2. [II.]—Cœlestius, on His Trial at Carthage, Refuses to Condemn His Error; The Written Statement Which He Gave to Zosimus.
Cœlestius, indeed, maintained this erroneous doctrine with less restraint. To such an extent did he push his freedom as actually to refuse, when on trial before the bishops at Carthage,146 See Concerning the Proceedings of Pelagius, ch. 23. to condemn those who say, “That Adam’s sin injured only Adam himself, and not the human race; and that infants at their birth are in the same state that Adam was in before his transgression.”147 Pelagius, at Diospolis, condemned this position of Cœlestius. Hence the comparative restraint of Pelagius, and the greater freedom in holding the error which is here attributed to Cœlestius. In the written statement, too, which he presented to the most blessed Pope Zosimus at Rome, he declared with especial plainness, “that original sin binds no single infant.” Concerning the ecclesiastical proceedings at Carthage we copy the following account of his words.
2. Et Coelestius quidem in hoc exstitit errore liberior, usque adeo, ut neque in episcopali judicio apud Carthaginem damnare voluerit eos qui dicunt, «Quod peccatum Adae ipsum solum laeserit, et non genus humanum; et quod infantes qui nascuntur, in eo statu sint, in quo Adam fuit ante praevaricationem.» Et in urbe Roma in libello suo, quem beatissimo papae Zosimo dedit, id asseveravit expressius, «quod parvulorum neminem obstringat originale peccatum.» De gestis enim ecclesiasticis Carthaginensibus haec ejus verba descripsimus.