tula ad Hebraeos cum « plenitudine fidei » (10, 22) arte coniungit « spei con-
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fisicamente con noi, ma sono a noi idealmente uniti. La celebrazione del
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Congregatio pro Episcopis 1071
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of the natural moral law. This has led, in effect, to the imposition of a notion
of law and politics which ultimately makes consensus between states - a
consensus conditioned at times by short-term interests or manipulated by
ideological pressure - the only real basis of international norms. The bitter
fruits of this relativistic logic are sadly evident: we think, for example, of the
attempt to consider as human rights the consequences of certain self-centred
lifestyles; a lack of concern for the economic and social needs of the poorer
nations; contempt for humanitarian law, and a selective defence of human
rights. It is my hope that your study and reflection during these days will
result in more effective ways of making the Church's social doctrine better
known and accepted on the international level. I encourage you, then, to
counter relativism creatively by presenting the great truths about man's
innate dignity and the rights which are derived from that dignity. This in
turn will contribute to the forging of a more adequate response to the many
issues being discussed today in the international forum. Above all, it will help
to advance specific initiatives marked by a spirit of solidarity and freedom.
What is needed, in fact, is a spirit of solidarity conducive for promoting as
a body those ethical principles which, by their very nature and their role as
the basis of social life, remain non-negotiable. A spirit of solidarity imbued
with a strong sense of fraternal love leads to a better appreciation of the
initiatives of others and a deeper desire to cooperate with them. Thanks to
this spirit, one will always, whenever it is useful or necessary, work in colla-
boration either with the various non-governmental organizations or the re-
presentatives of the Holy See, with due respect for their differences of nature,
institutional ends and methods of operation. On the other hand, an authentic
spirit of freedom, lived in solidarity, will help the initiative of the members of
non-governmental organization to create a broad gamut of new approaches
and solutions with regard to those temporal affairs which God has left to the
free and responsible judgement of every individual. When experienced in
solidarity, legitimate pluralism and diversity will lead not to division and
competition, but to ever greater effectiveness. The activities of your organi-
zations will bear genuine fruit provided they remain faithful to the Church's
Magisterium, anchored in communion with her pastors and above all with the
successor of Peter, and meet in a spirit of prudent openness the challenges of
the present moment.