crede mihi, quia venit hora, quando neque in monte hoc, neque in Ierosolymis adorabitis Patrem,
22. Vos adoratis, quod nescitis: nos autem adoramus, quod scimus, quia salus ex Iudaeis est.
23. Sed veniet hora, et nunc est, quando veri adoratores adorabunt Patrem in spiritu et veritate. Nam et Pater tales adoratores quaerit:
24. etenim Spiritus est Deus, et eos, qui adorant eum, in spiritu et veritate oportet illum adorare.
25. Dixit ei illa mulier: Scio, quia Messias veniet; cum ergo venerit ille, docebit nos omnia.
26. Dixit ei Iesus: Ego sum, qui loquor tecum.
27. Et dum ipse loqueretur, venerunt discipuli eius, et mirati sunt, quomodo cum muliere loqueretur. Nullus autem eorum dixit ei: Quid quaeris, aut quid loqueris cum ea?
28. Et reliquit mulier hydriam suam, et abiit in civitatem, et dixit hominibus:
29. Venite et videte hominem, qui dixit mihi omnia, quae feci: numquid ipse est Messias?
30. Et exierunt quidam de civitate, et venerunt ad eum.
31. Interea rogabant eum discipuli eius, dicentes ei: Magister, manduca.
32. Dixit autem eis: Ego cibum habeo manducare, quem vos nescitis.
33. Dicebant ergo discipuli ad invicem: Numquid aliquis attulit ei quod manducaret ?
34. Dixit eis Iesus: Meus cibus est, ut faciam voluntatem eius, qui misit me, et perficiam opus eius.
35. Nonne vos dicitis, quod adhuc quatuor menses, et messis veniet? Ecce, ego iam dico vobis: Levate oculos vestros, et videte regiones quia albae sunt: messis enim venit ante tempus.
36. Et qui metit, mercedem suam accipit, et congregat fructum vitae aeternae, et qui seminat, et qui metit simul gaudent,
37. In hoc enim est verbum verum: Quia alius est, qui seminat, et alius est, qui metit.
38. Ego misi vos metere, quod vos non laborastis: alii laboraverunt, et vos in labores eorum introistis.
39. Ex civitate autem illa multi crediderunt in eum Samaritanorum, propter verbum illius mulieris testimonium perhibentis, et dicentis: Quia narravit mihi omnia, quae feci.
40. Et cum venissent ad illum Samaritani, rogaverunt eum, ut apud ipsos maneret. Et mansit apud illos duos dies.
41. Et multi crediderunt in eum propter sermonem eius.
42. Et mulieri dicebant: Nunc non pro-
pter dictum tuum credimus in eum: ipsi enim audivimus, et cognovimus, quia hic est vere Messias, Salvator mundi.
43. Post duos autem dies exiit inde Iesus, et abiit in Galilaeam.
44. Iesus autem testatus fuerat, Prophetam in sua patria honorem non habere.
45a. Cum ergo venisset in Galilaeam, exceperunt eum Galilaei.