Section XLI.
[1] 2727 Matt. xxiii. 34.Therefore, behold, I, the wisdom of God, am sending unto you prophets, and apostles, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall slay and crucify; and some of them ye shall beat in your synagogues, and persecute2728 cf. 8, 34. from city to [2] city: 2729 Matt. xxiii. 35.that there may come on you all the blood of the righteous that hath been poured upon the ground2730 Or, earth. from the blood of Abel the pure to the blood of Zachariah the son of Barachiah, whom ye slew between the temple2731 Or, sanctuary. and the altar. [3] 2732 Matt. xxiii. 36.Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.2733 See § 1, 49, note.
[4] [Arabic, p. 155] 2734 Matt. xxiii. 37.O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, slayer of the prophets, and stoner of them that are sent unto her! how many times did I wish to gather thy children, as [5] a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! 2735 Matt. xxiii. 38.Your house shall [6] be left over you desolate. 2736 Matt. xxiii. 39.Verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
[7] 2737 John xii. 42.And many of the rulers also believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they [8] were not confessing him, lest they be put2738 Lit. become. out of the synagogue: 2739 John xii. 43.and they loved [9] the praise of men more than the praising of God. 2740 John xii. 44.And Jesus cried and said, [10] Whosoever believeth in me, believeth not in me, but in him that sent me. 2741 John xii. 45.And [11] whosoever seeth me hath seen him that sent me. 2742 John xii. 46.I am come a light2743 The text as it stands ought to mean I am a light. I am come; but it is a word-for-word reproduction of the Peshitta, and should therefore doubtless be rendered as above. into the [12] world, and so every one that believeth in me abideth not in the darkness. 2744 John xii. 47.And whosoever heareth my sayings, and keepeth them not, I judge him not: for I came [13] not to judge the world, but to give the world life.2745 Or, to save the world (cf. § 1, 78, note). 2746 John xii. 48.Whosoever wrongeth2747 See § 20, 28, note. me, and receiveth not my sayings, there is one that judgeth him: the word that I spake, it [14] shall judge him at the last day. 2748 John xii. 49.I from myself did not speak: but the Father which sent me, he hath given me commandment,2749 Not the same word. what I should say, and what I [15] should speak; and I know that his commandment2750 Not the same word. is eternal life. 2751 John xii. 50.The things that I say now, as my Father hath said unto me, even so I say.
[16] 2752 Luke xi. 53.And when he said that unto them, the scribes and Pharisees began their evil-doing, being angry with him, and finding fault with his sayings, and harassing2753 So Ciasca, following Vat. ms. The true reading, however, is probably that underlying the Borg. ms. If we restore diacritical points to the radical letters we get deceiving (cf. § 41, 31), an alternative meaning (or the word laying wait for, used in the Peshitta. The Arabic follows the Peshitta very closely in this and the following verse. him [17] in many things; 2754 Luke xi. 54.seeking to catch something from his mouth, that they might be able to calumniate him.
[18] 2755 Luke xii. 1.And when there gathered together myriads of great multitudes, which almost trode [Arabic, p. 156] one upon another, Jesus began to say unto his disciples, Preserve yourselves [19] from the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2756 Luke xii. 2.For there is nothing [20] concealed, that shall not be revealed: nor hid, that shall not be known. 2757 Luke xii. 3.Everything that ye have said in the darkness shall be heard in the light; and what ye have spoken secretly in the ears in the inner chambers shall be proclaimed on the roofs.
[21, 22] 2758 John xii. 36b.This said Jesus, and he went and hid himself from them. 2759 John xii. 37.But notwithstanding [23] his having done all these signs before them, they believed not in him: 2760 John xii. 38.that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, who said,
My Lord, who is he that hath believed to hear us?
And the arm of the Lord, to whom hath it appeared?
[24] 2761 John xii. 39.And for this reason it is not possible for them to believe, because Isaiah also said,
[25] 2762 John xii. 40.They have blinded their eyes, and made dark their heart;
That they may not see with their eyes, and understand with their heart,
And turn,
So that I should heal them.
[26] 2763 John xii. 41.This said Isaiah when he saw his glory, and spake of him.
[27] 2764 Matt. xxiv. 1.And when Jesus went out of the temple, certain of his disciples came forward [28] to shew2765 Or, and shewed. him the buildings of the temple, 2766 Mark xiii. 1b; Luke xxi. 5b.and its beauty and greatness, and the strength of the stones that were laid in it, and the elegance of its building, and that [29] it was adorned with noble stones and beautiful colours. 2767 Matt. xxiv. 2a.Jesus answered and said [30] unto them, See ye these great buildings? 2768 Luke xix. 43a; Luke xix. 44b [or rather Matt. xxiv. 2b, or Mark xiii. 2b].verily I say unto you, Days will come, when there shall not be left here a stone upon another, that shall not be cast down.
[31] 2769 Mark xiv. 1.And two days before2770 Lit. before two days would be (cf. Sin. and above, § 39, 1, note). the passover of unleavened bread, the chief priests and [32] the scribes sought how they might take him by deceit,2771 cf. § 41, 16, note. and kill him: 2772 Mark xiv. 2.and they said, It shall not be at the feast, lest the people be agitated.
[33] 2773 Mark xiii. 3.And when Jesus sat on the mount of Olives opposite the temple, his disciples, Simon Cephas and James and John and Andrew, came forward unto him, and said unto him [34] between themselves and him, 2774 Luke xxi. 7b; Matt. xxiv. 3b.Teacher, tell us when that shall be, and what is the sign [35] [Arabic, p. 157] of thy coming and the end of the world. 2775 Matt. xxiv. 4a; Luke xvii. 22b; Matt. xxiv. 4b.Jesus answered and said unto them, Days will come, when ye shall long to see one of the days of the Son of [36, 37] 2776 Matt. xxiv., and shall not behold. 2777 Luke xxi. 8b.Take heed lest any man lead you astray. Many shall [38] come in my name, and say, I am the Messiah; 2778 Mark xiii. 6b; Luke xxi. 8c.and they shall say, The time is come [39] near, and shall lead many astray: go not therefore after them. 2779 Mark xiii. 7a; Matt. xxiv. 7b; Luke xxi. 9b.And when ye hear of wars and tidings of insurrections, see to it, be2780 Or, that ye be, if we suppose the present text to have resulted from the loss of the second of two alifs. not agitated: for these things must [40] first be; only the end is not yet come. 2781 Matt. xxiv. 7a.Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom [41] against kingdom: 2782 Luke xxi. 11.and great earthquakes shall be in one place and another, and there shall be famines and deaths and agitations: and there shall be fear and terror and great signs that2783 Or, omit that. shall appear from heaven, and there shall be great [42, 43] storms 2784 Matt. xxiv. 8.All these things are the beginning of travail. 2785 Luke xxi. 12.But before all of that, they shall lay hands upon you, and persecute you, and deliver you unto the synagogues [44] and into prisons, and bring you before kings and judges for my name’s sake. 2786 Luke xxi. 13.And [45] that shall be unto you for a witness. 2787 Mark xiii. 10.But first must my gospel be preached unto all [46] nations. 2788 Luke xii. 11.And when they bring you into the synagogues before the rulers and the authorities, be not anxious beforehand how ye shall answer for yourselves, or what ye [47, 48] shall say: 2789 Mark xiii. 11b.because it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Spirit. 2790 Luke xxi. 14.Lay it to your heart, not [49] [Arabic, p. 158] to be anxious before the time what ye shall say: 2791 Luke xxi. 15.and I shall2792 The Arabic text lacks a letter. give you understanding and wisdom,2793 Borg. ms. reads you the fruits of wisdom. which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay. [50] 2794 Matt. xxiv. 9.And then shall they deliver you unto constraint, and shall kill you: and ye shall be [51] hated of all nations because of my name. 2795 Matt. xxiv. 30.And then shall many go astray,2796 See § 25, 17, note. and they [52] shall hate one another, and deliver one another unto death. 2797 Luke xxi. 16.And your parents, and your brethren, and your kinsfolk, and your friends shall deliver you up, and shall [53, 54] slay some of you. 2798 Luke xxi. 18.But a lock of hair from your heads shall not perish. 2799 Luke xxi. 19.And by [55] your patience ye shall gain2800 Or, possess. your souls. 2801 Matt. xxiv. 11.And many men,2802 So the Arabic text; but it doubtless simply represents the Syriac, which here agrees with the Greek. false prophets, shall arise, [56] and lead many astray. 2803 Matt. xxiv. 12.And because of the abounding of iniquity, the love of many [57] shall wax cold. 2804 Matt. xxiv. 13.But he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. 2805 Matt. xxiv. 14.And [58] this, the2806 So the Arabic text; but it doubtless simply represents the Syriac, which here agrees with the Greek. gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in all the world for a testimony to all nations; and then shall come the end of all.
Caput XLI.
34. Ideo ecce, ego, sapientia Dei, mitto ad vos prophetas et apostolos, et sapientes et scribas, et ex illis occidetis, et crucifigetis, et ex eis flagellabitis in synagogis vestris, et eiicietis de civitate in civitatem,
35. ut veniat super vos omnis sanguis iustorum, qui effusus est super terram, a sanguine Abel innocentis usque ad sanguinem Zachariae, filii Barachiae, quem occidistis inter templum et altare.
36. Amen, dico vobis: Venient haec omnia super generationem istam.
37. Ierusalem, Ierusalem, interfectrix prophetarum et lapidatrix eorum, qui ad eam missi sunt: quoties volui congregare filios tuos, quemadmodum gallina congregat pullos suos sub alas suas, et noluistis?
38. Relinquetur vobis domus vestra deserta.
39. Amen, dico vobis; Non me videbitis amodo, donec dicatis: Benedictus, qui venit in nomine Domini.
Ioan. XII, 42. Et ex principibus multi crediderunt in eum; sed propter Pharisaeos non confitebantur, ne fierent extra synagogam.
43. Diligebant enim gloriam hominum magis, quam gloriam Dei.
44. Iesus autem clamavit, et dixit: Qui
credit in me, non credit in me, sed in eum, qui misit me.
45. Et qui videt me, videt eum, qui misit me.
46. Ego lux in mundum veni: omnis ergo, qui credit in me, .in tenebris non manet.
47. Et qui audierit verba mea, et non custodierit ea, ego non iudico eum: non enim veni ad iudicandum mundum, sed ad vivificandum mundum.
48. Qui spernit me, et non accipit verba mea, est qui iudicet eum: sermo, quem locutus sum, ille iudicabit eum in novissimo die.
49. Ego ex me ipso non loquor, sed qui misit me, Pater: ipse mihi mandatum dedit, quid dicam, et quid loquar.
50. Et scio, quia mandatum eius vita aeterna est. Quae ergo loquor, sicut dixit mihi Pater meus, sic loquor.
Luc. XI, 53. Cum autem haec ad illos diceret, coeperunt Scribae et Pharisaei indignari in malitia sua, et verba eius reprehendere, ac eum in multis divexare,
54. quaerentes aliquid capere de ore eius, ut eum accusare possent.
XII, 1. Multis autem convenientibus turbis ita, ut fere se invicem calcarent, coepit Iesus dicere ad discipulos suos: Cavete a fermento Pharisaeorum, quod est hypocrisis.
2. Nihil autem opertum est, nisi ut reveletur, neque absconditum, nisi ut sciatur.
3. Omnia, quae in tenebris dixistis, in lumine audientur, et quod auribus credidistis in cubiculis, praedicabitur super tecta.
Ioan. XII, 36b. Haec dixit Iesus; et abiit, et abscondit se ab eis.
37. Et licet haec omnia signa fecisset coram eis, non crediderunt in eum,
38. ut sermo Isaiae prophetae impleretur, qui dixit: Domine, quis credidit, ut audiat nos? et brachium Domini, cui revelatum est?
39. Propterea non poterant credere, quia iterum dixit Isaias:
40. Excaecate oculos eorum, et cordi eorum tenebras obducite, ut non videant oculis, et corde intelligant, et convertantur, et sanem eos.
41. Haec dixit Isaias, quando vidit gloriam eius, et locutus est de eo.
Matth. XXIV, 1. Et egressus Iesus de templo, accesserunt quidam ex discipulis eius, et ostenderunt ei aedificationes templi, et pulcritudinem et magnificentiam eius,
Marc. XIII, 1b. ac firmitatem lapidum in eo adhibitarum, et elegantiam structurae eius ;
Luc. XXI, 5b. et quomodo pretiosis lapidibus, et coloribus pulcris ornatum esset.
Matth. XXIV, 2a. Respondit Iesus, et dixit illis: Videtis has magnas structuras? Amen, dico vobis:
Luc. XIX, 43b. Venient profecto dies,
44b. et non relinquetur hic in eis lapis super lapidem, qui non destruatur.
Marc. XIV, 1. Et biduum ante Pascha azymorum quaerebant summi Sacerdotes et Scribae, quomodo eum dolo tenerent, et occiderent.
2. Dicebant autem: Non in festo, ne forte populus tumultuetur.
XIII, 3. Et cum sederet Iesus in monte olivarum contra templum, accesserunt ad eum Simon Cephas et Iacobus, et Ioannes et Andreas, et dixerunt ei inter se et illum:
Luc. XXI, 7b. Praeceptor,
Matth. XXIV, 3b. dic nobis, quando haec erunt? et quod signum adventus tui, et consummationis mundi ?
4a. Respondens Iesus, dixit eis:
Luc. XVII, 22b. Venient dies, quando desideretis videre unum diem ex diebus Filii hominis, et non videbitis.
Matth. XXIV, 4b. Cavete, ne quis vos seducat :
5. multi venient in nomine meo, dicentes: Ego sum Messias:
Luc. XXI, 8b. et dicent: Tempus appropinquavit;
Marc. XIII, 6c. et multos seducent:
Luc. XXI, 8c. nolite ergo ire post eos.
Marc. XIII, 7a. Cum igitur audieritis bella et rumores seditionum,
Matth. XXIV, 6b. videte, ne turbemini:
Luc. XXI, 9b. oportet primum haec fieri, sed nondum venit finis.
Matth. XXIV, 7a. Consurget gens in gentem, et regnum in regnum,
Luc. XXI, 11. et terrae motus magni erunt per loca, et fames et pestilentiae, et commotiones; terrores ac pavores erunt, et signa magna apparebunt de caelo, et himbres magni erunt:
Matth. XXIV, 8. haec omnia initium sunt inundationum.
Luc. XXI, 12. Et ante haec omnia inficient vobis manus, et persequentur et tradent vos in synagogas et custodias, trahentes vos ante reges et praesides propter nomen meum:
13. hoc autem erit vobis in testimonium.
Marc. XIII, 10. Primum autem oportet in omnes gentes praedicari Evangelium meum.
Luc. XII, 11. Cum autem inducent vos in synagogas ante principes et potestates, nolite antea solliciti esse, quomodo respondeatis, aut quid dicatis:
Marc. XIII, 11b. non enim vos estis, qui loquimini, sed Spiritus sanctus.
Luc. XXI, 14. Ponite in corde vestro non praemeditari, quid dicatis :
15. Ego enim dabo vobis intelligentiam et sapientiam, cui non poterunt resistere omnes adversarii vestri.
Matth. XXIV, 9. Tunc enim tradent vos in angustiam, et occident vos, et eritis odio omnibus gentibus propter nomen meum.
10. Et tunc scandalizabuntur multi, et odio habebunt invicem, et invicem tradent ad mortem.
Luc. XXI, 16. Trademini autem a parentibus et fratribus, et cognatis et amicis, et morte afficient ex vobis;
18. cirrus autem capillorum de capite vestro non peribit.
19. In patientia vestra possidebitis animas vestras.
Matth. XXIV, 11. Et multi pseudoprophetae surgent, et seducent multos.
12. Et propter abundantiam iniquitatis, languescet charitas multorum:
13. qui autem toleraverit usque in finem, hic salvus erit.
14. Et praedicabitur hoc Evangelium regni in universo orbe, in testimonium omnibus gentibus: et tunc veniet omnium consummatio.