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export them as required. Where the public authorities control the supply of raw material, or the relevant means of production and dis- tribution, this right should be respected by ensuring these articles and other facilities are made available locally or by providing the authorization for their purchase or production.
7. The right of Catholics to marry in accordance to marriage rites and cus- toms prescribed by the Canon law. In this regard, the State of Palestine recognizes under its legal system the civil effects of such marriages.
8. The right to burial and the corresponding right of religious commu- nities to perform burial rites pursuant to the prescriptions of their religion or belief. This right encompasses the designation of land for the purpose of establishing a cemetery, and civil authorities shall have the obligation to provide legal protection as required to ceme- teries and other legitimate burial places.
9. The right to observe and respect holy days and days of rest in ac- cordance with one's religion or beliefs, granting to Catholics, work- ing in the public sector, time for the Mass obligation on Sundays and Official Holidays, as is the custom.
10. The right of access to places of worship, the right to make religious pilgrimage to Christian Holy Sites in the country or abroad, the right of the Church to organize pilgrimages and conduct them in coordination with the relevant Palestinian authorities, and the right to equal legal protection for all forms of worship and for all places of worship and holy sites.
11. The right to refuse to take an oath of a religious nature contrary to one's religious beliefs.
12. The right of those in military service, or in analogous forms of ser- vice, to continue to enjoy religious freedom, and the corresponding duty of authorities to facilitate this freedom, inter alia, by making possible regular and appropriately frequent access to a minister of the respective religious community.
13. The individual's genuine "conscientious objection" as a practice con- sistent with the right to freedom of conscience, belief and religion.
14. The right of prisoners to continue to enjoy complete religious free- dom, and the corresponding duty of the rehabilitation and correc- tional authorities to enable them to practise their religion, including