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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 99
d'Ivoire, the continuing instability in the Great Lakes region and the
humanitarian emergency in the countries of the Horn of Africa. I once
again appeal to the international community to make every effort to
find a solution to the crisis which has gone on for years in Somalia.
Finally I would stress that education, correctly understood, cannot fail to
foster respect for creation. We cannot disregard the grave natural calamities
which in 2011 affected various regions of South-East Asia, or ecological
disasters like that of the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.
Environmental protection and the connection between fighting poverty
and fighting climate change are important areas for the promotion of
integral human development. For this reason, I hope that, pursuant to the
XVII session of the Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention on
Climate Change recently concluded in Durban, the international community
will prepare for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (''Rio + 20'')
as an authentic ''family of nations'' and thus with a great sense of solidarity
and responsibility towards present and future generations.
Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The birth of the Prince of Peace teaches us that life does not end in a void,
that its destiny is not decay but eternal life. Christ came so that we might
have life and have it in abundance.6 ''Only when the future is certain as a
positive reality does it become possible to live the present as well''.7
Inspired by the certainty of faith, the Holy See continues to offer its
proper contribution to the international community in accordance with the
twofold desire clearly enunciated by the Second Vatican Council, whose
fiftieth anniversary takes place this year: to proclaim the lofty grandeur of
our human calling and the presence within us of a divine seed, and to offer
humanity sincere cooperation in building a sense of universal fraternity
corresponding to this calling.8[6] In this spirit I renew to all of you, and to
your families and your staff, my most cordial good wishes for the New Year.
Thank you for your attention.
6 Cfr Jn 10: 10. 7 Spe salvi, 2. 8 Cfr Gaudium et spes, 3.