Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale80
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is a sign of the commitment of the Holy See and the Catholic Church,
alongside the international community, in the search for suitable solutions
to this phenomenon which presents a number of aspects ranging from the
safeguarding of the dignity of persons to concern for the common good of
both the communities which receive them and those from which they come.
In the course of the year just ended, I personally met many Heads of
State and Government, as well as the distinguished representatives of your
nations who took part in the ceremony of the Beatification of my beloved
predecessor, Pope John Paul II. Representatives of your countries were also
graciously present for the celebrations marking the sixtieth anniversary of
my priestly ordination. To all of them, and to those whom I met during my
Apostolic Journeys to Croatia, San Marino, Spain, Germany and Benin, I
renew my gratitude for the kindness which they showed me. My thoughts
also turn in a special way to the countries of Latin America and the
Caribbean which in 2011 celebrated the bicentenary of their independence.
On 12 December last, they emphasized their bond with the Catholic Church
and with the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles by taking part, alongside
distinguished representatives of the ecclesial community and institutional
authorities, in the solemn celebration held in Saint Peter's Basilica, during
which I announced my intention to visit Mexico and Cuba in the near future.
Finally, I wish to greet South Sudan, which last July became a sovereign
state. I am happy that this was achieved peacefully. Sadly, tensions and
clashes have ensued in recent months, and I express my hope that all may
unite their efforts to enable the people of Sudan and South Sudan to
experience at last a period of peace, freedom and development.
Your Excellencies,
Today's meeting traditionally takes place at the end of the Christmas
season, during which the Church celebrates the coming of the Saviour. He
comes in the dark of night and so his presence is immediately a source of light
and joy.1 Truly the world is gloomy wherever it is not brightened by God's
light! Truly the world is dark wherever men and women no longer acknowl-
edge their bond with the Creator and thereby endanger their relation to other
creatures and to creation itself. The present moment is sadly marked by a
1 Cfr Lk 2: 9-10.