48.—Pelagius Rightly Condemned and Really Opposed by Ambrose.
These words, however, of the man of God are contradicted by Pelagius, notwithstanding all his commendation of his author, when he himself declares that “we are procreated, as without virtue, so without vice.”263 See above, ch. 14 (xiii.). What remains, then, but that Pelagius should condemn and renounce this error of his; or else be sorry that he has quoted Ambrose in the way he has? Inasmuch, however, as the blessed Ambrose, catholic bishop as he is, has expressed himself in the above-quoted passages in accordance with the catholic faith, it follows that Pelagius, along with his disciple Cœlestius, was justly condemned by the authority of the catholic Church for having turned aside from the true way of faith, since he repented not for having bestowed commendation on Ambrose, and for having at the same time entertained opinions in opposition to him. I know full well with what insatiable avidity you264 The three friends to whom these two books are addressed were pious members of the same family; Pinianus was the husband, Melania his wife, and Albina her mother. read whatever is written for edification and in confirmation of the faith; but yet, notwithstanding its utility as contributing to such an end, I must at last bring this treatise to a conclusion.
48. His tamen verbis hominis Dei, quem tanto praeconio ipse laudavit Pelagius, contradicit, et dicit, «sicut sine virtute, ita nos sine vitio procreari.» Quid igitur restat, nisi aut istum Pelagius suum damnet errorem, aut eum sic Ambrosium laudasse poeniteat? Sed quia ista secundum catholicam fidem beatus Ambrosius, ut episcopus catholicus, est locutus; sequitur ut ab hac via fidei devius merito Pelagius cum Coelestio discipulo suo catholicae Ecclesiae sit auctoritate damnatus, nisi eum non Ambrosium laudasse, sed contra Ambrosium sensisse poeniteat. Scio vos ea quae ad aedificationem vel confirmationem fidei conscribuntur, insatiabiliter legere: verumtamen hic liber, quamtumlibet sit ad hoc utilis, jam tandem aliquando finiendus est.