Jerome. Lives of Illustrious Men.

 II. Jerome.

 List of Writers.

 Chapter I.

 Chapter II.

 Chapter III.

 Chapter IV.

 Chapter V.

 Chapter VI.

 Chapter VII.

 Chapter VIII.

 Chapter IX.

 Chapter X.

 Chapter XI.

 Chapter XII.

 Chapter XIII.

 Chapter XIV.

 Chapter XV.

 Chapter XVI.

 Chapter XVII.

 Chapter XVIII.

 Chapter XIX.

 Chapter XX.

 Chapter XXI.

 Chapter XXII.

 Chapter XXIII.

 Chapter XXIV.

 Chapter XXV.

 Chapter XXVI.

 Chapter XXVII.

 Chapter XXVIII.

 Chapter XXIX.

 Chapter XXX.

 Chapter XXXI.

 Chapter XXXII.

 Chapter XXXIII.

 Chapter XXXIV.

 Chapter XXXV.

 Chapter XXXVI.

 Chapter XXXVII.

 Chapter XXXVIII.

 Chapter XXXIX.

 Chapter XL.

 Chapter XLI.

 Chapter XLII.

 Chapter XLIII.

 Chapter XLIV.

 Chapter XLV.

 Chapter XLVI.

 Chapter XLVII.

 Chapter XLVIII.

 Chapter XLIX.

 Chapter L.

 Chapter LI.

 Chapter LII.

 Chapter LIII.

 Chapter LIV.

 Chapter LV.

 Chapter LVI.

 Chapter LVII.

 Chapter LVIII.

 Chapter LIX.

 Chapter LX.

 Chapter LXI.

 Chapter LXII.

 Chapter LXIII.

 Chapter LXIV.

 Chapter LXV.

 Chapter LXVI.

 Chapter LXVII.

 Chapter LXVIII

 Chapter LXIX.

 Chapter LXX.

 Chapter LXXI.

 Chapter LXXII.

 Chapter LXXIII.

 Chapter LXXIV.

 Chapter LXXV.

 Chapter LXXVI.

 Chapter LXXVII.

 Chapter LXXVIII.

 Chapter LXXIX.

 Chapter LXXX.

 Chapter LXXXI.

 Chapter LXXXII.

 Chapter LXXXIII.

 Chapter LXXXIV.

 Chapter LXXXV.

 Chapter LXXXVI.

 Chapter LXXXVII.

 Chapter LXXXVIII.

 Chapter LXXXIX.

 Chapter XC.

 Chapter XCI.

 Chapter XCII.

 Chapter XCIII.

 Chapter XCIV.

 Chapter XCV.

 Chapter XCVI.

 Chapter XCVII

 Chapter XCVIII.

 Chapter XCIX.

 Chapter C.

 Chapter CI.

 Chapter CII.

 Chapter CIII.

 Chapter CIV.

 Chapter CV.

 Chapter CVI.

 Chapter CVII.

 Chapter CVIII.

 Chapter CIX.

 Chapter CX.

 Chapter CXI.

 Chapter CXII.

 Chapter CXIII.

 Chapter CXIV.

 Chapter CXV.

 Chapter CXVI.

 Chapter CXVII.

 Chapter CXVIII.

 Chapter CXIX.

 Chapter CXX.

 Chapter CXXI.

 Chapter CXXII.

 Chapter CXXIII.

 Chapter CXXIV.

 Chapter CXXV.

 Chapter CXXVI.

 Chapter CXXVII.

 Chapter CXXVIII.

 Chapter CXXIX.

 Chapter CXXX.

 Chapter CXXXI.

 Chapter CXXXII.

 Chapter CXXXIII.

 Chapter CXXXIV.

 Chapter CXXXV.

Chapter CXXXV.

I, Jerome,249 Born 331, died 420. son of Eusebius, of the city of Strido, which is on the border of Dalmatia and Pannonia and was overthrown by the Goths, up to the present year, that is, the fourteenth of the Emperor Theodosius, have written the following: Life of Paul the monk, one book of Letters to different persons, an Exhortation to Heliodorus, Controversy of Luciferianus and Orthodoxus, Chronicle of universal history, 28 homilies of Origen on Jeremiah and Ezekiel, which I translated from Greek into Latin, On the Seraphim, On Osanna, On the prudent and the prodigal sons, On three questions of the ancient law, Homilies on the Song of Songs two, Against Helvidius, On the perpetual virginity of Mary, To Eustochius, On maintaining virginity, one book of Epistles to Marcella, a consolatory letter to Paula On the death of a daughter, three books of Commentaries on the epistle of Paul to the Galatians, likewise three books of Commentaries on the epistle to the Ephesians, On the epistle to Titus one book, On the epistle to Philemon one, Commentaries on Ecclesiastes, one book of Hebrew questions on Genesis, one book On places in Judea, one book of Hebrew names, Didymus on the Holy Spirit, which I translated into Latin one book, 39 homilies on Luke250 39 homilies, T 25 30 Her.; 39 homilies of Origen A H 31 e a etc.On Psalms 10 to 16, seven books, On the captive Monk, The Life of the blessed Hilarion. I translated the New Testament from the Greek, and the Old Testament from the Hebrew,251 The Old Testament from the Hebrew A H 30 31 a e; omit T 25 Her. and how many Letters I have written To Paula and Eustochius I do not know, for I write daily. I wrote moreover, two books of Explanations on Micah, one book On Nahum, two books On Habakkuk, one On Zephaniah, one On Haggai, and many others On the prophets, which are not yet finished, and which I am still at work upon.252 There are many brief additions to the chapter on Jerome himself, the most common one (B C D I S V W X Y Z 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 14 15 17 19 20 21 26 27 28 33 42 m o p r t u v y z) being “Two books Against Jovinian and an Apology addressed to Pammachus.” Some add also “and an Epitaphium.” A and k give a long additional account of Jerome.