Section XXVI.
[1, 2] 1733 Luke xv. 1.And there came unto him publicans and sinners to hear his word. 1734 Luke xv. 2.And the scribes and the Pharisees murmured, and said, This man receiveth sinners, and [3] eateth with them. 1735 Luke xv. 3.And Jesus, when he beheld their murmuring, spake unto them [4] this parable: 1736 Luke xv. 4.What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if one of them were lost, would not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go and seek the straying one [5] till he found it? 1737 Matt. xviii. 13.Verily I say unto you, When he findeth it, he will rejoice over it [6] more than over the ninety-nine that went not astray; 1738 Luke xv. 5b.and bear it on his shoulders, and bring it to his house, and call his friends and neighbours, 1739 Luke xv. 6.and say unto them, [7] Rejoice with me, since I have found my straying sheep. 1740 Matt. xviii. 14.So your Father which is in heaven willeth1741 Strictly, preferreth, but used also as in the text. not that one of these little ones that have strayed should perish, [8] and he seeketh for them repentance. 1742 Luke xv. 7.I say unto you, Thus there shall be rejoicing in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety-nine righteous persons that do not need repentance.
[9] 1743 Luke xv. 8.And what woman having ten drachmas would lose one of them, and not light a [10] lamp, and sweep the house, and seek it with care till she found it; 1744 Luke xv. 9.and when she found it, call her friends and neighbours, and say unto them, Rejoice with me, as I [11] have found my drachma that was lost? 1745 Luke xv. 10.I say unto you, Thus there shall be joy [Arabic, p. 101] before the angels of God over the one sinner that repenteth, more than over the ninety-nine righteous persons that do not need repentance.
[12, 13] 1746 Luke xv. 11.And Jesus spake unto them also another parable: 1747 Luke xv. 12.A man had two sons: and the younger son said unto him, My father, give me my portion that belongeth to [14] me of thy goods. 1748 Luke xv. 13.And he divided between them his property. And after a few days the younger son gathered everything that belonged to him, and went into a [15] far country, and there squandered his property by living prodigally. 1749 Luke xv. 14.And when he had exhausted everything he had, there occurred a great dearth in that country. [16] 1750 Luke xv. 15.And when he was in want, he went and joined himself to one of the people of a city [17] of that country; and that man sent him into the field1751 This word is regularly used throughout this work in this sense. to feed the swine. 1752 Luke xv. 16.And he used to long to fill his belly with the carob that those swine were eating: and no man [18] gave him. 1753 Luke xv. 17.And when he returned unto himself, he said, How many hired servants now in my father’s house have bread enough and to spare, while I here perish with [19] hunger! 1754 Luke xv. 18.I will arise and go to my father’s house, and say unto him, My father, 1755 Luke xv. 19.I [20] have sinned in heaven and before thee, and am not worthy now to be called thy [21] son: make me as one of thy hired servants. 1756 Luke xv. 20.And he arose, and came to his father. But his father saw him while he was at a distance, and was moved with compassion [22] for him, and ran,1757 See above, § 24, 26, note. and fell on his breast,1758 Did not Ibn-at-Tayyib’s Commentary (Brit. Mus. text) also read breast, we might assume it to be a clerical error for a very similar (less common) word (same as the Syriac) for neck. and kissed him. 1759 Luke xv. 21.And his son said unto him, My father, I have sinned in heaven and before thee, and am not worthy to be [23] called thy son. 1760 Luke xv. 22.His father said unto his servants, Bring forth a stately robe, and put [24] it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and put on him shoes on his feet: 1761 Luke xv. 23.and bring and [25] slay a fatted ox, that we may eat and make merry: 1762 Luke xv. 24.for this my son was dead, and is [26] [Arabic, p. 102] alive; and was lost, and is found. 1763 Luke xv. 25.And they began to be merry.1764 A different word. Now his elder son was in the field; and when he came and drew near to the house, [27] he heard the sound of many singing.1765 cf. Peshitta. 1766 Luke xv. 26.And he called one of the lads, and asked him [28] what this was. 1767 Luke xv. 27.He said unto him, Thy brother hath arrived; and thy father hath [29] slain a fatted ox, since he hath received him safe and sound.1768 One word. 1769 Luke xv. 28.And he was angry, [30] and would not enter; so his father went out, and besought him to enter. 1770 Luke xv. 29.And he said to his father, How many years do I serve thee in bondage, and I never transgressed a commandment of thine; and thou hast never given me a kid, that I might [31] make merry with my friends? 1771 Luke xv. 30.but this thy son, when he had squandered thy [32] property with harlots, and come, thou hast slain for him a fatted ox. 1772 Luke xv. 31.His father said unto him, My son, thou art at all times with me, and everything I have is [33] thine. 1773 Luke xv. 32.It behoveth thee to rejoice and make merry, since this thy brother was dead, and is alive; and was lost, and is found.
[34] 1774 Luke xvi. 1.And he spake a parable unto his disciples: There was a rich man, and he had [35] a steward; and he was accused to him that he had squandered his property. 1775 Luke xvi. 2.So his lord called him, and said unto him, What is this that I hear regarding thee? Give me the account of thy stewardship; for it is now impossible that thou shouldest [36] be a steward for me. 1776 Luke xvi. 3.The steward said within himself, What shall I do, seeing that my lord taketh from me the stewardship? To dig I am not able; and to beg1777 Vat. ms. (followed by Ciasca’s text) has and if I beg, by a common confusion of grammatical forms. I [37] am ashamed. 1778 Luke xvi. 4.I know what I will do, that, when I go out of the stewardship, they [38] may receive me into their houses. 1779 Luke xvi. 5.And he called one after another of his lord’s [39] debtors, and said to the first, How much owest thou my lord? 1780 Luke xvi. 6.He said unto him, An hundred portions1781 Or (otherwise vocalised), farks, a measure variously estimated. of oil. He said unto him, Take thy writing, and sit down, and write [40] quickly fifty portions.1782 Or (otherwise vocalised), farks, a measure variously estimated. 1783 Luke xvi. 7.And he said to the next, And thou, how much owest thou my lord? He said unto him, An hundred cors of wheat. He said unto him, Take [41] [Arabic, p. 103] thy writing, and sit down, and write eighty cors. 1784 Luke xvi. 8.And our1785 cf. Peshitta. lord commended the sinful steward1786 Lit. steward of sin. because he had done a wise deed; for the children [42] of this world are wiser than the children of the light in this their age. 1787 Luke xvi. 9.And I also say unto you, Make unto yourselves friends with the wealth of this unrighteousness;1788 Lit. injustice. [43] so that, when it is exhausted, they may receive you into their tents for ever. 1789 Luke xvi. 10.He who is faithful in1790 Or, intrusted with. a little is faithful also in much: and he who is unrighteous in a [44] little is unrighteous also in much. 1791 Luke xvi. 11.If then in the wealth of unrighteousness ye were [45] not trustworthy, who will intrust you with the truth?1792 Or, true (wealth); but cf. Syriac. 1793 Luke xvi. 12.If ye are not found faithful in what does not belong to you, who will give you what belongeth to you?
Caput XXVI.
Luc. XV, 1. Et accesserunt ad eum publicani et peccatores, ut audirent verbum eius.
2. Et murmurabant Scribae et Pharisaei, dicentes: Hic peccatores recipit, et manducat cum illis.
3. Iesus autem, cum vidisset murmurationem eorum, ait illis parabolam istam:
4. Quis ex vobis homo, qui habet centum oves, et si perdiderit unam ex illis, non dimittat nonaginta novem in deserto, et vadat, et quaerat errantem, donec invenerit eam ?
Matth. XVIII, 13b. Amen, dico vobis: Cum invenerit eam, gaudet super eam, magis quam super nonaginta novem, quae non erraverunt;
Luc. XV, 5b. et imponit eam in humeros suos,
6. et adducens domum convocat amicos et vicinos suos, dicens illis: Congratulamini mihi, quia inveni ovem meam errantem.
Matth. XVIII, 14. Sic non vult Pater vester, qui in caelis est, ut pereat unus de pusillis istis, quos, post culpam, vocat ad poenitentiam.
Luc. XV, 7. Dico vobis: Quod ita gau-
dium erit in coelo super uno peccatore poenitentiam agente, quam super nonaginta novem iustis, qui non indigent poenitentia.
8. Et quae mulier habens drachmas decem, et perdiderit unam ex illis, non accendit lucernam, et everrit domum, et quaerit eam diligenter, donec inveniat?
9. Et cum invenerit, convocat amicas et vicinas suas, dicens illis: Congratulamini mihi, quia inveni drachmam deperditam.
10. Dico vobis : Quod ita gaudium erit coram Angelis Dei super uno peccatore poenitentiam agente, quam super nonaginta novem iustis, qui non indigent poenitentia.
11. Et iterum ait illis Iesus aliam parabolam : Homo quidam habuit duos filios,
12. et dixit ei adolescentior : Pater, da mihi portionem meam, quae me contingit, de substantia tua. Et divisit illis substantiam suam.
13. Et post paucos dies, congregatis omnibus ad se pertinentibus, adolescentior filius peregre profectus est in regionem longinquam, et ibi dissipavit substantiam suam vivendo prodige.
14. Et cum omnia consummasset, facta est fames valida in regione illa, et ad egestatem redactus,
15. abiit, et adhaesit uni civium regionis illius. Et ille misit eum in agrum, ut pasceret porcos.
16. Et cupiebat implere ventrem suum de siliquis, quas porci manducabant, et nemo illi dabat.
17. In se autem reversus, dixit: Quanti mercenarii nunc in domo patris mei abundant pane: et ego hic fame pereo!
18. Surgam, et ibo ad domum patris mei, et dicam ei: Pater mi, peccavi in coelum et coram te:
19. iam non sum dignus vocari filius tuus: fac me sicut unum de mercenariis tuis.
20. Et surgens venit ad patrem suum. Cum autem adhuc longe esset, vidit illum pater ipsius, et misertus est eius, et accurrens cecidit super collum eius, et osculatus est eum.
21. Dixitque ei filius: Pater mi, peccavi in caelum et coram te, et non sum dignus vocari filius tuus.
22. Dixit pater eius ad servos suos: Proferte stolam primam, et induite illum, et ponite annulum in manu eius, et calceamentis induite pedes eius,
23. et adducite vitulum saginatum, et occidite, ut manducemus, et delectemur,
24. etenim hic filius meus mortuus erat, et vivit: perierat, et inventus est. Et coeperunt epulari.
25. Erat autem filius eius maior in agro, et cum veniret, et appropinquaret domui, audivit sonum cantus multorum;
26. Et vocavit unum de pueris, et interrogavit eum: Quid est hoc?
27. Dixit illi: Frater tuus venit, et occidit pater tuus vitulum saginatum, quia sanum illum reperiit.
28. Et indignatus est, et noluit introire. Pater autem illius egressus rogavit eum, ut ingrederetur.
29. At ille dixit patri suo: Tot annos servio tibi ut mancipium, et nunquam mandatum tuum praeterivi, et nunquam dedisti mihi hoedum, ut cum amicis meis epularer:
30. et postquam filius tuus hic, dissi-
pata substantia tua cum meretricibus, venit, occidisti illi vitulum saginatum.
31. Dixit ei pater illius: Fili mi, tu semper mecum es, et omnia mea tua sunt:
32. gaudere autem, et epulari oportebat, cura frater tuus hic mortuus, iam vivat, et deperditus, inventus sit.
XVI, 1. Et dixit parabolam discipulis suis: Erat quidam dives, et habebat villicum, de quo denuntiatum est illi, quod dissipasset substantiam ipsius.
2. Vocavit ergo illum dominus eius, et ait illi: Quid est hoc, quod audio de te? redde mihi rationem villicationis tuae, iam enim non poteris esse villicus meus.
3. Ait ille villicus intra se: Quid faciam cum dominus meus aufert a me villicationem : fodere non valeo, et mendicare erubesco.
4. Ego scio, quid faciam, ut, cum amotus fuero a villicatione, recipiant me in domos suas.
5. Convocatis itaque singulis debitoribus domini sui, dixit primo: Quantum debes domino meo?
6. Dixit ei: Centum cados olei. Dixit illi: Accipe cautionem tuam, sede et cito scribe: Quinquaginta cados.
7. Et alteri dixit: Tu vero quantum debes domino meo? Dixit ei: Centum coros tritici. Ait illi: Accipe litteras tuas, sede et scribe: Octoginta coros.
8. Et laudavit dominus villicum iniquitatis, quia sapiens opus fecisset; filii enim huius saeculi prudentiores filiis lucis in generatione sua sunt.
9. Et ego vobis dico: Facite vobis amicos de substantia iniquitatis huius, ut, cum defecerit, recipiant vos in aeterna tabernacula.
10. Qui fidelis est in pauco, et in multo fidelis est, et qui in pauco iniquus est, et in multo iniquus est.
11. Si ergo in iniqua pecunia fideles non fuistis : veram quis credet vobis ?
12. Si ergo in eo, quod vestrum est, fideles non inventi fuistis, quod ad vos pertinet, quis dabit vobis?