21. [XIX.]—Pelagius Avoids the Question as to Why Baptism is Necessary for Infants.
Now it is to no purpose that he says all this. He does not clear himself thereby. Not even they have ever denied the impossibility of infants entering the kingdom of heaven without baptism. But this is not the question; what we are discussing concerns the obliteration161 Purgatione. of original sin in infants. Let him clear himself on this point, since he refuses to acknowledge that there is anything in infants which the laver of regeneration has to cleanse. On this account we ought carefully to consider what he has afterwards to say. After adducing, then, the passage of the Gospel which declares that “whosoever is not born again of water and the Spirit cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven”162 John iii. 5. (on which matter, as we have said, they raise no question), he goes on at once to ask: “Who indeed is so impious as to have the heart to refuse the common redemption of the human race to an infant of any age whatever?” But this is ambiguous language; for what redemption does he mean? Is it from evil to good? or from good to better? Now even Cœlestius, at Carthage,163 See above, in the preface to the treatise On the Perfection of a Righteous Man, towards the end. allowed a redemption for infants in his book; although, at the same time, he would not admit the transmission of sin to them from Adam.
21. Frustra ista dicit: non inde se purgat. In regnum coelorum sine Baptismo parvulos intrare non posse, nec ipsi aliquando negaverunt. Sed non inde quaestio est: de purgatione originalis peccati in parvulis quaestio est. Inde se purget, qui non vult fateri, lavacrum regenerationis in parvulis habere quod purget. Et ideo caetera quae dicturus est attendamus. Post interpositum enim ex Evangelio testimonium, quod nisi renatus ex aqua et Spiritu , regnum coelorum nullus possit intrare (Joan. III, 5), unde illis, ut diximus, nulla fit quaestio; secutus adjunxit, dicens: «Quis ille tam impius est, qui cujuslibet aetatis parvulo interdicat communem humani generis redemptionem?» Et hoc ambiguum est, qualem dicat redemptionem: utrum ex malo ad bonum, an ex bono ad melius. Nam et Coelestius apud Carthaginem in libello suo confessus est redemptionem parvulorum, et tamen noluit confiteri ex Adam in eos transisse peccatum.