Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale504

 Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 505

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 Hoc autem decretum publici iuris fieri et in acta Congregationis de Causis

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 Congregatio pro Gentium Evangelizatione 561

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 Acta Tribunalium 563

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 Diarium Romanae Curiae 565

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Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Conventiones 533


Statement of the Holy See: episcopal ordination in the diocese of Leshan

(province of Sichuan, mainland China)

With regard to the episcopal ordination of the Rev. Paul Lei Shiyin,

which took place on Wednesday 29 June last and was conferred without

the apostolic mandate, the following is stated:

1) Rev. Lei Shiyin, ordained without the Papal mandate and hence

illegitimately, has no authority to govern the diocesan Catholic

community, and the Holy See does not recognise him as the Bishop of the

Diocese of Leshan. The effects of the sanction which he has incurred through

violation of the norm of can. 1382 of the Code of Canon Law remain in place.

The same Rev. Lei Shiyin had been informed, for some time, that he was

unacceptable to the Holy See as an episcopal candidate for proven and very

grave reasons.

2) The consecrating Bishops have exposed themselves to the grave

canonical sanctions laid down by the law of the Church (in particular,

canon 1382 of the Code of Canon Law; cf. Declaration of the Pontifical

Council for Legislative Texts of 6 June 2011).

3) An episcopal ordination without Papal mandate is directly opposed to

the spiritual role of the Supreme Pontiff and damages the unity of the

Church. The Leshan ordination was a unilateral act which sows division

and unfortunately produces rifts and tensions in the Catholic community

in China. The survival and development of the Church can only take place

in union with him to whom the Church herself is entrusted in the first place,

and not without his consent as, however, occurred in Leshan. If it is desired

that the Church in China be Catholic, the Church's doctrine and discipline

must be respected.

4) The Leshan episcopal ordination has deeply saddened the Holy

Father, who wishes to send to the beloved faithful in China a word of

encouragement and hope, inviting them to prayer and unity.

From the Vatican, 4 July 2011.