[XVIII.] The real objection against them is, that they refuse to confess that unbaptized infants are liable to the condemnation of the first man, and that original sin has been transmitted to them and requires to be purged by regeneration; their contention being that infants must be baptized solely for being admitted into the kingdom of heaven, as if they could only have eternal death apart from the kingdom of heaven, who cannot have eternal life without partaking of the Lord’s body and blood. This, I would have you know, is the real objection to them respecting the baptism of infants; and not as he has represented it, for the purpose of enabling himself to save his own dogmas while answering what is actually a proposition of his own, under colour of meeting an objection.
Objicitur autem illis, quod non baptizatos parvulos nolunt damnationi primi hominis obnoxios confiteri, et in eos transisse originale peccatum regeneratione purgandum; quoniam propter accipiendum regnum coelorum tantummodo eos baptizandos esse contendunt: quasi praeter regnum coelorum habere nisi aeternam mortem possint, qui sine participatione corporis et sanguinis Domini aeternam vitam habere non possunt. Ecce quod eis objicitur de Baptismo parvulorum: non quod ipse ita proposuit, ut possit suae propositioni, quasi adversantis objectioni, secundum sua dogmata respondere.