dell'alleanza di Dio con il suo popolo. Nel Vangelo, Gesù riprende il cantico di

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 - Cathedrali Ecclesiae Baionensi, vacanti post renuntiationem a Summo

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and the dignity of each human being, respecting and defending life which is

the gift of God, and is thus sacred for Christians and for Muslims alike - only

on the basis of this recognition, can we find a common ground for building a

more fraternal world, a world in which confrontations and differences are

peacefully settled, and the devastating power of ideologies is neutralized.

My hope, once again, is that these fundamental human rights will be

protected for all people everywhere. Political and religious leaders have the

duty of ensuring the free exercise of these rights in full respect for each

individual's freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. The discrimina-

tion and violence which even today religious people experience throughout

the world, and the often violent persecutions to which they are subject,

represent unacceptable and unjustifiable acts, all the more grave and deplo-

rable when they are carried out in the name of God. God's name can only be a

name of peace and fraternity, justice and love. We are challenged to demon-

strate, by our words and above all by our deeds, that the message of our

religions is unfailingly a message of harmony and mutual understanding. It is

essential that we do so, lest we weaken the credibility and the effectiveness

not only of our dialogue, but also of our religions themselves.

I pray that the ''Catholic-Muslim Forum'', now confidently taking its first

steps, can become ever more a space for dialogue, and assist us in treading

together the path to an ever fuller knowledge of Truth. The present meeting

is also a privileged occasion for committing ourselves to a more heartfelt

quest for love of God and love of neighbour, the indispensable condition

for offering the men and women of our time an authentic service of reconci-

liation and peace.

Dear friends, let us unite our efforts, animated by good will, in order to

overcome all misunderstanding and disagreements. Let us resolve to overco-

me past prejudices and to correct the often distorted images of the other

which even today can create difficulties in our relations; let us work with

one another to educate all people, especially the young, to build a common

future. May God sustain us in our good intentions, and enable our commu-

nities to live consistently the truth of love, which constitutes the heart of the

religious man, and is the basis of respect for the dignity of each person. May

God, the merciful and compassionate One, assist us in this challenging mis-

sion, protect us, bless us and enlighten us always with the power of his love.