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of the Gospel: Mercy. We are called to bring the balm of God's merciful
love to the whole human family, binding up wounds, bringing hope where
despair so often seems to have the upper hand.
As you now prepare to "go forth" at the end of this Eucharistic Con-
gress, there are two gestures of Jesus at the Last Supper which I would
ask you to reflect on. Both have to do with the missionary dimension of
the Eucharist. They are table fellowship and the washing of feet.
We know how important it was for Jesus to share meals with his disci-
ples, but also, and especially, with sinners and the outcast. Sitting at table,
Jesus was able to listen to others, to hear their stories, to appreciate their
hopes and aspirations, and to speak to them of the Father's love. At each
Eucharist, the table of the Lord's Supper, we should be inspired to follow
his example, by reaching out to others, in a spirit of respect and openness,
in order to share with them the gift we ourselves have received.
In Asia, where the Church is committed to respectful dialogue with the
followers of other religions, this prophetic witness most often takes place,
as we know, through the dialogue of life. Through the testimony of lives
transformed by God's love, we best proclaim the Kingdom's promise of rec-
onciliation, justice and unity for the human family. Our example can open
hearts to the grace of the Holy Spirit, who leads them to Christ the Savior.
The other image which the Lord offers us at the Last Supper is the
washing of feet. On the eve of his passion, Jesus washed the feet of his
disciples as a sign of humble service, of the unconditional love with which
he gave his life on the Cross for the salvation of the world. The Eucharist
is a school of humble service. It teaches us readiness to be there for others.
This too is at the heart of missionary discipleship.
Here I think of the aftermath of the typhoon. It brought immense dev-
astation to the Philippines, yet it also brought in its wake an immense out-
pouring of solidarity, generosity and goodness. People set about rebuilding
not just homes, but lives. The Eucharist speaks to us of that power, which
flows from the Cross and constantly brings new life. It changes hearts. It
enables us to be caring, to protect the poor and the vulnerable, and to be
sensitive to the cry of our brothers and sisters in need. It teaches us to
act with integrity and to reject the injustice and corruption which poison
the roots of society.