Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale80
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Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei 127
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Congregatio de Causis Sanctorum 141
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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 93
Dum Beatissimus Pater legatis civitatum apud Sanctam Sedem omina ob Novum
Annum profert.*
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is always a particular pleasure for me to receive you, the distinguished
members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, in the splendid
setting of this Sala Regia, and personally to offer you my cordial good wishes
for the New Year. Before all else, I thank your Dean, Ambassador Alejandro
Valladares Lanza, and the Vice-Dean, Ambassador Jean-Claude Michel, for
the respectful sentiments which they expressed on your behalf, and I offer a
special greeting to all those taking part in our meeting for the first time.
Through you my good wishes extend to all the nations which you represent
and with which the Holy See maintains diplomatic relations. It is a joy for us
that Malaysia joined this community in the past year. The dialogue which
you maintain with the Holy See favours the exchange of views and
information, as well as cooperation in areas of common interest which are
bilateral or multilateral in nature. Your presence today evokes the important
contribution which the Church makes to your societies in areas such as
education, health care and social services. A sign of the cooperation
existing between the Catholic Church and States is seen in the Accords
reached in 2011 with Azerbaijan, Montenegro and Mozambique. The first
has already been ratified; I trust that this will also be the case with the
two others, and that those currently under negotiation will soon be
concluded. The Holy See also desires to establish a fruitful dialogue with
international and regional organizations, and in this context I note with
satisfaction that the member states of the Association of South-East Asian
Nations (ASEAN) have accepted the appointment of an Apostolic Nuncio
accredited to that organization. Nor can I fail to mention that last December
the Holy See strengthened its longstanding cooperation with the
International Organization for Migration by becoming a full member. This
* Die 9 Ianuarii 2012.