6. [VI.]—Cœlestius the Disciple is In This Work Bolder Than His Master.
Carefully observe, then, what Cœlestius has advanced so very openly, and you will discover what amount of concealment Pelagius has practised upon you. Cœlestius goes on to say as follows: “That infants, however, must be baptized for the remission of sins, was not admitted by us with the view of our seeming to affirm sin by transmission. This is very alien from the catholic meaning, because sin is not born with a man,—it is subsequently committed by the man for it is shown to be a fault, not of nature, but of the will. It is fitting, therefore, to confess this, lest we should seem to make different kinds of baptism; it is, moreover, necessary to lay down this preliminary safeguard, lest by the occasion of this mystery evil should, to the disparagement of the Creator, be said to be conveyed to man by nature, before that it has been committed by man.” Now Pelagius was either afraid or ashamed to avow this to be his own opinion before you; although his disciple experienced neither a qualm nor a blush in openly professing it to be his, without any obscure subterfuges, in presence of the Apostolic See.
6. Attendite itaque quid Coelestius apertissime dixerit, et ibi videbitis quid vobis Pelagius occultaverit. Coelestius quippe adjungit, et dicit: «In remissionem autem peccatorum baptizandos infantes, non idcirco diximus, ut peccatum ex traduce firmare videamur: quod longe a catholico sensu alienum est. Quia peccatum non cum homine nascitur, quod postmodum exercetur ab homine: quia non naturae delictum, sed voluntatis esse monstratur. Et illud ergo confiteri congruum, ne diversa Baptismatis genera facere videamur, et hoc praemunire necessarium est, ne per mysterii occasionem, ad Creatoris injuriam malum antequam fiat ab homine, tradi dicatur homini per naturam.» Hunc sensum suum vobis aperire Pelagius vel timuit, vel erubuit, quem discipulus ejus palam sine ullius obscuritatis ambagibus apud Sedem Apostolicam profiteri nec timuit, nec erubuit.