Section XXIX.
[1] 1922 Matt. xix. 23.Verily I say unto you, It is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of [2] heaven. 1923 Matt. xix. 24.And I say unto you also, that it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of [3] a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. 1924 Mark x. 24.And the disciples were wondering at these sayings. And Jesus answered and said unto them again, My children, how hard it is for those that rely on their possessions to enter the [4] kingdom of God! 1925 Mark x. 26.And those that were listening wondered more, and said amongst [5] themselves, being agitated,1926 cf. note, § 1, 14. Borg. MS, omits being agitated. Who, thinkest thou, can be saved? 1927 Mark x. 27.And Jesus looked at them intently, and said unto them, With men this is not possible, but with God it is: [6] [Arabic, p. 111] it is possible for God to do everything. 1928 Luke xviii. 28; Matt. xix. 27<b.Simon Cephas said unto him, Lo, we have left everything, and followed thee; what is it, thinkest thou, that we [7] shall have? 1929 Matt. xix. 28.Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, Ye that have followed me, in the new world, when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory, ye also [8] shall sit on twelve thrones, and shall judge the twelve tribes of Israel. 1930 Mark x. 29b.Verily I say unto you, No man leaveth houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or kinsfolk, or lands, because of the kingdom of God, or for [9] my sake, and the sake of my gospel, 1931 Luke xviii. 30.who shall not obtain1932 Lit. meet with; or, be recompensed with. many times as much in this [10] time, and in the world to come inherit eternal life: 1933 Mark x. 30b.and now in this time, houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecution; [11] and in the world to come everlasting life. 1934 Mark x. 31.Many that are first shall be last,1935 The Arabic words are not so strong. and that are last shall be first.
[12] 1936 Luke xvi. 14.And when the Pharisees heard all this, because of their love for wealth they [13] scoffed at him. 1937 Luke xvi. 15.And Jesus knew what was in their hearts, and said unto them, Ye are they that justify yourselves before men; while God knows your hearts: the thing that is lofty with men is base before God.
[14] 1938 Luke xvi. 19.And he began to say, A certain man was rich, and wore silk and purple, and enjoyed [15] himself every day in splendour: 1939 Luke xvi. 20.and there was a poor man named Lazarus, and [16] he was cast down at the door of the rich man, 1940 Luke xvi. 21.afflicted with sores, and he longed to fill [Arabic, p. 112] his belly with the crumbs that fell from the table of that rich man; yea, [17] even1941 Or, so that. the dogs used to come and lick his sores. 1942 Luke xvi. 22.And it happened that that poor man died, and the angels conveyed him into the bosom of Abraham: and the [18] rich man also died, and was buried. 1943 Luke xvi. 23.And while he was being tormented in Hades, [19] he lifted up his eyes from afar, and saw Abraham with1944 Or, and. Lazarus in his bosom. 1945 Luke xvi. 24.And he called with a loud voice, and said, My father Abraham, have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus to wet the tip of his finger with water, and moisten my tongue [20] for me; for, behold, I am burned in this flame. 1946 Luke xvi. 25.Abraham said unto him, My son, remember that thou receivedst thy good things in thy life, and Lazarus his afflictions: [21] but now, behold, he is at rest here, and thou art tormented. 1947 Luke xvi. 26.And in addition to all this, there is between us and you a great abyss placed, so that they that would cross unto you from hence cannot, nor yet from thence do they cross unto [22] us. 1948 Luke xvi. 27.He said unto him, Then I beseech thee, my father, to send him to my father’s [23] house; 1949 Luke xvi. 28.for I have five brethren; let him go, that they also sin not,1950 The Syriac and Arabic versions here agree with the Greek. For a plausible suggestion as to the origin of the strange reading in the text, see Harris, The Diatessaron of Tatian, p. 21, who cites a parallel from Aphraates. and come to [24] the abode of this torment.1951 This may be simply a corruption of the Peshitta. 1952 Luke xvi. 29.Abraham said unto him, They have Moses and the [25] prophets; let them hear them. 1953 Luke xvi. 30.He said unto him, Nay,1954 Or, Surely. The word is omitted by Borg. ms. my father Abraham: but [26] let a man from the dead go unto them, and they will repent. 1955 Luke xvi. 31.Abraham said unto him, If they listen neither to Moses nor to the prophets, neither if a man from the dead rose would they believe him.
[27] 1956 Matt. xx. 1.The kingdom of heaven is like a man that is a householder, which went out early [28] in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard. 1957 Matt. xx. 2.And he agreed with the labourers on [29] one penny a day for each labourer, and he sent them into his vineyard. 1958 Matt. xx. 3.And he went [30] [Arabic, p. 113] out in three hours, and saw others standing in the market idle. 1959 Matt. xx. 4.He said unto them, Go ye also into my vineyard, and what is right I will pay you. [31] 1960 Matt. xx. 5.And they went. And he went out also at the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise, [32] and sent them. 1961 Matt. xx. 6.And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle. He said unto them, Why are ye standing the whole day idle? [33] 1962 Matt. xx. 7.They said unto him, Because no one hath hired us. He said unto them, Go ye [34] also into the vineyard, and what is right ye shall receive. 1963 Matt. xx. 8.So when evening came, the lord of the vineyard said unto his steward, Call the labourers, and pay them [35] their wages; and begin with the later ones, and end with the former ones. 1964 Matt. xx. 9.And [36] those of eleven hours1965 i.e., probably the eleventh hour (cf. § 21, 10). came, and received each a penny. 1966 Matt. xx. 10.When therefore the first came, they supposed that they should receive something more; and they also [37] received each a penny. 1967 Matt. xx. 11.And when they received it, they spake angrily against the [38] householder, and said, 1968 Matt. xx. 12.These last worked one hour, and thou hast made them equal [39] with us, who have suffered the heat of the day, and its burden. 1969 Matt. xx. 13.He answered and said unto one of them, My friend, I do thee no wrong: was it not for a penny that [40] thou didst bargain with me? 1970 Matt. xx. 14.Take what is thine, and go thy way; for I wish to [41] give this last as I have given thee. 1971 Matt. xx. 15.Or am I not entitled to do with what is mine1972 Lit. my thing. [42] what I choose? 1973 Matt. xx. 16.Or is thine eye perchance evil, because I am good? Thus shall the last ones be first, and the first last. The called are many, and the chosen are few.
[43] 1974 Luke xiv. 1.And when Jesus entered into the house of one of the chiefs of the Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day, and they were watching him to see what he would [44, 45] do, 1975 Luke xiv. 2.and there was before him a man which had the dropsy, 1976 Luke xiv. 3.Jesus answered and [46] said unto the scribes and the Pharisees, Is it lawful on the sabbath to heal? 1977 Luke xiv. 4.But [Arabic, p. 114] they were silent. So he took him, and healed him, and sent him away. [47] 1978 Luke xiv. 5.And he said unto them, Which of you shall have his son or his ox fall on the sabbath day into a well, and not lift him up straightway, and draw water for [48] him? 1979 Luke xiv. 6.And they were not able to answer him a word to that.
Caput XXIX.
Matth. XIX, 23b. Amen, dico vobis, difficile est diviti, ut ingrediatur in regnum caelorum.
24. Et iterum dico vobis: Facilius est camelum per foramen acus transire, quam divitem intrare in regnum Dei.
Marc. X, 24. Discipuli autem obstupescebant in hisce verbis. At Iesus rursus respondens ait illis: Filioli mei, quam difficile est iis, qui confidunt in substantiis suis, in regnum Dei introire!
26. Et qui audiebant magis admirabantur, dicentes, iam timidi, inter semetipsos: Quis, putas, potest salvus fieri?
27. Et intuens illos Iesus, dixit eis: Apud homines possibile non est hoc, sed apud Deum: omnia Deus facere potest.
Luc. XVIII, 28. Ait illi Simon Cephas: Ecce, nos dimisimus omnia, et secuti sumus te :
Matth. XIX, 27b. quid ergo erit nobis?
28. Ait illis Iesus: Amen, dico vobis: Vos, qui secuti estis me, in novo mundo, cum sederit Filius hominis in sede gloriae suae, sedebitis et vos super sedes duodecim, et iudicabitis duodecim tribus Israel.
Marc. X, 29b. Amen, dico vobis: Nemo est, qui reliquerit domos, aut fratres aut sorores, aut patrem aut matrem, aut uxorem aut filios, aut consanguineos aut agros propter regnum Dei, aut propter me et propter Evangelium meum,
Luc. XVIII, 30. et non recipiat tot dupla in hoc tempore, et in saeculo venturo haereditet vitam aeternam:
Marc. X, 30b. nunc, in tempore hoc,
domos, et fratres et sorores, et matres et filios, et agros cum persecutione, et in saeculo futuro vitam sempiternam.
31. Multi primi erunt novissimi, et novissimi primi.
Luc. XVI, 14. Cum autem Pharisaei audissent omnia haec, quia diligebant pecunias, deriserunt illum.
15. Sciens autem Iesus quid esset in cordibus eorum, dixit illis: Vos estis, qui iustificatis vos coram hominibus: Deus autem cognoscit corda vestra, quia, quod apud homines altum est, despectum est coram Deo.
19. Et coepit dicere: Homo quidam erat dives, et induebatur serico et purpura, et epulabatur quotidie splendide.
20. Et erat quidam mendicus, nomine Lazarus, qui iacebat ad ianuam divitis, ulceribus afflictus,
21. et cupiebat replere ventrem suum ex micis, quae cadebant de mensa divitis, ita ut canes venirent, et lingerent ulcera eius.
22. Accidit autem, ut moreretur mendicus, et Angeli portarent eum in sinum Abrahae. Mortuus est autem et dives, et sepultus est.
23. Et cum torqueretur in inferno, elevavit oculos suos a longe, et vidit Abraham, et Lazarum in sinu eius,
24. et vocavit voce magna, et dixit: Pater Abraham, miserere mei, et mitte Lazarum, ut intingat extremum digiti sui in aquam, et humectet linguam meam; ego enim ecce uror in hac flamma.
25. Dixit ei Abraham: Fili mi, recordare, quia tu recepisti bona in vita tua, et Lazarus mala: nunc autem, ecce, ipse hic requiescit, tu vero cruciaris;
26. ad haec omnia adde, quod inter nos et vos abyssus magna posita est, ut hi, qui volunt hinc transire ad vos, non possint, neque inde ad nos transmeare.
27. Dixit ei; Rogo ergo te, pater mi, ut mittas eum in domum patris mei:
28. habeo enim quinque fratres, vadat, ne et ipsi peccent, et veniant in hunc locum tormentorum.
29. Ait illi Abraham; Habent Moysen et Prophetas, audiant illos.
30. Dixit ei: Non, pater mi Abraham, sed si quis ex mortuis ierit ad eos, poenitentiam agent.
31. Ait illi Abraham: Si Moysen et Prophetas non audiunt, neque si quis ex mortuis resurrexerit, credent.
Matth. XX, 1. Simile est regnum caelorum homini patrifamilias, qui exiit primo mane conducere operarios in vineam suam.
2. Conventione autem facta cum operariis ex denario diurno pro singulis, misit eos in vineam suam.
3. Et egressus circa horam tertiam, et videns alios stantes in foro otiosos,
4. dixit illis : Ite et vos in vineam meam, et quod aequum est, dabo vobis.
5. Et illi abierunt. Iterum autem exiit hora sexta et nona, et fecit similiter,
6. et misit eos. Circa autem undecimam horam exiit, et inveniens alios stantes otiosos, dixit illis : Quid statis tota die otiosi ?
7. Dixerunt ei: Quia nemo nos conduxit. Dixit illis: Ite et vos in vineam, et quod aequum est, accipietis.
8. Cum sero autem factum esset, dixit dominus vineae procuratori suo: Voca
operarios, et redde illis mercedem suam: incipe enim a novissimis, et perge usque ad primos.
9. Et venerunt operarii undecimae horae, et acceperunt singuli denarium.
10. Cum venissent autem primi, arbitrati sunt, quod plus essent accepturi: acceperunt vero et ipsi singuli denarium.
11. Et accipientes murmurabant adversus patremfamilias,
12. dicentes: Hi novissimi una hora laboraverunt, et pares illos nobis fecisti, qui sustinuimus aestum diei et pondus eius.
13. Respondit uni eorum, et dixit: Amice, non facio tibi iniuriam: nonne ex denario convenisti mecum?
14. Tolle, quod tuum est, et vade: ego autem huic novissimo volo dare sicut dedi tibi.
15. Aut de re mea non est mihi potestas, quod volo, facere ? aut fortasse oculus tuus nequam est, quia ego bonus sum ?
16. Sic erunt novissimi primi, et primi novissimi: multi sunt vocati, et pauci electi.
Luc. XIV, 1. Et cura intraret Iesus in domum cuiusdam principis Pharisaeorum die sabbati manducare panem, ipsi observabant eum, ut viderent, quid esset facturus.
2. Et erat ante illum quidam hydropicus.
3. Respondit Iesus, et dixit ad legisperitos et Pharisaeos: Licet ne sabbato curare ?
4. At illi tacuerunt. Ipse vero apprehensum sanavit eum, ac dimisit.
5. Et dixit illis: Cuius vestrum filius aut bos die sabbati in puteum cadet, et non continuo extrahet illum, et potum illi praebet?
6. Et non poterant ad haec respondere illi verbum.