29. [XXVIII.]—When He Speaks of God’s Help, He Means It Only to Help Us Do What Without It We Still Could Do.
Again, in the first book of his Defence of the Freedom of the Will, he says: “But while we have within us a free will so strong and so stedfast against sinning, which our Maker has implanted in human nature generally, still, by His unspeakable goodness, we are further defended by His own daily help.” What need is there of such help, if free will is so strong and so stedfast against sinning? But here, as before, he would have it understood that the purpose of the alleged assistance is, that that may be more easily accomplished by grace which he nevertheless supposes may be effected, less easily, no doubt, but yet actually, without grace.
29. Item in primo libro pro Libero Arbitrio: «Cum autem tam forte,» inquit, «tam firmum ad non peccandum liberum in nobis habeamus arbitrium, quod generaliter naturae humanae Creator inseruit, rursus pro inaestimabili ejus benignitate, quotidiano ipsius munimur auxilio.» Quid opus est hoc auxilio, si tam forte, tam firmum est ad non peccandum liberum arbitrium? Sed etiam hic vult intelligi, ad hoc esse auxilium, ut facilius fiat per gratiam, quod etsi minus facile, tamen putat fieri praeter gratiam.