do la condizione di servo ».1 Grazie all'aiuto di ottimi maestri, si pose sulle
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cano le radici di tante Istituzioni ecclesiastiche e civili, studiano la storia dei
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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 677
seeks to accomplish in the world. The heart of Caritas is the sacrificial love of
Christ, and every form of individual and organized charity in the Church
must always find its point of reference in him, the source of charity.
This theological vision has practical implications for the work of chari-
table organizations, and today I should like to single out two of them.
The first is that every act of charity should be inspired by a personal
experience of faith, leading to the discovery that God is Love. The Caritas
worker is called to bear witness to that love before the world. Christian
charity exceeds our natural capacity for love: it is a theological virtue, as
Saint Paul teaches us in his famous hymn to charity.4 It therefore challenges
the giver to situate humanitarian assistance in the context of a personal
witness of faith, which then becomes a part of the gift offered to the poor.
Only when charitable activity takes the form of Christ-like self-giving does it
become a gesture truly worthy of the human person created in God's image
and likeness. Lived charity fosters growth in holiness, after the example of
the many servants of the poor whom the Church has raised to the dignity of
the altars.
The second implication follows closely from the first. God's love is offered
to everyone, hence the Church's charity is also universal in scope, and so it
has to include a commitment to social justice. Yet changing unjust structures
is not of itself sufficient to guarantee the happiness of the human person.
Moreover, as I affirmed recently to the Bishops gathered in Aparecida, Bra-
zil, the task of politics "is not the immediate competence of the Church".5
Rather, her mission is to promote the integral development of the human
person. For this reason, the great challenges facing the world at the present
time, such as globalization, human rights abuses, unjust social structures,
cannot be confronted and overcome unless attention is focused on the deepest
needs of the human person: the promotion of human dignity, well-being and,
in the final analysis, eternal salvation.
I am confident that the work of Caritas Internationalis is inspired by the
principles that I have just outlined. Throughout the world there are countless
men and women whose hearts are filled with joy and gratitude for the service
you render them. I wish to encourage each one of you to persevere in your
special mission to spread the love of Christ, who came so that all may have
4 Cf. 1 Cor 13. 5 Address to the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean,
13 May 2007.