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Acta Francisci Pp. 165
Exeunte LI Congressu Eucharistico Internationali Caebuae (Insulae Philip- pinae)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I greet all of you gathered in Cebu for the Fifty-first International
Eucharistic Congress. I thank Cardinal Bo, who is my representative among
you, and I offer a special greeting to Cardinal Vidal, Archbishop Palma
and the bishops, priests and faithful in Cebu. I also greet Cardinal Tagle
and all the Catholics of the Philippines. I am particularly happy that this
Congress has brought together so many people from the vast continent of
Asia and from throughout the world.
Just one year ago, I visited the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon
Yolanda. I was able to witness at first hand the deep faith and resilience of
its people. Under the protection of Santo Niño, the Filipino people received
the Gospel of Jesus Christ some five hundred years ago. Ever since, they
have given the world an example of fidelity and deep devotion to the Lord
and his Church. They have also been a people of missionaries, speading
the light of the Gospel in Asia and to the ends of the earth.
The theme of the Eucharistic Congress - Christ in You, Our Hope of
Glory - is very timely. It reminds us that the risen Jesus is always alive
and present in his Church, above all in the Eucharist, the sacrament of
his Body and Blood. Christ's presence among us is not only a consolation,
but also a promise and a summons. It is a promise that everlasting joy and
peace will one day be ours in the fullness of his Kingdom. But it is also a
summons to go forth, as missionaries, to bring the message of the Father's
tenderness, forgiveness and mercy to every man, woman and child.
How much our world needs this message! When we think of the conflicts,
the injustices and the urgent humanitarian crises which mark our time,
we realize how important it is for every Christian to be a true missionary
disciple, bringing the good news of Christ's redemptive love to a world in
such need of reconciliation, justice and peace.
So it is fitting that this Congress has been celebrated in the Year of
Mercy, in which the whole Church is invited to concentrate on the heart